There are actually a good amount of people on Jow Forums supporting a war with Iran

>There are actually a good amount of people on Jow Forums supporting a war with Iran

This cant be happening
Not agan
They cant keep getting away with it

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's just happening-fags. But don't worry, we're not going to war. If being framed for gassing children to death wasn't enough to start a war, shooting down an RC plane isn't either.

I don't want war for war's sake. Or some regional skirmish. I'm just hopeful of signs of the end times.

I'm sold

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its okay killing iranian will be fun...just like playing a viyda game

The gassed children weren't american you dumbass.

Fucking braindead neanderthals.

Its not like we are going lmao.

Killing children is higher on the scale than blowing up an expensive toy even if it wasn't our children.

I support a nuking of Israel, if you can call that a war.

It's just the kike shills

It's literally just q-boomers and Hasbara shills. But there are a lot of them.

Attached: c6lgm1s.gif (550x405, 95K)

Oh noes the other times we've ruined Middle East countries it has ruined my life here in Los Angeles. Like I give a shit. Bomb those fucking apes nuclear sites until they all have babbies with 3 arms. Who fucking cares?

It was prophesied in the tablets
All the NPC drones will play along and the narrative will finish
You can't do anything now OP

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It's just fbiniggers, one or two boomers and a gaggle of kikes op, they are not us; they do no assimilate into the subculture

Those “people” are called shills

Dead muslims are a good thing user.
I love it!
Let the kikes and muslims all burn!

Attached: 20190620_233312.jpg (1412x1517, 553K)

you mean shills bots and brainlets. it is not the majority of Jow Forums

astroturfing doesnt mean shit here

Well the drone belonged to ZOG so it wasn't American either.

Those people are paid to post here. It sucks that a mongolian throat-singing forum minding their own damn business can't escape being co-opted by jew bucks (US bucks).


Muslims and Jews shilling in here constantly are the shills niggeroni!

I want jews and muslims to take their faggot pets and go kill eachother. I want the war because progress means dead muslims.

Some people just want the world to burn.

Nah. Muslim shills in here 24/7. I love that this triggers you shillfaggots.
So sick of based islam threads and nigger Ilhan Omar trannydick kike shit.
Go back muslims. You lost. Everyone hates you too.

The people supporting the war with Iran are just JIDF shills trying to rally support everywhere they can.

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Of course a memeflaggot is saying “it’s not the Jews!” Because you are a fucking kike

Don't take it too seriously. I pretend to have various views all the time here.


It's not a matter of supporting. This is destiny at work. This going to usher in a new era. We must go boldly.

Attached: SteveBannon.jpg (618x412, 45K)

This x10

BEST Analysis on Iran War
>BEST Analysis on Iran War
BEST Analysis on Iran War
>BEST Analysis on Iran War
BEST Analysis on Iran War
>BEST Analysis on Iran War
BEST Analysis on Iran War
>BEST Analysis on Iran War
BEST Analysis on Iran War
>BEST Analysis on Iran War
BEST Analysis on Iran War
>BEST Analysis on Iran War
BEST Analysis on Iran War
>BEST Analysis on Iran War
BEST Analysis on Iran War
>BEST Analysis on Iran War

There are actually a good amount of people on Jow Forums dumb as fuck too
Not sure the two groups are related and without a doubt neither one will have any effect on iranian pigfucks

Reported for Antisemitism

why can’t we just get along with iran? I feel like I have more in common with the people from iran than those towel head sand niggers that live in Saudi Arabia

economic reasons

Trump is going to give them a chance to save face. If they do or don't opt-in the President's leverage just strengthens. It'll take a while. Time is on Trump's side either way. He should reach out to Putin and broker a peace deal. The left is revealing tactics like a fool.

It's mostly accelerationists

its fucking boomers m8 what do you expect christkike boomers.

It’s all shit posts and CIA niggers don’t Worry about it

The poor kid was playing with his toy dead chickens before he was refill slee The poor kid was playing with his toy dead chickens before he was Ruthlessly gas to death

why is your beta cucklord fatass scared? you arent going to get drafted because you are a weak loser

lol no fucking shit. nick is a dumb fucking spic.

No it's literally just bored naive teenagers you tard

also why the fuck do you think most people on this board think differently? what the fuck man. boomer christkikes and the zoomer faggot newfags that come here are such low iq fcukeahds