Why is it so difficult for Jow Forums to accept that Asians are not their allies?
Why is it so difficult for Jow Forums to accept that Asians are not their allies?
This board is filled with mutts and fags with yellow fever.
The reality is that the only ally of Europeans are Europeans, everyone else is a parasite.
Why is it so difficult for Jow Forums to detect slide threads and memeflags?
because more than half of pol isn't even white. it's mostly asians, poos and spics.. lmao
its hard to consider someone an enemy when they praise big white cock
Even though even Hitler himself liked Asians?
Jow Forums is an offshoot of 4 Chan. A LITERAL anime image board in it's infancy. You still have fucking virgins here who think bug women are Goddesses.
>the only ally of Europeans are Europeans, everyone else is a parasite
except euros all hate each other. cant afford to buy its own goods. needs to import pretty much everything in order to survive.
Because they clearly are.
hitler liked japs, with whom he was allied. the rest of germany was opposed to him on this.
the US made marrying asians illegal.
Germany made marrying Asians illegal too, but they were allied with China (Nationalist) amd Japan. You dumbfuck niggers should read history before posting.
Only Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan are our allies. The Chinese are a souless collective hivemind.
because muh IQ
Only Japanese are. The rest aren't.
Because this board is made of overweight loser white males who are delusional and think asian women want tgem, and not white chad men
>The reality is that the only ally of Europeans are Europeans
the biggest enemy of europeans are europeans
Yes, but other Europeans, different ones. We are not all the same, like the outside world sees us.
Were sure as hell not "allies" with the faggot enabling left. your both fucked in the head.
>different ones
both the different nations and ourselves
>cant afford to buy its own goods.
>needs to import pretty much everything in order to survive.
a truly US retard is speaking
Man fuck Europeans.
We need to convert to Islam and let the fields of Europe be soaked with wh*Teoid blood!
Inshallah my brother.
What dumb globohomo thread should i shitpost in instead?
Japs are our greatest Asian ally
Asians are not human.
Niggers are not human.
Arabs, Indians, pakis have a hint of humanity in them, but due to their degeneration need to be treated as Beasts.
The biggest shiller for Asians are unironically Asians
>muh nogs
>muh mutts
You forget chinks have access to computers and internet too you fucking dolts
Niggers easily have more humanity than Asians. Soulless arthropods. Have you ever seen a Chinese comedian?
>europeans are allies
Top kek. Snowniggers are dumb.
As opposed to thinking roasties are by the cucked "nationalists"
it's part of the jewish agenda, they seem love asians
that includes the mods here
>everything I don't like is jewish agenda
Nigger, we know who you are.
>the biggest shiller for any ethnic population is they themselves
Your mom's basement won't serve you that well in life, try getting out of it sometime to gain some real world knowledge and perspective.
Fucking this. SPBP.
he liked them in their own damn shitholes
Why is it difficult for you to understand that /pol isn't a single ideology or culture?
you are not white poo
he's right idiot. asian shills are not done by whites, but by asians themselves.
nearly half the western (US/UK/CAN/FRA/GER/AUS/NZ) flags on Jow Forums aren't white. they're pakis, asians, muslims and so on.
the only time where I can be somewhat sure if a flag is a actual white person is when it's some Balkan warzone, or one of the Romance languages countries.
a major problem for me is that indians can't shill for shit, literally every indian shilling thread becomes comical. half the indian shills on this website larp as "black dalit bulls" and keep posting funny indian supremacy copypastas.
deep down every poo here wishes they were white. you are neither white nor caucasoid. you poos are abbo
Asians are not one race meme flag