Weed depersonalization / depression

How long does it take for your brain go back to normal after smoking weed everyday for years? I’m 19, been smoking weed pretty consistently everyday since age 15 with a few month long breaks thrown in there. I quit smoking three weeks ago but I still feel fucked up and depressed. Will I ever go back to normal?

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quit bragging and get a good job doing what you like to do.

get a drivers license too

It depends on a couple things.
1. how much of a faggot you are (not looking great)
2. how much weed you smoked. (no idea)
Sounds like you've got introspective hell waiting you, bucko. Good lucko.

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1 yearish, dont replace weed with anything that alters your mood and just try to be active and healthy. I was never 100% the same but I went back to feeling normal after about a full year of straight edge.

I don't know I've been smoking everyday since I was 17 and I'm 27 now

Fuck that just keep smoking.

Weed withdraw doesn't hit until a few weeks in. You should be feeling much better in 2-3 weeks

after i stopped smoking, found out I'm almost the same minus some social anxiety. But I don't have friends after redpilling on pol and my family hates me - so just don't give a fuck. do what you will user.

You will definitely go back to normal.

You’ve permanently fucked your brain up you doofus. The brain doesn’t stop developing until you’re ~25. Enjoy your life of depression and anxiety.

1/2 weeks
I smoked every day from about 14 to 22 and quit cold turkey, lost my appetite and was a irritated/had an attitude for a couple weeks then i felt completely normal.
Quit again a few months ago and same exact thing happened.
After a couple weeks you wont feel a need for it.

why quit?

yeah you'll be fine after a while, no way to know exactly when it has to do with what's going on in your life. try smoking off and on again though if you can discipline yourself to do so, it helps.

just remember this
try to not be so paranoid and anxious
and try to not take rash decisions that you might regret later
i've seen potheads doing that and it fucked their life up

and also do not take offensive shit people say to the heart . generally whatever it may be try to be chill

every pothead i ever knew was a sissy anxious fag who kept getting triggered by almost anything i said , even on the smallest disagreement

so yeah just try to be chad lift and boost your testosterone and you should be just fine
at least you quit that shit


black hand is my favorite Jow Forums meme

Sativafags deserve the brain damage. Too much THC definitely warps your min long term. Indica master race in moderation.

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How are stinkers supposed to remember? All they remember is smoking and joking

I fucking hate discussions about weed on Jow Forums as it's always a false dichotomy.
>weed is bad, it makes you a literal retard
>weed is like totally awesome and everyone should smoke it as much as possible, bro
Drugs effect different people differently and if you don't like the way it effects you, then don't do it. If you smoke weed and it improves your quality of life then go for it and stop looking on the internet for validation of your behavior.

making a big assumption that weed has anything to do with it, you still have 9 years to go until your fully out of adolescence, until then expect intense mood swings.

>every day
u dumb fucking dumbfuck ur not supposed to do that. its like a good glass of cabernet sauvington: in moderation. weed isnt the problem. you are, ya useless eater.

shut the fuck up pussy tripfag zoomer

i was smoking a lot of weed for over a decade and quit this February. Week 3 was the worst. i feel pretty good right now though. I notice slight improvements every few days now. I started lifting which helped a lot too. it gets better soon user I promise.

weed isnt causing depression. figure out what makes you depressed and change it

I'm also trying to quit after smoking nearly every day for the past 10 or so years. For those long years getting high has been pretty much the only thing that's given me any enjoyment. When I'm stoned the hours alone seems to pass in the blink of an eye, and everything I do seems so interesting and novel. Smoking pot allowed me to have all sorts of fun all by myself. But now that I'm trying to quit I don't know what to do with myself. Everything I try feels so empty and listless now. The whole time I feel this compulsion to just light up "one more time" knowing it will temporarily sooth my pain but ultimately prolong my suffering.

I've tried quitting many times in the past but I always ended up going back because nothing else fills the void or scratches that itch. Life feels so dull and uninteresting without those mind altering effects weed induces. In addition to being bored out of my mind I'm also irritable all the time which is causing problems at work. Part of me wonders why I shouldn't just give in and take whatever small pleasure I can get in life, since nothing else seems to provide any. As many problems as my addiction has caused me, the alternative seems even worse. I knew quitting wasn't going to be easy, but I'm really struggling now to not just give in to my desires.

