It's real

You guys were right all along. The FBI really is false flagging on internet boards.

Attached: fbi.png (784x158, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literal incompetent retards.
Forget the fact that they false flag their own citizens like the dystopian fuckers they are. They can’t even hire competent shitposters.

No shit, kikes and their glownigger attack dogs subvert any and all online communities to try and steer them away from being effective. Whether that means making them attack the wrong enemy, or getting them to commit crimes and be arrested. Why do you think antifa is out in the streets punching civcucks and protecting fags when there are capitalists to ventilate for their glorious worker's revolution? Because they're controlled opposition.

Post the article retard

>FBI replies to it's own posts

Attached: glowniggers.png (526x453, 192K)

I wish we were that relevant

Why does the FBI hate Russia but love China?

The more fearmongering and "credible threats", the more funding these leftist glowies get. That's why the FBI stages fake terrorist threats and manufactures false evidence to scare politicians into throwing more money at them.

Attached: 1532848267622.jpg (821x771, 199K)

Because Russia is closer to white.

The FBI is 100% leftist


Just remind these pathetic faggots how much they get paid. A bunch of destitute poorfags.

Attached: FBI salary.jpg (1109x363, 59K)

So maybe all the storm niggers spamming "Trump is a Zionist shill" here are glow in the dark meant for us to lose all hope and do something that would start a race war?

Attached: $_35.jpg (300x300, 11K)


Attached: Comey the commie.png (612x787, 116K)

The FBI is committed to removing the threat that sectors on the internet, much like this one, promote.

And? The screenshots were probably submitted as evidence by a user and then verified by trained personnel after the fact. Please. There are no 'glow n-words' monitoring our boards and threads. You're schizophrenic.

There is very poor 'evidence'. It's most likely subpoenaed and then the screenshots are from the defendant. There is nothing to worry about, we are free to talk about anything we wish on these boards.

>CIA director
This has to be one of the most absolutely retarded things I've read in my entire life
How about think for yourself for once in your life

i cant tell if glow nigger or good troll

Attached: 1560529076850.jpg (438x438, 51K)

Wrong, the left wing in the U.S. doesn't really exist. What you have are capitalists pretending to be leftists to fool leftists into supporting them. That's why anyone left of center is always being distracted by idpol and conjured boogeymen like fascists and the KKK.
Pic very related, as if he didn't snitch his way to the top lol.

>This has to be one of the most absolutely retarded things I've read in my entire life
>How about think for yourself for once in your life
It did happen BY HIS OWN ADMISSION. What now, faggot?

Attached: John Brennan communist CIA glowie.png (677x940, 504K)

aw shucks. we aren't even cool anymore
Those loli loving shitposters are winning!

>Wrong, the left wing in the U.S. doesn't really exist.

Leftism is no longer an economic system, it's a full-fledged religion.

Attached: CIA far-leftist glownigger faggots literally.png (614x902, 333K)

Found the glownigger

I dont even know what this means

I bet the fuckers have a gold pass too.

It won't let me, I get an error saying the system thinks it's spam every time I try to post the link. Thank the FBI overlords of Jow Forums

It's like normies turn off their brains whenever news about the Feds or Spooks come out


Jews have been trying to destroy Russia for awhile.

Attached: Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - You must understand.png (650x994, 600K)

yeah just remember commies kill, subvert and distort other commies more than any other group could dream of

Fuuuuck guess I'd have to Google search the image

You act surprised, yet the FBI has infiltrated just about every collectivist group you can think of. Chans have been manipulated for a long time and you're all playing by their rules now.

shit the fuck up you third world shitskin you have no fucking idea

>self-proclaimed far-left commies climb to the top of the CIA and FBI and abuse their power to undermine American institutions and even attempt a coup against the elected commander in chief
>"I dont even know what this means XDDD"

Really nigga?

Attached: 11b3d76393c3584f3c1e91f850f153cc-imagejpeg.jpg (640x360, 73K)

It’s a literally who wordpress site

Sloppy job putin dick

The only difference between then and now is that the FBI got caught this time because they hire morons

Attached: 789374958793845.png (2000x3000, 703K)

You're fuckin evil dude.

William luther Pierce was right again

Imagine being this gay.

Attached: bif.jpg (320x320, 11K)

Attached: 1515208418604.png (144x151, 11K)

10/10 whatever the fuck post this is

It's like can feel the gangstalkers at my window right now

take your meds


They replaced it with the serum

why, because being anti-trump and, therefore by extension, anti-israel is totally something the fbi would be on board with?

think i found the glownigger.

>not using the original file name

Attached: say_gibs2.png (300x200, 82K)

Or they're doing it on purpose an they're letting it be known, in which you may be the retard to have such a simple perception of things.

Attached: 1560748397780.png (1544x1926, 392K)

Hello newfren

>FBI tries to frame Trump
>Thinks FBI is pro Trump

When conversing with anons you can corner them and determine their true motivations. Granted there's always a chance it's just a shitposter, but it happens too many times to be mere coincidence. Shills of almost every kind are easy to spot if you ask the right questions.

