>r/Frenworld has been banned
Get fucked nazi cucks.
>r/Frenworld has been banned
Get fucked nazi cucks.
why are you posting about reddit here?
Well, most of pol are T_D posters who came here during 2016 election, so yes, this is very relevant.
Go back to r/againsthatesubreddits and post photos of a nigger fucking your ugly life. You gay kike
Thats really shit. If you removed every board for its 8 offending posts and images you would have no boards at all.
faggot op came all the way here just to learn he still has to go back
imagine failing this hard kek
The who premise of the sub was to use babytalk to nazi dogwhistle. All mods and the creator of the sub were alt righters.
Good fucking riddance. I hope t_d is next.
>Get fucked nazi cucks.
>Have a lot of criminal shitskins in they country
Low iq commie
what does he mean by this, frens?
Wat a not see fren
Not a big loss fren. Im already programming a new hangout for frens only.
since when has Jow Forums no ANY Jow Forums board ever care about reddit?
I don't give a solitary fuck about my country. Im not a commie either. Go back to sosach.
Jow Forums should get involved on Reddit. The bough is breaking over there - Reddit mods are struggling to keep the left wing narrative on track. Every comments section is getting overrun with "problematic" right wing views.
Just yesterday in the r/worldnews thread about the German politicians being threatened, every second comment was anti-immigration. They had to mass ban hundreds of accounts.
Feel free to go over there and start influencing the mainstream instead of wallowing here with christcucks, conspiracy theorists, Varg promoters, and other low-energy cucks.
>I don't give a solitary fuck about my country
You're a good little brain washed dog. You roll over when told to. You denounce your own home in an instant and you applaud when multi-million dollar companies censor different opinions.
They've got you by your balls, NPC.
>most of pol are T_D posters
opinion disregarded
Maybe if you were to live here your whole shitty life instead of having a privilege to be born in a first world liberal democracy you'd have a different opinion.
Id much rather google and apple fuck me in the ass, at least I have an option to not use their products and services.
Is there any point, wont they just delete and ban everything?
How would I go about setting up a 100% anonymous account on reddit that can't be used to dox me?
>The who premise of the sub was to use babytalk to nazi dogwhistle.
Fascinating leftspeak, you just posted a lot of nonsense. How about you translate this?
Who taught you this terminology? I noticed that leftists speak in a very particular way, and identifying left speak helps out leftists on Jow Forums and to eliminate them.
>this is very relevant
No it isn't you newfag. Saged and hidden
in Russia they have such concept as Reddit?
Nazi kukolds vs COmmie kukolds can fight it out whilst your wyte women are taken by BIG BLACK MAN
This is true. I am so interested in identifying users from decadent far left subs on reddit and having them censored and banned outside of reddit.
Imagine how awesome a board, any board, can be if you can just automatically ban OP from ruining discussions with his inferior brain.
>Le Russian influencing US politics meme
gr8 b8 m8
i bet you live in Chechnya fucking slime
Fuck off, douche cunt
>Imagine how awesome a board, any board, can be if you can just automatically ban OP from ruining discussions with his inferior brain.
In practice not that awesome, because whoever you get to decide who gets banned is only human, with flaws, and will end up banning all sorts of shit, making it impossible for honest discussion to occur. It's the entire reason reddit is shit, well that and the upvotes and usernames
Someone needs to make a post that gets high visibility saying that they know that the admins were the ones who actually posted the bannable material to get the subreddit banned
Make sure to post this key below for the admins to see and shit their self: IApYuQzfUdbYGflDSpjEuhtjeZds8T28