I thought about going to NA meetings thinking sharing with and hearing from other addicts might give me some encouragement. i did go to one meeting but the people there were way more fucked up than I am. I felt like I didn't belong there. but given how much I'm struggling maybe I do.

Alright thanks for the advice my man

I feel really good at the moment, but I'm high as fuck! Also, this pizza is sooo good. Bye!

I been through it dude. It can take like 6 months to get back to normal. Things that may help are multivitamin, fish oil, b complex, trace liberals, and probiotics. Try and remove sinple sugar and processed food. You gotta wait it out bro.

>get a good job doing what you like to do.
>good job doing what you like to do
>doing what you like to do
pick one?

wrong. the changes are not permanent. you proved it in your point that the brain does not stop developing until 25, and the changes can be reversed.

good goy... smoke weed and be apathetic towards the injustice in our society... dont change anything...

sounds like you're a faggot, OP. only solution is an hero.

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Words of truth right here

Took me a year but I smoked daily from like 14 to 28 so I fucked my shit up bad. After a year of sobriety I started to really feel great without weed.

This is may be true, but weed really excacurbates this.

Nope you are fucked forever know. You probably where an idiot before though so the weed isn't completely to blame. (Im a weed smoker so i know your pain)

What are trace liberals?

can't wait for legal weed in illinois
the only good thing demonrats have ever done

Only Humans have an Endo Cannabinoid system.
Humans are only normal with cannabinoids in them.

I don't think anyone is hiring for shitposters who jack of to drawings of 9 year olds

I went through exactly what you went through, it's hard especially after depending on weed for so long. Just look at quitting as exercising your willpower and something that is making you stronger. It took me quite a few tries to quit before it actually stuck. Also the NA meeting part is true too, I went to a few meetings but everyone was like meth heads and junkies and listening to their stories was more depressing than inspiring.

It's the same with porn. Just quit for a couple of months and you should start to see improvement. Once you relapse you have to start all over again.

Do you play any instruments. I’ve been covering some nirvana unplugged songs and writing music for the past week or so, this has helped to get my mind off things and provide me with a slight sense of fulfillment.

I'm right there with you. I found that "quiting" didn't make me any better. When I'm not high, I waste all my time on Jow Forums, literally. I'm more addicted to Jow Forums than weed. Weed makes me not want to deal with negativity and I just leave here and go have fun or do something interesting.

I don't know why I personally can't break away from Jow Forums while sober and "clean"... I wasted my life on this site.

Maybe weed isn't your problem user?

When I quit I realized I had never really played guitar sober, it was weird as hell at first.

Well, the first time is the hardest. When I have initially cut myself off, it's always the first three weeks that are the worst but it gets better, progressively. I never really feel TRULY better until 30-45 days after stopping, but that's usually only if I've been smoking really heavily. If I buy a dub and smoke it all in a blunt or two and then leave it at that, I'll be good in a couple days. Don't even really get that nasty sensation like I have a scratch I can't itch. However, if I crutch it and use habitually, my tolerance rises quickly and I tart smoking a lot more. I usually suffer for a few weeks once I quit after that.
t. 28yo on/off toker of varying degrees of usage

I was in pretty much the same boat. Smoked multiple times a day basically everyday as a teenager.

Quit. You'll feel mentally sharper in addition to saving money and being more productive.

Hit the gym, especially cardio. It'll clear your head plus make you feel calmer and less anxious in general. Might also help clear up the gunk in your lungs and work off the munchies gut if you've got one.

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3-6 months

You're litterally wasting time on Jow Forums right now

You’ve got a good sense of humor

Do you do anything else? Anything creative like writing or drawing, reading books? How about regular exercise? And what's your diet like? I find myself wasting hours here when I'm not occupied.

Never, lol

I smoked weed just about everyday during college.

Once I quit, I had trouble falling asleep. That was it.

user you are depressed, and the weed was masking it. You will go back to normal once you overcome your inherent depression.

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watching 20-30 minutes of CNN every day

Its not hard to quit you just have to find something to occupy your free time with. I quit for like 2 years and now I'm smoking again, it just makes everything I like 10x more fun/better so why not? Almost everyone has vices, most people I work with are hard core alcoholics or hooked on opiates, many do blow. A few rips from a bowl sets me straight.

>Drugs effect different people differently and if you don't like the way it effects you, then don't do it.

