Robot sex is going to undermine the fabric of society. No man is going to put forth the effort to get a girlfriend when he can have any celebrity imitation delivered to his house by Amazon. Men will stop trying to improve themselves and check out of the capitalist system. Birth rates will plummet even more. The traditional family unit will finally have the last nail driven into the coffin.
Robot sex will end society
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Sex for me is robotic enough already. Just a hand moving mechanically up and down.
robots are to relationships what minimum wage is to the economy
Hell, even regular sex dolls are worth way more than women. Of course the robotic ones will be even better, but that is not the (((only))) thing that will make society end.
I think you overestimate the appeal a sex robot actually has. Maybe it will appeal to ravenous subhuman incubus but most men want an actual person to be INTIMATE with
Speak for yourself corpse banger.
what are you describing is exactly what happens right now, but with porn.
I'd be so goddamn happy if the hypothetical robot could make me sandwiches and have a meaningful conversation.
I think you underestimate the appeal or conflate 'sex robot' with 'sex doll'.
> Women are so low quality that they can be replaced by robots.
> Ban the robots.
Robots are a symptom. Heck, feminism is a symptom.
... and affirmative action to education, and welfare to relationships, and denial of divorce to marriage, and red-tape to industry...
>when men give up, society is finished!
wow, kind of sexist don't you think? surely women will step up and fix everything!
I fucking hope so. Y'all can stop reproducing and I can take care of me and mine.
women and migrants from the third world. At least the media told me that.
Women have the power to stop this. the question is: Will they?
>Robot sex is going to undermine the fabric of society
No, feminism, no-fault divorce, and the sexual revolution did that. Sex robots are the last bastion of men that have nothing left to live for.
You're completely wrong OP. Sex and companion bots will completely revolutionize society even more so than internet. For the first time ever there will be a reason for the bottom ranks of men to work like they've never worked before: for the low price of maybe $50,000, not including yearly fees and upkeep, a man will be able to obtain the sex and the warmth that before was reserved for only the top percentage of men. No trying to get lucky, playing games, or anything of the sort. Instead if you work and pay you will get the robot and you can bet there are going to be a lot of men willing to work for it. The economy is going to skyrocket alonmg with the rest of society once these bots get good enough.
So what?
You overestimate the value of a woman for companionship and intimacy. Their horribly childish and irrational behavior exacerbated by social media enablers makes them irritating to a point where any companionship they can provide is questionable.
An onahole that isn't nearly as sophisticated as a sex doll or the feared sex "robot" already replaces the only value a modern woman brings to the table. They're literally only good at being moist holes that suck up your time and money. Blame kikes for making them materialistic and giving them ridiculous legal power in marriage.
>celebrity imitation
That's where you're wrong faggot. I will bang my unit 2B until my nuts give out and I die of having no nut juice left. Then I will bang A2 in the afterlife
u gonna have a sad and lonely life, brah.
I'm actually quite fine, I have been for over a decade. Enjoy your endless drama and financial ruin.
>Robot sex will end society.
feminism already did this
high end sex robots will probably be like 40 grand. it will be a wealthy mans luxury.
Daddy government has undermined the fabric of society by giving women rights. Theyv'e done nothing but vote for men to bail them out collectively for every decision they made. If someone has that infographic about where they cost on average $150,000 dollars each please share.
I want my Lucy Liu bot nigga
this level of cope doh
I want my Twilight Sparkle sexbot. Now.
you're an idiot
Sex robots won't end society, it's merely a symptom of the end of a functional society.
I don’t really get it. Does it do something or do you just pose it and hump it like a dog humps a leg?
I can't hear you over the sound of roasties and thots crying.
A true piece of art.
women already ended society by marrying the state. robot sex will simply disempower them and bring things back to normalcy.
Good. I fucking hate women and I've fucked dozens of them. They're all worthless cunts with nothing interesting to say. I would rather fuck a tranny then a woman nowadays because at least the tranny has enough braincells to understand that being a faggot is limiting their dating options and pumping themsevles full of estrogen for the pleasure of another man is both the most submissive and productive thing they can do. Out compete women and show them what literal trash they are.
but sex is fun incel have sex lol
Idk if you're a nigger maybe . Do you really think people would just sit around fucking the thing till they died? Surely people would have hobbys or something . Now that I think about it that might be a bonus . If you can be content just fucking a glorified pocket pussy in your hovel maybe you don't need to breed .What it will do is severely fuck the majority of these cunts who only have a hole to offer . They might have to develop a personality or something
I don't think it will reach a tipping point until the robots can cook and clean, as well. Until then, filipinas are still a cheaper, more practical option.
Nope. Sex robots AND artificial wombs will do it. Combine the two and there you go, women will go slowly extintc, now there's more women than men. This is going to change radically in the next 50 or so years.
>Plastic and rubber dolls
>White women breeding an army of half nigger mutts
Nope, robots can't provide me with the emotional intimacy, which is far more important than sex to me.
>implying women haven't already degraded into being sexbots
made me smile
Sex robots are only so asian "men" can have sex and no woman must be shamed with a Vienna Sausage
So do you have a bunch of these saved for easy access or something? That's cool I guess, everyone has their hobbies.
Well. If women stick to suck black and brown penises, then yea, robosex will end YOU. Any other race will still exist because any other race isn't cucked as yours.
Only value most women have are breeding and sex. Sex bots will do half of that. Once artificial womb becomes reality they have almost nothing to contribute.
shame that most women can't provide that as well
Sexbots will never happen. VR will be much more appealing.