Attached: 1553211284370.png (1066x993, 973K)

Attached: 4745.jpg (1024x544, 100K)

ten years of this fucking site and I keep reading serum as semen

fuck all of you. not fbi btw.

>responding to questions
drive-by shitpost or bust

Attached: you.jpg (1024x943, 440K)

get those (you)s bb

Tarrant posted here. That is undeniable.
Let's look at what Earnest posted. He posted it here, it was just purged quickly. If you look at the timestamps of his postings they correlate with the timestamps of a certain geolocation. That geolocation would be Russia/Ukraine. They were involved somehow and are using sockpuppets to discredit this theory. The fact that the timestamps implicate a specific region in his posts


>There is nothing to worry about
Hold on, isn't anyone here a real goy?

Attached: leobait.png (360x361, 16K)


Which timezone

>FBI glownigger gets more (You)s than I do


Sizeable chunk of Jow Forums is FBI

You glowniggers don’t stop do you?

>newfag pretending to be oldfag.

All those minecraft thread posters getting vanned straight to Guantanamo

By the way in case FBI is reading this, I'm not a Russian spy, it was a joke. Please approve my stamp. Thanks.

These are incredibly obvious posts. I see shit like this all the time. The overly nice tone, the constant out of place push towards their agenda, the perfect grammar which is interrupted by random typos that don't even make sense to make it look like it's ''one of the guys'' and appearently we're all retards so you need typos and errors to make it looks like you're one of us, the needless out of place ''meme'' references. These people don't fit in, but they try very hard, that's how you get those weird ''Thank you!!!'n'' posts.

Also glowniggers do not understand how to use inb4. If you see anyone use inb4 without comprehending what it means, report them for being CIA shills.


China pays more.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

say it

This entire site is compromised. Jow Forums is being flooded 24/7 by propaganda and shill bullshit. Mods and janitors are complicit. On other boards they selectively enforce rules to the benefit kf jews and social marxists etc. Also pic related. Jews and the establishment are fucking pissed Trump won in 2016, its no coincidence that this censorship shit is happening all over the internet including Jow Forums right now. Also therr are discords full of trannies who false flag or shill their leftist garbage nonstop.

Attached: jidf.jpg (1272x1023, 354K)

Yo any intelligence agencies reading this, hire me for 100k a year and I can shitpost better than any of your incompetent diversity hires and boomers. I have 10 years shitposting experience.

Uh who loves china...?

And Israel pays the most.
Funny how countries which pay the most money get away with the most attacks on US. Israel gets away with election fraud, terrorist attacks, 9/11, USS Liberty, spying etc. China gets away with their spies constantly feeding China information, in 2010 Chinese spies in the CIA got about 20 people killed by giving information of CIA assets in China. They get away with it, no one cares.
Meanwhile Russia buys a facebook ad and you have to go to war with Russia. Iran shoots down a drone and you need WW3.

FBI if you want some competent shitposters just hit me up, I could use a job and have 6 years experience. You'll know how to find me.

Just wait till' the bot posts arrive.
You better start believing in horror stories, user, you're in one.

Attached: 15602592174460.jpg (259x250, 12K)

Ya me too email me at [email protected]

40k to shit post? where do i sign up?

Fucking hell. The FBI should hire me. I can do a better job.
I'll even take base salary to shitpost. seems comfy

And whos been getting buddy buddy with china as of late? Israel.

JIDF is literally a bunch of autistic spergs. But what can you expect from a group of inbred, neurotic faggots?

Attached: weaponizedautism.png (2026x1282, 1.36M)

I agree with this guy. He seems like a genuinely good poster.

Second! would be an awesome FBI agent and blend in perfectly!

>mfw ching chongs are the new jews

Attached: 1547093465925.jpg (480x441, 27K)

this user can probably use memes correctly. just hrie him

Outjew the jew.

Tfw FBI are just some downies

Attached: 1561036788779.jpg (570x856, 66K)

Take meds.

Attached: 1560316691401.jpg (242x405, 33K)

inb4 you're an idiot. If they fbi really did post here, you morons wouldn't be able to catch us.

Have sex.

I'll do it for 99k a year.

Attached: 1540573111695.jpg (896x895, 959K)

Im on to you

Attached: 1559347798558.jpg (660x495, 115K)

>glowie detected

Fucking sneaky kike. I'll do it for $98999 per year.

top zozzle

Attached: 1523385424690.jpg (625x365, 28K)

There are also leftists shilling the Trump is a jew and hasnt done anything meme. They act as if they are far right but are false flagging. Only the lower IQ people fall for it i think, supporting trump is still pragmatic, and hes still done a lot despite congress obstrucring him on everything excelt pro israel shit. Consider the fact that youve been bombarded with anti Trump propaganda non stop.

Anyone 'far right' knew Trump wasn't serious when he got rid of Bannon.

>more than any other group could dream of
False. Jews.