If you were Donald Trump, what would you do regarding Iran?

If you were Donald Trump, what would you do regarding Iran?

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Send in a few seal teams to cause chaos with their infrastructure. Every time they don't do what I want I blow up one of their dams or energy production facilities.

Leave them alone.
Now fuck off Soros.

Immediately fire Bolton and Pompeo, make a spectacle out of it, and then have negotiations with Iran now that absolutely insane psychopaths are out of key diplomatic positions.

Make a business deal. A real one. Not ship them boat loads of cash like obama did. Then make one with russia. Get them on our side. Then destroy Isreal.

blanket pardons for any white American that kills a muslim.

Make the UN deal with it

Bomb U.K.



Negotiate a new nuclear treaty where they get to develop nukes but only if they agree to use them against Israel.

join back the fkin nuclear deal and stop pissing them off.

Why don't you volunteer hero? #ChickenHawks

Arm the people since many want the dictatorship to be over.

This but I would team up with Iran and any other nations willing to support to start an invasion of Israel.

>join the non-binding deal drafted by eurocrats and supported by every globalist cuck including obama

eternal cuck leaf

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What branch nigger?

Nuke Iran and Israel

Yup. This is the correct answer, but Trump is too in love with Jews for this to ever happen.

>talk israel into leading an attack
>promise to back them up
>don't follow up on promise
>side with iran on condemnation of israel in un

2nd post best post
Lots of threads trying to make Iran into a big deal, when it is just a whole lot of bullshit psyops.

Execute all who oppose Israel!!!!! Death to the goyim!!!!

Israel = DROPPED

Iran = New NATO member

not yet pham, let them do more weird false flags and invert more weird reasons why Iran is dangerous...

this way more people will be aware of the neocon agenda and why it is bad.

I'd donate a couple of ready-for-use nuculear warheads to the Iranians. For the sakes of self defends from a rogue nuculear armed terrorist state.

Friendship ended with Israel
Now Iran is my best friend

Grab them by the pussy.

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nuke Israel

I'd keep my promise not to push war in the middle East for one. But then I'd realize I wouldn't win the election and thus pull a page from Bush. Thank you Bolton, for securing me another 4 more years. Nobody ever gives a shit about the young Americans who dies on foreign soil anyway.

Nuke beijing and Moscow. Invade Siberia from Alaska.

Fly 500 drones over their capital as low as I could just to spook them and then call it a day.

This, but let Iran know what the plan is and make sure they put Jews where the strike is so Israel Killa their own people
>Tfw feels good man

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A war with Iran is pure stupidity.

Wars usually boost a president’s favorability so I’d probably order the strike

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Declare war on Israel

all the illegals hopping the border get manditory service when captured.

I would betray Saudi Arabia, invest billions into rebuilding Iran's infrastructure and economy to Shah levels, let them have Iraq and Syria without much fuss, and laugh at Jared Kushner.

Then I would attempt to incentivize more modernization in Iran through our reborn friendship.

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Isreal really is like a leech on America’s jugular. We already made a deal with iran and Isreal didn’t like it. So Trump is gonna have to tell Isreal to fuck off. MAGA not MIGA

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Most based post I’ve seen here in years. Only thing you missed is a Cuba style embargo on Israel to make them give up their utterly illegal nuclear weapons.

>t. schlomo

Just like everyone else posting in this thread.. I would get on my knees and suck off Iran’s leaders one by one.

Id send all neocon cunts to iran to face war crime charges and lmao@you

Until he gets impeached for starting a war without Congressional approval. Nobody in Congress is going to buy the “Revolutionary Guard is a terrorist organization” bullshit.

>what is the AUMF

Nuke the Iraniggers until they glow

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Iranians are whiter than hungarian pornstars.


Lift sanctions, adopt neutrality and encourage business and profit from them?

Incinerate Israel, and apologize to the world.

>Trump is gonna have to tell Isreal to fuck off
got some bad news for you

There's a JonTron joke there somewhere

I would declare


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We need WW3 to make real men out of these pussy ass motherfuckers we have today

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completely ignore them, like the overlords do

Get the fuck out of the region. Maybe lob a few missles on the way out not to look like a bitch

>Iran cash
You’re buying boomer memes

shoot down their vessels and move missle launchers closer to Iran and blackmail neighboring countries to accomodate US tactical assets in their country

I would nuke Israel into the stone age and say Iran did it.

Everybody's to much of a pussy to fight against the kike, kike's got warez

I'm pretty sure Mike Pence comes from the future and is something akin to a mentat in 'Dune.' So I'd just consult him.

I would leave the middle East completely and let the handle their own problems.

>Sub before jewgle takes me down

Release all sensitive intelligence about them- especially the pedophilia (if it exists), black ops assassinations, drug trade- to disrupt their theocracy rule and turn their own people against them and to agitate our enemies at home.

nuke them along with israel

I'd bunker-buster all of the domestic five eyes sleeper labs and end global terrorism in like a week.

Shit. You are right. We need a draft. So best way would be let Iran nuke Israel, then after Israel is gone then we can step in and help. Win win. Slows down international globo agenda and makes zoomers hard men.
Reminder draft cuts out at 26 so all us thirty year old boomers are safe.

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If I want to be elected again in 2020 I gotta do selective bombing of nuclear research facilities, headquarters of the Revolutionary Guard, taking out the highest religious leaders etc.

End friendship with Saudi Arabia. Make Iran new best friend.


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