I'm in a relationship with a pinay. I'm about to propose.
My family is all french-canadian with all the bloodline going back to the 1600's. Am I comiting sacrilege for marying a pacific islander?
I'm in a relationship with a pinay. I'm about to propose
nothing of value will be lost.. enjoy.
Why are you even asking this question if you don't understand it? Fucking leafs
Of all Asians, why a jungle monkey? Why not an honorary jap?
Look if this is a sincere post (doubt it) then reproducing is better than not. What kind of a loser do you have to be to be the first person in your lineage to not have children?
Extend the same line of thought to the race question: am I going to be the first person (that you know of, obviously) to mate outside of my own kind? If you don't care about such things that's your business. But you're asking pol
> Come to Jow Forums
> Ask about interracial marriage
As if you don't know the answer.
Fuck off.
Frenchy Quebecers are already inbred. You're doing right by mixing it up.
honestly, I think that japanese girls are way too professional and all pinays are perfect house wives. Plus, they are really dirty in bed. The second kind of asian close to be this horny are taiwaneses for sure.
Everyone is the same and act the same. It is disgusting. I was really tired of dating women here.
I’m a white female dating a Korean guy, so I can’t be mad. But there are wayyyy better Asians you could have picked.
Yes retard. Better off marrying a chug for the sake of your blood line's history.
To my percpective, all koreans are pretty chills. But I feel like they are way too much influenced by america. Not that is all bad but is is certanly a shame. Also, I heard they had too much birthrate back in the days, put birth politics (like china) then they have a huge problem now with this.
Jow Forums is for this, so what?
if he is 1600 century FC then he has chug blood already.
I'm no chief for sure
Yeah, a lot of the Koreans I’m aware of are super obsessed with black culture. It’s shameful. I was lucky to find a Ilbe guy.
I hope they disinherit you.
If you wrote all of that out then you definitely believe that it is.
Yes. But I assume she sucks dick on command and can cook. If not forget it.
Nah, the French are always down for some colonization, you're in character.
>Black culture
I Don't get you, I thought they were a lot more interested to the american dream more than anything
yes wtf
if you go gook, go for a quality gook from the Northeast, pinays have nigger tier IQ on top of everything else
She does. She acts like a 1950 housewife stereotype no jokes. It is interesting because I feel like a lot of Pinays act like this too.
Fuck everything else. Do you want your ancestors to be proud? I know it may sound shallow, but do you want your kids to look like you? Although I'd love my kids no matter what they look like, I answer yes to both questions. The fact that you have to ask is your conscience telling you that this is a bad move. Don't do ANYTHING that you will regret.
You pay for all her shit is what you're saying.
there are no 1950s wives in a world with 2019 laws that can and will fuck you over whenever she feels like it. and she knows it too believe me.
That is what I have on my mind
I really do want kids, as weird as it sounds, and I'm more worried that they will have an identity crisis because of this. This thought keeps coming back.
Mostly Koreans in Korea who are infatuated with kpop and nigger fashion.
Most Korean Americans are pretty based.
>Jungle Asian
Literally the worst you could pick.
They will dude. Love can be a selfish thing. Think about your kids. Life is already tough enough. Do you think that you can create a stable enough household to mitigate the risks? I'm not trying to scare you or be racist or whatever. Multiple friends of mine are mixed race and a lot of them hate it or have mental disorders.
Yes. Marrying an island monkey with that ugly ass nose just cause she love you long time is stupid. She's just gonna get a citizenship and dump you for the next old boomer Chad that has more money.
there are tons of kids who are interracially mixed that have tons of self hatred towards themselves
lol for you who will it be huh? Japanese? All of them are a bunch of faglets.
Any datas for asian mixing? I'm really currious about healt problems now.
you are helping to destroy two minorities. well done.
Secondly, we are supposed to live abroad in the first place since I want to get hire in a consulate or ambassy. I really don't know where I want to go, although I'm thinking maybe Oman or Hong Kong. At this moment, they aren't great choices I know. Maybe Lithuania? Still not sure.
>thinking pinoys are a minority
They are 1/3 of the american population
>thinking french-canadians are worth to be saved
Explain this…
We had two referemdum which failed. Clearly, we want to be assimilated. This race isn't worth saving
I imagine they have more details on the links in the pic. I think Asian is a little more compatible than black. Either way you'll have to look it up yourself. Pic related lumps in ALL mixed race peoples. There's dumbass hapa redpills out there but it's not rooted in any data it's just cringy boomer shit about Elliot Rodger. Idk man. Mental illness aside, I believe in being a steward of your traditions. If you believe in genetics at all then you know it will be very difficult to carry on your culture's roots with mixed blood. It's not impossible, though. It's about compatibility. I'm Greek, but I'd settle for an Italian girl. If not that, then a European. I like Asians too but hey that's a sacrifice I have to make. Had a lot of qts come my way and I turned down all of them. It sucks but ya wank it once in a while and it takes that edge off.
Seems fair, I think I should wait a lot more to see if it is a sacrifice I'm ready to make. I'm not back tracking tho, I want to be sure. She could cuck me in the end but it is been 4 years since we are together.
Lol koreans are often ugly as fuck (especially the girls that grow up in Seoul instead of in the west) while Filipinos vary but can be very beautiful and much more down to earth. Also get off pol you dumb bitch if I had a gf who goes on this shithole I would dump her immediately. You are being useless to your bf and probably dress and smell like shit.
Also Filipino girls and SEAsian in general are way hornier, hence their population numbers. Girl in my pic > you
Dont listen to these fags or you will end up with no one and be miserable. Just go for it if you love her.
>not being strapped down with her mouth wide open
>not being white since it was first possible
its cool, youre a nonwhite anyway pretty much
My bf goes on here as well, lmao.
Northeast Asians are superior to jungle Asians.