Roastie's are only bothered because it means even less competition for chad which means he has even more women to chose from than her pancake arse.
it wont feel as warm, wet, tight as a pussy tho. or self lubricating... lol
So? You can have white girls they're FUCKED. Fuck all humans for that matter. If you think 'the black mans time is here brah' Then you're not paying close attention to China lol
I'd get a lolly sized Maisie Bot with self lubricating rectum and programed to talk
Oh Mister it hurts so good
Yet. The sex robots of 20 years from now will make those becoming available now look like a modern gaming rig makes a 90s office computer look now.
I see this as a victory for nice guys
Good riddance
>Sexdoll set to autolube and thrust
>Get behind it and start going at it
>Lube falls on the floor
>Slip on the lube
>Sexdoll falls ontop of you
>Sexdoll is too heavy to lift
>Live off of lube for a few days
>Corpse found a year later
I wonder how many NEETS are going to die this way
Your brain sounds like a real nightmare zone.
>Be female
>Obtain right to vote
>Politics getting progressively worse as time goes on
>Free™ Healthcare becomes widespread
>Contraceptives becoming increasingly effortless without societal consequence and covered by taxpayers through Free™ Healthcare
>Abortion becomes increasingly more common and effortless without societal consequence
>Moreso it becomes a facetious bragging right in certain circles
>"Female Empowerment" aka anti-male behavior at an all-time high
>Already gotten to the point that men not even trying anymore is apparently sexist
>Going after the things they spend their time on instead as sexist activities that need to change
>Even "Chads" are wary of relationships, or at least serious ones, because of female toxicity and enabling of such in (((current year)))
>Escapism from increasingly anti-male society blurring the lines between male behaviors that "Chads" frequently partake in "Virgin" activities
You made your bed and you can sleep in it.
I want to fuck that doll.
I'm not sticking my dick in it unless it is a Cherry 2000!
>Masturbation is going to undermine the fabric of society. No man is going to put forth the effort to get a girlfriend when he can masturbated in his house. Men will stop trying to improve themselves and check out of the capitalist system. Birth rates will plummet even more. The traditional family unit will finally have the last nail driven into the coffin.
That's a worthwhile trade.
I wasnt saying that, but if white race is so great as they say how they are getting buttfucked like this?
thank God.
>Robot sex is going to undermine the fabric of society.
Implying that women didn't already fuck up society beyond repair...
Men have sex for the ego boost of being selected by a woman, if le sex robots were going to destroy society then it never would have been established because men would just go to prostitutes who are cheaper and more realistic than some silicone Alexa. Only people who'll buy sex robots are the incels going on about them now and still won't be happy since you'll still be rectum ravished about women not choosing you.
Thread Sponsored by The Space Pope.
(((society))) needs to fall. Women help create this mess and will revert being whores to those that help build anew. Hopefully we learn our lesson and not allow women to vote and keep the jews out.
>emotional intimacy
Faggot detected. Women don’t give that either, especially once the 1st kid pops out. You might as well fuck right off after that, you’re last place in her eyes
Just a suggestion: robots can't (yet) replace human intimate, compassionate companionship or the level of bonding between two human minds and personalities.
So quit being a shitty unlikable person, be a moderately attractive 5/10, and you have no fucking thing to worry about
Where can I buy this robot?
A 5/10 male nets you a 2/10 bitch these days, it’s not worth it.
Posting with regard to current American women, mb for not making it clear
she's kinda hot.
if i had a ryuko matoi robotfu i would fuck it about once a day desu it would hardly end society it would just make us happy and fulfilled
indeed hyperinflation is making it not worth the work for little to no reward.
The average looking guy doesn't go "Oh boy! I can't wait to date some fat tatted up single mom!"
Once per day? Those are rookie numbers.
Pah, these youngsters. In my 20es, I’d pick up my gf after work on a Friday evening, and we would do nothing but fuck until I’d return her in a very tired state 48 hours later.
Our record was 7 times in a day, and 14 over 48 hours.
ima 40 year old neet i can only fuck once a day and thats it, no more energy
People deviate a lot more than any robot company can produce. It is basically a form of necrophelia anyway. Personally the chase is part of the fun and they will have to add a hard to get into bed a.i. system to float my boat. Also I like a bit of dirty stop out sex. The robot would have to turn up at a bar when I am pissed and offer a quick shag round the back to rock my world.
Otherwise I might just have a quick wank and save my pennies.
fucking this, it isn't gonna be cheap
Good, let it all burn.
No it won't, only men who never had a chance to have sex with a real female bo tegin with will fuck a robot.
It is as pathetic as fucking an anime pillow
As that's a good thing!
>birthrates will fall
If robots can imitate that feeling, I'm willing to at least give it a try.
If it reduces overpopulation and eliminates the need for thots, it's all for the better. Women won't be able to just get a boyfriend/husband by showing cleavage and dressing like whores, they'll actually have to put in the effort and be a good life companion. Conversely, lazy/complacent men who only have sex with robots won't reproduce and therefore, through natural selection, only good waifus and chads will be around in a future generations.
So honestly it's actually for the better. Bring in the sex robots.
good we are going extinct anyway. let's go out fucking robots.
I'll personally be getting the gay twink model and never going outside again.
Fucking lol if you think women are the end game. Women haven't held a candle to a partially trying gay man for almost a thousand years now, and we have the record to prove it. We actually crossed the threshold around the turn of century where it's now true that you are probably gay if you don't like the current twinks out there.
Roastie toastie.
>he doesn't know about the stranger
>he hasn't learned to jack with his feet
Fucking plebian.