Stand and Deliver Movie

Does this movie refute pol's ideology

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Is this the one South Park made fun of with the “how do I reach these kids” gag? Anyway, film is the propaganda machine of the Jewish elite.

No. It's an American success story.
Work hard, make sacrifices and you can come out ahead

Not really. In fact, it supports it.
The movie shows that anyone can succeed if they will just apply themselves. So the unsuccessful ghetto dwellers have chosen that life.
It also shows how teacher's unions work; one teacher was jealous of the guy's success and game, and so he sabotaged it.

It only emphasizes it. Educated capitalist help troubled youths become educated in STEM

1. It's a fuckin' movie.
2. There exist hispanics who can do math.
3. If the message is "Don't dumb down education for the Oppressed Pox" then I, for one, wholeheartedly endorse this revolutionary proposition.

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>does a fictional movie refute facts

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its a true story

>durr if these people genetically predisposed to low iq and low time preference just apply themselves they can be just as successful as whites
Congrats on being as retarded as the OP

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No, it bolsters it. When whites or Asians learn calculus nobody thinks its so amazing and anomalous that they make a fucking movie about it.

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you mean like Schindlers List ?

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Didn't family guy make a parody of this

No, the movie is bullshit. It didn't happen like that, at all. It took years to build up that program, years of recruiting the right students. He didn't just walk into a classroom and teach a bunch of illiterate cholos calculus. If any of that were actually possible, Escalante would be a multi-millionaire and his techniques would be taught in every math classroom on the planet. Failing to understand these things means you are a retard.

>Escalante first began teaching at Garfield High School in 1974 and taught his first AP Calculus course in 1978 with a group of 14 students. Only five students remained in the course at the end of the year, only two of whom passed the AP Calculus exam.

The movie is Hollywood bullshit, and you're a fucking retard for falling for the bullshit. Fuck you.

They admit it's a miracle on the package.

South Park did, so I'm sure Family Guy also did. Jews are very creative and original.

they cheated, the only miracle is that people think they achieved something other than being low i.q taco niggers who couldnt pass an exam.


whole movie's fantasy bullshit, no damn all those kids could just pass like that in real life

>applies self
>life of low income mexican improves
>"hurr durr can't be successful as white people"

How are you this dense


People don't understand the movie is so ridiculously fictionalized and that it tool 4 years of sifting through every worthless greasy cholo at that school to find a total of 2 that could get a passing grade on the AP test.

Considering the conditions they live in it is a miracle. How the fuck can someone focus on calculus in poverty while you faggots are faking moon landings.

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>Takes some super human effort to get hispanic kids to learn
No, it's reality.

Same as a trailer park kid... they ain't gonna learn shit so long as their in poverty.

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Looks like you did neither.

Stand By Me was better.

You're the retard. These AP tests are passable by anyone who properly prepares. I've coached poor, brown children to the highest pass rate in the city simply by covering all the material in time and adding mental recall exercises to the mix. The kids ace the test without breaking a sweat.

>the conditions they live in
Who brought about those conditions?

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Not really. "Stand and Deliver", and the following year's "Lean on Me", both took heavy liberties and artistic license with the events they portrayed. They've each been debunked before.

Family Guy certainly did. The episode where Brian becomes an English literature teacher at Chris's school was their parody of that.

"Lean on Me", user. "Stand by Me" was the movie adapted from a Stephen King coming of age story where four friends go on a journey to see a dead body, "Lean on Me" was the movie about the no-nonsense black principal turning a failing school around.

I mean, unless you already know that and you're saying the movie about 4 kids from Oregon going to ogle a dead hobo was better than a movie about a spic teaching other spics math, in which case you're entitled to your opinion. Weird to compare the two movies, though. Just because they both have "Stand" in the title.

That was a dead poet's society reference.

you momma is a propaganda machine of the Jewish elite

Oh really? Remind me how many of the class in "Dead Poet's Society" were broke, retarded cholos? The ending was a parody of "Dead Poet's Society", the bit as a whole was a parody of "Stand and Deliver", Family Guy is broad parody, not deep satire.

mexican national sport

It doesn't. It bolsters it. It not only supports that hard work and perseverance works, but it demonstrates also how much the kikes had already gotten to the minds of the minorities in the inner-city schools because the students basically wouldn't listen until one of their own people showed up.

I meant Stand by Me.

No. But I'll take it home to Molly.

Okay, then. I think "The Outlaw Josey Wales" was better than "The Wicker Man", if we're just going to rank movies that aren't even similar. Can you imagine what Mister Chain Blue Lightning would have done to that weird-ass cult? Shot all them down with pistols and then killed their leader with his bare hands. Shit woulda been so cash.