What's the best argument against global warming?

What's the best most sound argument against human mediated global warming and CO2 emissions?

Does anyone know why the baseline regarding average global warming is set between 1961-1990?

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There is not one. We need mass depopulation ;)

There isn’t any we are clearly fucking the world up. Denial of this is just cope and changes nothing about reality.


if it was real greenies wouldn't support importing 3rd world africans and giving them free TVs

but honestly I don't care, lets burn the earth.

If you don't identify China and India as the main sources of MMGW and redirect your efforts towards them, then your only goal is economic terrorism against the west.

uh dude global warming is real, just because we hate niggers and jews here doesn't make us fucking retards jesus dude get it together

They have 3-4x as many people as America and pollute at similar rates. It’s america that needs to reduce theirs per capita

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There is none unless you want to fuck up your lands as badly as China that can no longer grow healthy food there and has to import everything for the non cancer village plebs class

I would understand if you were denying global warming because you want to speed up the collapse of the society you hate and then you want to rebuild it your way. I would understand and even respect that.

but you're doing this for a much simpler reason. You're doing this because you're retarded.

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Why is this the only topic I see on this website anymore? I'm here to escape my shitty life, not to see every single fucked up thing about humanity.

>Inviting millions upon millions of third-worlders with virtually no carbon footprints into first-world countries so that they can all have massive first-world sized carbon footprints, like the ones we’re being told to reduce. At the same time giving them and their litters of children access (in this case "free") access to first-world medical care so the global population can and will invariably explode when we’ve been told it’s already overcrowded and needs to be reduced.

Okay this was really not the response I anticipated to get from a place like /pol. I really thought you had some arguments that disputed the clear apocalyptic rethoric by communists such as Greta Thunberg. I guess my expectations of this place were too high.

This is true but China and India export to the whole world, without them making parts the world economy would start to break down.

And why is that? Are you new? You sound new.

where is the argument here?

And of course theres never mention of the new grand solar minimum we're heading into. They'll just call it "climate change".

>What's the best most sound argument against human mediated global warming and CO2 emissions?
As long as the solution isn't "nuclear, localised industry, and closed borders" then the people pandering this tax scheme to us don't actually believe it.

There isn't a good argument for global warming to begin with. CO2 does not cause temp to rise. Pollution is still bad on a local level though and needs to be maintained to prevent ecological disasters.

First kill all the chinks, and then proceed with the killing of all shitskins, starting with pajeets and following up with extermination of sand-niggers. Easy-peasy.

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who cares.

The grand canyon.

Go to the ocean and look at the water level. It hasn't gone up. Also, I want it to get warmer. Every one should want it to get warmer. The planet was able to produce massive plant life when it was warmer. More plant life = more life over all. Global cooling is fucking bad news in a big way.

They try and pull this trick all the time. Equating "global warming" to environmental pollution. They are two separate issues. Pollution is no good. Clean water, soil, air is very important. Global warming is another issue completely and should be encouraged.

More like both fall back to third world.
It happens at the moment with india.
They lost the workbench of the world to bangladesh and other cheaper countries.
And now they need jobs for the many indianmen who reach employee age.

When it was warmer african deserts had more water.
But he problem is with wamrth, we change the system we know and have based our culture in it.
And with the rising temperature climate winds now move slower and different. A storm which would last one week over a nation now may take a month till it moves on.

>More like both fall back to third world.
>Implying they've ever been anything other than third world

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AI will either fix the problem better than we can for us... Or kill us. So who cares?

>3-4 times as many people
>Pollute at same rates
>America needs to reduce
Economic terrorism.

No one on the planet knows how the sun works or even what it is and it is the only reason earth does anything at all. Basically it's irrational bullshit and you should immediately disregard the person you're "arguing" with because there is absolutely no evidence of global warming.Pollution would specifically refer to the toxicity of the environment "as it is currently" and not some arbitrary timescale with predictions.That can include CO2 in cases of high density areas with no draft/way of the pollution to dissipate.

Co2 is harmless and does not drive climate.

If it did then there would be no discernible temperature differences between Mars and Venus which both have about equal concentrations of co2 in their atmosphere.

The fact that there is a decernible difference between the two most certainly means the temperature differential is based in some other measure that has nothing to do with C02 concentration.

>A storm which would last one week over a nation now may take a month till it moves on.
source? zero proof that this would happen. Global cooling is a mass killer, global warming is a massive explosion of life. All proven.

>No one on the planet knows how the sun works or even what it is and it is the only reason earth does anything at all.
completely agree

>If it did then there would be no discernible temperature differences between Mars and Venus which both have about equal concentrations of co2 in their atmosphere.

I mean official.

They found out that the jetstreams are not that strong and keeping a weather condition longer at area.
We see this in india today. Not enough power to monsun the people.

Attached: jetstream yet here.jpg (1200x675, 103K)

What percent of the atmosphere is Co2? .0391% Less than one half of one percent. It ain't Co2.