Exactly. And weed doesn't make you stupid -- it effects your memory. That's what it is. Not remembering things makes you look pretty stupid but it doesn't meant the knowledge left your brain, it's just buried harder for some reason. Once you get it again, everything is fine. And weed makes you sleepy and tired when it's leaving your system. It's easy to equate "I'm sleepy" with "laziness" for a lot of people who don't understand how the drug is effecting their system.

yeah, I'm trying to think about it positively. trying to think of the cravings as a sign that the addiction is dying. It helps a little, but the desire feels so overwhelming at times, and I know I could make these feelings go away with just one puff, making it hard to keep the positive attitude up.

used to play the banjo but quit (cuz weed lol). still have my banjo somewhere, maybe I should give it another shot.

finding some new hobbies would probably help and now that I'm not getting stoned constantly I might actually be able to work up the motivation, but still nothing else feels as satisfying as lighting up.

What the fuck is weed withdrawals. Quit being a bitch sitting in your room on the internet. Go tag some poon and get some friends

>after i stopped smoking, found out I'm almost the same minus some social anxiety
Ya, this is the part that really sucked for me. I spent a bunch of energy a few years ago to stop smoking weed, only to discover I wasn't really different when I wasn't smoking, except weed occasionally allows for a relaxing and enjoyable evening.

The only reason to quit smoking is so you can reduce your tolerance and get really fucking high again.

I know. I'm sober as fuck too. I feel compelled to talk to you -- it's been the only thing I really have done in years. I was always too broke for hobbies and interests and I think I've become addicted to free Internet content in my poverty.

I do all those things but lately I haven't done any of them. At first it's because I wanted to them high... then I thought that was stupid and needed to them sober... Then when I'm sober I say I'm going to do them... Then sit on Jow Forums all day. Just one more thread. Let me just reply to this and I'l go do it....


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Excuse the brainlet-tier math. I am just getting started after years of not giving a shit about education.

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The best part about abstaining is that you always have a clear conscience that you aren't "hiding" anything about yourself to others, and that you know you're doing everything legal.

You need to stop, and give it a big rest. You will feel cognitively slow for a few months, but after a month you’ll notice yourself getting sharper each week. It’s legal here, so I will burn one down occasionally, but every day is too much. You need quality sleep to be sharp, and you can’t get that sleep if your mind is constantly poisoned.

Also excuse the retarded sideways phonepost. Im ironically very high right now.

my problem is that I will quit for a few months and feel like I'm over my addiction. Then I'll be hanging out with people, they'll offer me a puff. I'll say "sure, one time won't hurt". And then immediately become re-addicted and back to smoking every day. Happened more times than I can count. I'm the type of person who can't smoke occasionally. It's all or nothing.

What does that image have to do with the rest of the thread?

Yea I feel the exact same way

Did you not read the answer leaf? This is a thread about weed ya friggin hoser.

I smoked for a good 3 months where there would be weeks on end where I wasted all my money on weed and do nothing all day but get high. A month without weed and I was fine. It was easy for me to get over weed because no one around me smoked and I was pretty broke

Also checked.

The best part about living in a legal state is that this isn't an argument.

It won't. You have permanent brain damage now. You smoked weed at a key point in critical development. You have an extremely high chance of a variety of permanent mood disorders now, such as depression and anxiety.

You have stunted your frontal cortex, basically making you a nigger and unable to delay satisfaction for gains or long term plans.
Also you now have a black 'resin' coating your brain that noone can figure out wtf it is or what it does. Enjoy. You should probably go to a marijuana user meeting. Also you are now likely to begin abusing stimulants and or alcohol, which is much more damaging.
This is all pretty much fact. for young, long term abusers.

Smoked everyday for 9 years and then quit when I had my first child. It felt weird for about 2 weeks and then my brain reset. I understand it takes some more time for some folks. Keep it up and you’ll be fine. Also, don’t feel bad about taking a time or two per month on special occasions. The feeling is a hell of a lot better and stronger when you don’t do it often.

True but still the vast majority of people don't touch weed (even though a lot use prescriptions which are far worse) and this puts you on the same level as most people mentally. Also shit makes you anxious and gives you a weak voice and demeanor

Just think how high you will get when you smoke again after quitting for a few months. It will be like the first time you smoked when you were 15 all over again. Don't forget to get a cigarette as well, that always increases your high when you're a noob.

ok goy, do the same but without herb....

