if he bombs Iran without approval of congress it would be an impeachable offense.
thats the only reason he doesnt do it. cause he knows the dems wont let him. and if he does they will start impeachment process.
if he bombs Iran without approval of congress it would be an impeachable offense.
thats the only reason he doesnt do it. cause he knows the dems wont let him. and if he does they will start impeachment process.
>Dems won't let him
They would, they just don't want it to be traced back to them
>dems wont agree to bombing the shit out of the mid east
they've been okay with it for the bast 30 years why would they all of a sudden see a problem?
>Impeachable offense
>I'm gonna vote for Trump because I don't want a war with Iran
lmfao idiots all of u
Who cares
Lol yeah they would impeach him and then he’d be tried in a Senate filled with neocon Republican boomers, good luck getting 67 votes
Except that the president can act unilaterally for 90 days. Dumbfucks.
Trump is also a cheapskate.
He doesn't think Iran is worth spending any money on, so instead he's just going to force them to sign a new agreement and doesn't need to fight them, he's already strangling the country with turbo sanctions after they got used to the sweet taste of global finance privileges. They're just going to negotiate eventually they can't afford to barely keep the lights on there right now.