It's perfectly reasonable for Iran to shoot down a hostile drone flying over its territory

It's perfectly reasonable for Iran to shoot down a hostile drone flying over its territory

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Got a loicence for that pic?

Where's your drone? Oh it crashed on foreign soil. Sounds like you're having a bad day m8

hahahahah allah ho akbar may iran smash the dirty prairie coons hahaahaha btw trump is shitting his pants trying to make excuses hehehe

I hope they shoot down more

and then get nuked :^)

i concur user.

Imagine wanting to die for the USA's war over a drone. A drone your supervisor's will never even let you fly!

post quality replies user. That sounded autistic.

Pretty sure Iran has shot down UAVs in the past before, I seem to remember Iranian state TV parading around some made in USA pieces of a drone and gloating a few years back.

I cringed really hard

we wanna see americans bleed....even to the last iranian hahaahahahhahahehe

Not going to happen

>meme flag
Seems you’re all retarded :^)

It was a stealth drone flying at 60000 ft... By tracking & shooting it down the iranians have definitely surprised the the extent trump is quivering & dithering & making excuses hehehe

wooooooooooow a nuke won't be dropped on Iran over a drone?
woooooooooow you genius

I'm shutting this thread down. It's a 2/10 thread at best.

Sounds plausible

My thread is at least a 6

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Agreed. But this was not a hostile drone. As it was explained in a thread earlier today.

Pic: related

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iran will F you up boi hehheehe

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remember the 6 million drones goy! no amount of retaliation is too much to atone for the 12 million drones shot down by Iran! you're going to go fight for Israel goy because if it wasn't for the 19 million drones who lost their lives at the hands of evil Iran you would never have had freedom! Never forget the 30 million drones!!!


Part 2

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That post is completely nonsensical. Should any type of Iranian drone touch my airspace I expect my government to shoot it down immediately.
Boundaries need to be respected

International airspace


But it wasn't over Iranian territory.

Neocons btfo

Dont care
Fuck zog

If there is war, Trump will not preside over treasury depleting losers like Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. Trump is a winner. You win with nukes. There will be nukes. And nothing else.

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The drone was a diplomat. You do not shoot diplomats. Not even North Korea when tensions were highest ever took a shot a DIPLOMAT1

If Iran or any other country were to fly a military drone over the US controlled territory how would the US government/military react?

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Drones are not diplomats user. Drones are hardware, they're not human

but trump is shitting & pissing his pants making excuses for iran huahuauhuaua

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What type of drone? That is key question. Is it a drone bearing weapons? Or is it a drone of peace? I would not shoot down an Iranian drone of peace.

This is really sick and twisted. Some people will actually believe that

Trump is posturing because if he goes to war he is dropping nukes. And by giving the Iranians multiple chances without response, he gains the moral authority to do so.
>Pic related

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its anodda shoah

>drones can’t be diplomats

>Trump is posturing
yeah hes getting ready to take a big dump hauauaheehe

Attached: amerifat trump.jpg (768x1024, 44K)

>trump still in iraq
>trump still in afganistan
>trump still in syria
>trump still in libya
>trump still in somalia

Citation needed

Imagine if Iran flew drones off the coast of Florida, imagine the shitstorm.

you're a sneaky little cunt. fuck you

Wrong, it is illegal to defend yourself from the USA.

The day shift shills are so much better. You will be a night shift shill forever with this weak shit.

Show your Jew flag coward.

it was literally a bait and even al jazeera reported on it.
0 deaths and US has an act of aggression on their hands (against them)
genius, really. now they can do whatever the hell they want

lol you are the night shift nigger ameritard... its day where i am huahuaauhe

ok I can't find a flaw in that argument

Did Trump put those troops there? No, in fact he repeatedly clashed with Mattis and other senior defense officials over this very issue. Especially Afghanistan. Trump wants to bring all US troops home - including those “guarding” Western Europe against the defunct USSR. And including those in South Korea, which is why he is pushing for peace with North Korea. Those overseas bases cost us billions


There is no hard evidence from an impartial source where the drone was shot down. Could be it was in Iranian airspace or a few miles away in international airspace. It’s 100% unclear.

stop larping you stupid mexican

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Show your flag

Best to brush off the loss of a drone and write-it off kraut. Not worth it.
Remember how Russia showed restraint when Turkey shot one of their actual pilots down

Why is no one asking why this fucking thing costs $130-180 million??????

