Israelis are going to be slaughtered

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They definitely have it coming.

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Have sex.

keep dreaming cuck. nobody will dare attack the 51th state

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Found the faggot tranny Jews.

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hey amerimutt, you and your family will be drafted to die for Israel. Get ready

> 51th

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Are you one of JIDF's literally retarded online warriors? lmao

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Hitler did nothing wrong.

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>Israelis are going to be slaughtered
X for doubt

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If only the orthodox were willing to do just that, but alas they also see how worthless you are, fit only for a sacrifice. The laws only applies to the next of kin, and what are you in their eyes?

Ask yourself this


Is this how you gonna defeat Zion? By posting dumb memes on a Siberian cuck porn forum? ahahaaha irrelevant cuck. You lost, deal with it cuck

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How? And by whom?

Imagine being so pathetic that your conspirators are bottom of the barrel weaklings.

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Thats a good goy

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You mad, Goyim?

so I guess what you're doing is equally pointless eh? and you actually divert resources to dumb memes, so who's the bigger cuck?
You just can't handle that the world is becoming more anti-semitic every day. You scared yet, little retard jew?

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>t. triggered jew

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You mad, mongrel of unknown tribe?

I already knew Israelis were involved in such evil shit. It's kind of what happens when people are brainwashed into believing an ethnic supremacist religion at a young age.

Not my problem

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>world is becoming more anti-semitic
topkek nice delusion, maybe try going out of your basement once in a while. Anti-semites and nazis are viewed as the lowest scum of society. People view murderers and rapists higher than you. Your government is the dog of Zion. You lost cuck, the sooner you accept it the easier it will be for you

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>Israeli military analyst admits: “Israel can’t win the next war”
>The most respected Israeli military correspondent Ron Ben Yishai’s headline reads as follows: “Why won’t we win the next war?”
>Ben Yishai concludes that Israel is too weak “whether it is a war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria or all of them, we will not win!”
>Ben Yishai predicts that Israeli society will collapse into itself, and the Jews who seek a better life and are “spoiled enough” to act upon it will be scattered over the world to look for a quieter and safer place under the sun.

If the US or Israel initiates a war with Iran, it will be the end of Israel as Iran knows exactly who is pushing US to make this decision and will go straight for the head of the snake, Israel. They cant win a war against the US, but the sure as fuck can win one against Israel.

China and Russia will back Iran as they are essential to both countries future via the rich natural resources of Iran, and its geographical position making it essential for the Belt and Road initiative.

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>>t. triggered jew
How did you draw that conclusion?

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>hurr durr time to repeat the headlines
try harder faggot

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Why would I be mad?

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hmm I wonder how long I can keep you jewish faggots sperging out ITT

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You call this sperging out?

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oooo he posted another meme! Zion is scared now!!! oh mighty neckbeard memer, please stop!! Zion can't take more memes!!

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inbreeding tend to make descendent more prone to psychosis and neurological ailment, I mean it ain't for no reason over half the worst syndromes and stuff have jewish name.

we deadass fought a war over sugar and tea, oil is slightly more important

>Why would I be mad?
Because your inbred people are neurotic cowards with an inferiority complex, that's all.

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Clearly it's working. Don't you have a daughter to pimp out, shlomo? Also, why are you so scared to show your Israeli flag? Is it because you are a nation of cowards?

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Umm okay, Amerifatt

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Didn't your ancestors starve to death? lol

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Not surprising that Iran has such bad relations with Israel. Arabs and Iran have never gotten along.

Kidding aside though, this image of Israel as some fascist Western colonial state is a joke. It’s basically just another Arab country filled with smelly, brown, bearded angry-looking guys and their wife walking two steps behind him and their 748373757 children. Does it really matter if they call themselves ‘Jews’ or ‘Arabs’?

This idea that Israel is full of pale, blue-eyed, English speaking people who wouldn’t be out of place in Brooklyn or Manhattan is an outdated boomer fantasy perpetuated by both American Zionists looking for a handout from American Jews for their mutted shithole, and Palestinians who want gibs from Arabs.