You're just bored. Find something interesting to do or learn to relax.

OP, your question is better suited here:

Being a man means being in control of yourself, because you have responsibilities to your family, and society. If you don’t want to be a man, you could always kys.

let's fertilize the weed with aborted fetuses and tax the fuck out of it

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>basically making you a nigger and unable to delay satisfaction for gains or long term plans.

You don't understand what's really happening. Weed smokers aren't delaying satisfaction because they can't, but because they don't see the point in it, and they are correct. There's no real point to life, it's a meaningless prison of the flesh, so you might as well smoke a joint and enjoy some music.

>How long does it take for your brain go back to normal after smoking weed everyday for years?
like 3 days you fucking faggot

whatever you say, hesher.

I smoked a MINIMUM of 1/8 a day (good shit) from the time I was around 15ish, straight through until my late twenties. When I quit, it was cold turkey,& I started noticing differences from about 2 weeks on.
One thing that sucks though is, since I'd been smoking so much for so long, I have no idea what "normal" was for me, as the ~27yo me was totally different from the 14/15yo me, & I lost what myself would otherwise be in those years. Kudos to you for outgrowing it in your teens, man. Don't look back, it's drag on you. I run into people from way back that still smoke, & they've all seem to have done little worthwhile with themselves.

>smoking weed while your brain is still developing
Lol yikes, sorry that druggies lied to you but you permanently altered your neurochemistry my dude.

3 month on a carnivore diet and intermittent fasting.

>If you don’t want to be a man, you could always kys.
Or you could smoke weed and not give a fuck. Weed is it's own solution.

>sources needed
I was depressed long before I started smoking weed. I have tried various stimulant drugs including cocaine and various forms of adderall, all of which caused my depression to worsen so I have no interest in taking any more (unless you count the caffeine from a few cups of tea per day). As far as alcohol, I am definitely an alcoholic but that is probably caused more by my family history and genetics.

>whatever you say, hesher.
IDK what this means. I googled hesher and a stupid movie was all that popped up.

>still feel fucked up and depressed
Smoking helps you to ignore your problems and doing so usually makes them worse. It likely that you'll start feeling better about things once you straighten your life out; quitting isn't enough, you need to be proactive in other ways. Small accomplishments go a long way and lead to larger and larger ones.
Make a check list day to day and cross things off, big and small. Maintain your important relationships and be reliable. Read, focus on education or training, at your age you have great potential, don't waste it.
Mentally prepare yourself to fight the urge to start up smoking again. Avoid people, friends or family, who might put in situations to be tempted. Know this will happen and be ready to turn down the urge.
Physical exercise is your best medicine, jog or ride a bike for twenty minutes, especially when feeling antsy. You'll be just fine user, mind over matter.

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Go work on your car or other things that add value to you. I dump way too much time here also but it’s after I take care of important shit first.

Shits expensive yo

Same here bro

Well here are some facts. You can verify themself if you interested or not, I do not give a fuck if you die in a gutter or end up saving yourself.

Of course you are an alcoholic, but that language is obtuse. You are an addict. You are just currently abusing alcohol. This will only progress until you eventually die from it or go to jail or something.

Your brain is wired and primed for this.

All of these drugs have damaged it, but there is hope, the brain can likely recover.

You have an extremely high chance of further mood disorders

You need to get into treatment now. That is all there is too it. Preferably in patient. You should find the nearest meeting and drive to it immediately. You will hear from people who have answers to every excuse you have and will have lived it personally.

If you don't, well its your life. Just don't have any kids, because you are unfit to raise them and I do not want any more little criminal running around. If you do have kids, I hope they are girls. At least they become strippers instead of thugs.

you probably caused permanent changes in your brain structure from daily use at an age when brain changes are so dynamic. sorry user, you fucked it up

29 year old lifelong weed/drug user. Been clean for 6 months completely. The difference is night and day. I'm not stuck in my thoughts anymore and I'm much more open with friend and coworkers. Life is great. Weed is fucking tragically deceptive.

>and doing so usually makes them worse
There are no problems that you have that death won't solve for you. Weed lets you forget that you're living on this hell planet for a few minutes. Why would you want to take that from someone?

what drug are you using now? Alcohol?

You dont get depressed from weed what in the fuck?