It most certainly does not cost that much, are you stupid

>same flag attack, same as before
>has one neuron left and he's using it for his kneejerk stupidity

was the drone flying over international waters or not? can someone prove the claim?

Why are people engaging with the meme flags? Just ignore them

Look on literally every news site you dumb fucking sand nigger

fuck you nigger eheheehe

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Ok I retract my statement

>60000 feet

They do like the number 6...

>It's perfectly reasonable for Iran to shoot down a hostile drone flying over its territory

it cost 220M !!!!

muh six gorillion feet

iran says it already recovered the drone. a bit easy when its in your own territory

So don't fly it within striking distance of your enemies

Did anyone else other than USA call it a diplomat?
You can't take something built as a weapon and call it a diplomat and be upset when people doesn't agree.
Was it perhaps diplomacy and not democracy being dropped on Iraq a few years back?

Sorry but is really not the time nor place for UN shenanigans, we've got real issues here

im UNinvolved

>posting nosense niggers
go back to r*ddit you fucking faggot
US border violations are happening everyday everywhere on the planet, muh 100%

We need to find you guys a bullshit project to keep you busy while this is being dealt with.
Why don't you campaign against plastic straws

we're partial to saving penguins

alright focus on the penguins UNbro we're counting on you

Nigger this ain't 2001 anymore, no one's going to defend more foreign wars except rat kikes

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>hostile drone
It was unarmed


It's perfectly reasonable for their to be a fleet from a world superpower in this part of the world where such a large part of the worlds oil is shipped through a tiny 40km wide piece of water on it's way to asia, right next to an islamic nation who has repeatedly threatened to block off this major corridor of world energy supply in an attempt to throw the world into chaos and in it and pursue a local war motivated by religion and it's achievement of a nuclear deterrent.

But there are some things which are not acceptable. One is the powers in the US which motivated by either profits they would gain in a war (arms and oil industries) or by foreign influence (israeli and saudi) which would love to remove one of their rivals in the region and will try to use any incident to push for a war as we are seeing. Another is shooting down a foreign military aircraft over international waters, whether it was a simple mistake on either side or not, it wouldn't be hard to cross or to believe a crossing had happened, especially when both sides don't even agree where exactly the border is.

Lucky that the US has Trump at the head who counters the powerful influences toward new wars with his policy. And impressive he did cancel a petty tit for tat retaliation which was in the air, could have led to escalation and would have led to people being killed. And lucky for everybody that the US continues to keep open vital energy corridors in the world.

The country it belonged to is hostile, not the drone itself. And for that matter, why should I trust your "peaceful" drone if I'm Iran?

it's probably spying on their nuclear installations anyway. Why else would you send a drone towards Iran

not if it's an American drone! Invade iran now.

it's hard to stay mad at you

>foreign soil

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Hey, imagine for one second an Iranian UAV came that close to New York City. You would shoot that bastard immediately

You're useless

Wouldn't shoot you though

>has the power to recall all troops with a phone call or swish of his pen
>b.but he REALLY wants to bring them home goy, he’s being blocked by the deep state. Trust the plan.

The world as we know it would end with that "swish of his pen", as if it is that simple. Australia would run out of fuel in 2 weeks. But you know what? America wouldn't.

Huh, I wouldn't have figured Bolton posted on pol

Pretty sure that was Pakistan during the Bin Laden raid.

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Peaceful nation full of history and culture going to be torn apart so some rich trust fund brat gets another ferrari

eCXsFx server for discussing the current political situation involving iran and the US