For Ashkenazim the idea that they are a power elite in a ruthless ethnocentric fascist state is a cruel joke, Israel is absolutely circling the drain worse than you can imagine.

At least in America there’s a pride in the American way of life, and nonwhite immigrants at least usually get a job, learn English or at least their kids do. But in Israel there are villages and cities full of these religious fundamentalists who are usually unemployed all raising their kids 100% at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer, dodging military service, treat you like a foreigner when you go into their communities even as an Israeli with roots going back generations.

And if you say anything about these ‘people’ you’re the bad guy, ‘don’t be so racist, bad Ashkenazim they are Jews just like you and me’. So all someone needs to do to be a good Israeli is just say they are Jewish and remember some religious mumbo jumbo that’s it.

Youwalk outside your front door and you see all these racially ambiguous people mixed with Arabs, blacks, Asian, some of them supposedly speaking Hebrew but you can’t really understand their weird accents, they treat real normal Israelis like foreigners in their own country their own ancestors established.

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Zion is stronger than ever. USA is cucked to Israel harder than ever. Is this how you are winning? lmao. delusional cuck. You lost kiddo, deal with it

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Do Israel a favor and nuke it from orbit, it will become a better place 100%. Also you wouldn’t have all these naive idiots from Berlin and New York with romantic stupid ideas about what Israel is like going there and realizing it’s just like Morocco or Algeria mixed with Sudan and Chechnya or something and not a futuristic first world country at all. Seriously it’s criminal how Israel advertises itself. Never again.

Seriously for all the Americans out there feel happy in knowing your country will never be as mutted as Israel, it’s not possible. It’s not just the racial thing, it’s the attitude is totally uncivilized and aggressive. You go there thinking it will be like a Jewish neighborhood in New York but it might as well be the West Bank and that’s just the ‘Jews’. Don’t get be started

But they are based as fuck. They have a wall, they have an ethnostate and hate the Muslims!

Literally if you are against them you are for Islam and their conquest to Islamify the world.

>trusting headlines
lol weak bait faggot.

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S-shut up! Trump saved me th-thirty dollars on my taxes!

>this kills the jew

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You're a cool dude my guy.

Um no sweetie. Israel and the supranational jewish state is the greatest enemy of the west,

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The only time Israel is behind us is so they can fuck us in the ass.

>durr fake newz!!
Golan heights already got officially recognized cuck. Trump already signed the proclamation. Same with the capital of Israel. And soon the west bank and Palestine. Zion grows larger while you cucks are posting irrelevant memes online, its sad and pathetic really

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Have sex

>mfw watching the Israelis dodge these posts
Fucking pathetic.

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t. ayyrab

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>Fake Jew study, comes to conclusion Jews are high Iq.

Lol what a dumbass you are. Jews are pathetic. They literally have created nothing in all of their existence. They literally begged white people to let them into their societies, then got kicked out for being subversive kikes. Your kind can only thrive off of parasitism. The final exodus will happen very shortly, we will send you all to Madagascar as Hitler had planned and you’ll end up eating each other alive, like the niggers you are.

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>Israel is behind you
Yeah that’s what I’m worried about

>But in Israel there are villages and cities full of these religious fundamentalists who are usually unemployed all raising their kids 100% at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer

More like the U.S, Germany, Canada, Australia and all other the other kiked host countries taxes.

So what?

Did he died?

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enjoy your nigger rape babies as the amercian army occupies israel

>USA will occupy Israel
LMAO best joke i've heard today. A dog doesn't attack its master

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Bystander here. It appears that yes indeed you're sperging out hardcore.

based gook

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>explain the difference
Muslims aren't people.

jew and moslems are semites, thus not people.

Jews rule goyim, therefore goyim are cattle not people

You spelled parasitize wrong.

Jews own all your countries and there is nothing you can do about that because you are subhuman cattle. Keep coping

Says the meme flag. You're literally retarded.

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