You pic shows exactly what I said. global cooling (polar vortex) is bad fucking news. We want it to warm up not cool down.

that before global warming it was global cooling and before that peak oil and before that the rainforest deforestation and before that the hole in ozone layer, etc on and on. all of these things are just ways for shady fucks to bilk billions in tax payer dollars for 'science'

1) climate has been cycling up and down for all of the earth's climate history
2) Some of our recent warming periods, like the Roman warming cycle, and the Medieval warming cycle WERE WARMER THAN OUR CURRENT WARMING CYCLE
3) C02 is necessary for plants to live. 2000ppm C02 is when plants thrive. 150ppm is when plants starve to death. The planet currently is at 400ppm with slight rising, thank god, since we were so close to plant starvation. Plants need to breathe in C02 so they can breathe out 02 for us.
4) Our current warming cycle is actually on its way to the next cooling cycle
5) climate chicken-littles only show charts with the extent of the thermometer record showing the last little bit and calling that man-made
6) Only 1% of the entire world's surface is populated. The entire mass of our total carbon footprint, including all people, all our emissions and garbage, is less than .000000000015 of the earth's mass.
7) The earth's climate system includes its entire set of ecosystems, including the lower and upper atmospheres, all the oceans, rivers and other bodies of water, grassy plains, rain forests, ice caps, coriolis effect, sun radiance and sun spots, and even the tides. We aren't a flea on a gnat's ass compared to it.
8) All the rich people who tell you to be afraid of climate change all have private yachts and planes and gas-guzzling limos, and they are all still building houses and properties on the coastlines.
9) 1600 private jets with one representative each (and their personal guests) all flew from different countries to meet at the last UN climate change symposium. Assuming they were Lear 45XRs or similar light jets, that means those 1600 private jets used 1,600,000 pounds of fuel JUST TO TAKE OFF

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global warming is the longest running scam in history.
>Look plebs.. we did it.. we saved the world!

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Climate change bad!

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You are wrong, and no doubt a faggot

The baseline does not matter. Where the zero of a function is set is irrelevant to changes in the function's value over its domain.

If you aren't talking to the Chinese about Global Warming, you aren't actually fighting global warming.

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My picture shows what the difference is. I said we see this in india at the moment.
I wasnt talking about your polar vortex. Just that a weather condition like a heatwave or snow avalanche might now be longer or stronger than years ago.
The rising temperature isnt recognizable for us, i mean the fahrenheit difference. We only can see jetstreams slow down.
So we can get very cold winter or them starting later than average.

Yeah, we dont really know what is connected with another nor what details changes. These forecast really are foggy. The golf doesnt slowed down enough to give certain regions a new ice age situations.

>implying global warming were bad
go eat a foreskin you faggot

woops, look like your graph intentionally exaggerates past temperature changes and minimizes the modern warming trend

the real data can be found from the papers listed here: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png

Attached: 800px-2000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png (800x601, 201K)

the best arguments against things are not dependent on compromised studies that can confirm whatever the scientist doing them wishes to confirm. the money and prestige incentives are enough to bias all of these. in a post moral subjective society where honesty and value in the future are meaningless to selfish moderns, you can’t trust data to be fairly gathered or interpreted. arguments from reason are the best way to prove or disprove anything. what would be the perfect thing that could come along with enough threat to justify every aspect of the globalist NWO and radical use of force to establish it? global warming. the odds that this just happens to be occurring right now right when they need it, as they lie about literally everything else, that they would be telling the truth about this, defies belief and requires severe mental deficiency to take as proven. fuck lab coats.

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People who deny climate change are no different than people who deny that Jews control the world.

>lol, 2000 years
show a larger data set chart, then go be a jew somewhere else

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nice try brainlet

A good volcanic blast would shut all this shit up.

also, proxies miraculously shift from being unreliable to divine gospel according to denialist argumentative needs

>posts the debunked Mann Hockey Stick and is surprised when he gets the shit kicked out of him
My source here is the IPCC, bitch. Go ahead and call it discredited. I dare you.

Attached: PreHockeyStick.jpg (587x364, 30K)

Is there any, Sven ?
Hopefully, all shitskins will perish.
Could`nt we just invent something like THE PLAGUE 2.0,, but only for subhumans ?

Last. Fucking. Winter.

Greenland is where they can tell what the global mean temperature was by testing the ice core of Greenland's permanent glaciers. Did you not watch 'Day After Tomorrow' with them pulling up cylinders of ice cores? That's the concept. Scientists can't tell the global mean temperature of the planet 8,000 years ago by pulling up a bucket of sand from Ethiopia.

You don't know what you are talking about at all, do you

That's not the Mann hockey stick graph. The "hockey stick graph" is a plot of CO2 over the last 400,000 years or so. Your graph is also exaggerated compared to , which is based on more empirical data, from multiple studies.

zoom out on that graph and you;ll see its cyclical

The best ice cores come from Antarctica, not Greenland. Greenland cores have problems with organic matter contamination that causes large variations between different cores. Antarctica cores are a lot more consistent, and show less temperature variations than what is depicted in that plot, at least until Younger Dryas.

Global warming is better for all life on the planet. The fact that they want to combat it should tell you everything you need to know about it. They don't want a better world for everyone. They want us all living in cuck sheds eating insects while they live like gods. Global warming destroys the agro monopoly. Food everywhere both plant and animal. Its fucking sick shit. WW1 was the first step to kill off all the farmers and WW2 finished the objective. All the chemicals they use to make bombs are now the fertilizers they use in big agro.

Per capita is completely meaningless here. There is only one climate.

>claims of conspiracy
>baseless accusations

The biggest argument is that we are entering the grand solar minimum and the next 80 years will be the coldest and wettest of your life.

All heat comes from the Sun and Vulcanism faggots

Nothing I said was incorrect. Global warming is significantly better than global cooling.

>Global warming is significantly better than global cooling.
This is a useless statement. Ecologists and biologists agree that climate warming has already affected natural ecosystems and organisms, and will continue to do so, with mostly deleterious effects. Who cares what ignorant laymen (You) say about it?

checked.. and what do they say the effects of global cooler where? Significantly worse for everyone. Layman or not. You are a simpleton.

50% of meteorologist don't trust the research of climate scientist.