Michigan att.general protecting pedos from prosecution

Michigan state Attorney General Dana Nassal (jewish) is protecting online stalkers of children by refusing to prosecute any cases based on citizen evidence.

Youtube channel : Anxiety War poses as underage and gets stalkers to meet him, He keeps chat logs and forwards evidence to the police.

Attached: anxietywar.jpg (352x307, 20K)


people are going sting predators whether the media and ag likes it or not

That guys channel is awesome. He actually goes after pedos

So who started this one the media or the politicians?

idk, who are the people he outed?


Who is the victim here?


I've been watching this guy's channel for a bit. He is really good at what he does and dedicated too. He knows what he's doing better than law enforcement. Basically, it's the same tactics used by Perverted Justice ( the org that worked with Chris Hansen ). The cops would arrest and charge those guys so what is really different in this case??

Damn I thought I'm the only one here who watches his videos. Sucks that many on the new pedos run away.

So what?

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bump, gas that jew. in minecraft

>The cops would arrest and charge those guys
For what? Who is the victim here?

The real children that the pedo would end up raping.

He was meeting a LARP. Should age play role play be illegal?

It's a larp if you know that the stranger is an adult and only pretends. It's not a larp if you're convinced that the person is a minor yet you proceed sexual conversation and attempt to meet to have sex.

>you know that the stranger is an adult and only pretends
Do people card the person they're chatting with?

Neat channel, came across it about a week ago.

what a chad

she is a jewish dyke no agenda here tho...

It becomes much more serious when the ADULT plans to meet up with someone they believe to be a CHILD.

And the child is safe now?

Because that's entrapment you retard. It's the same shit with dateline NBC and why almost all of those cases got dropped. He isnt protection pedos. He just isn't wasting time on this nonsense because none of it will lead to a conviction.

This is kike privilege

Isn't she trying to prosecute the Catholic Church for child abuse? Why would she care about that, but not this?

Because real children dumdum.

I live in Michigan and thought it was weird as fuck when they ran news stories on this.

private citizens cannot entrap.

they probably told him to stop because he's making the police look lazy/incompetent or he's going to end up murdered one day by these pedos and the police are going to have to deal with it. there's a few videos of his where the predators look like they're deciding whether or not to kill him then and there.

That's only with a public official
>none of it will lead to a conviction.
In this video, he says the seven cases he brought to court have all led to convictions.

Clearly you should not talk sexually with a minor and definitely not try to meet for sex. You ask a girl to show her ID if you're not sure that she's legal. You don't ask a girl ID to prove she's ILLEGAL. The moment a girl tells you she's underaged any sexual actions become unacceptable. Are you a sperg?
Wrong. Plenty of TCAP pedos got convicted. Furthermore many pedos who are caught by these kind of vigilantes already had previous convictions related to child abuse.

I suggest you all Google "to catch a predator, no prosecution"

There is a legitimate reason why the DA doesnt want to use citizen evidence

I was 8 minute into watching the video and saw this post. It's fucking crazy what they're doing.

I love it, that you had to say that the Attorney is Jewish, when majority of these pedophiles are non Jewish Europeans.

Removing meme flag. Just to show you that I am not some Israeli agent.

Thought crimes.

>requesting nudes, which is child porn
>arranging a meeting to have sex
>asking if she's not a cop(confirming him being aware of commiting a crime)
Yeah it's just thoughts, man. KYS pedo.

Plenty doesn't mean all of them. A ton of them never got convicted and im sure it's for the same reasons as this. This kid is gonna wind up getting shot or something trying to catch a real bad dude one of these days. Kudos to him but what he is doing is dangerous as fuck. Would be funny if one of the people that show up end up fucking him anyway. Kid could get a PI lisence and I bet he would be taken a lot more seriously

Is this that faggot that dresses up as little girls and goes to peoples houses?

I love this dude. I've been with him since before the Pedo stuff. He's probably one of us. Bit weird, but in a funny way. Very moral and just guy.

Even one isolated pedo is a victory. Plus those who weren't convicted still got their lives ruined. The kid is 26, over six feet tall and carries a pistol.

>PI License
what the fuck? I thought you were in America

I'm not sure how that all works but I'm pretty certain PIs are given certain privileges and clearances over the standard civilian. Certainly wouldn't hurt to have one in this kind of situation.

Is this a fag that goes after people who are attracted to the opposite sex alot more then others? A larping white knight trying to save an imaginary hoe he pretends to be. Yay i'm a male pretending to be female going after straight males look at me

Just curious why would they show the guys in court and in integration. I know some were let go without charge. I will look into this though.