Will you vote Trump even if he attacks Iran?

I won't.

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Me neither

I will, don't give a fuck about anyone here or on Central Nigger Network, I'm voting for trump in 2020 and making my former liberal fiancee vote for him too. How bout them apples, buttplug?

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Will you vote Trump

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No probably not lol
But I can’t say I was going to anyways

Fuck traitors.

I’m not voting for Trump, irrespective of what he does about Iran.

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You must have imagined someone cared, you were mistaken

fuck him

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I'm voting for Big Joe whether he does it or not.

Biden is everything we wanted out of Trump, except competent and not radioactive because D is next to his name.

I will not vote for him because he is indecisive

Who else would I vote for? Biden?
I'd never vote for a democrat

He's a kiddy diddler, just like all those mother fuckers

100% voting for him because he gets shit done and every single candidate the democrats are offering is a fucking joke. I seriously doubt the mental capacity of people who even consider voting for Bernie, Biden, Harris, Yang, etc. I can’t wait to watch Trump destroy everybody in the debates.

I won't be voting for that kike either way

Would you vote for Trump is he doesn't? Nancy Pelosi already has said Trump is weak for not attacking. She also said he's a war monger.

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Vote for Trump now. Ron DeSantis in 2024.

>implying Trump, a literal billionaire reality TV star didn't diddle kids
He's both part of the monetary and hollywood elite. He's probably fucking eaten babies.

Hell no.

If it's a choice between two kiddy diddlers, then I choose Trump

It's better for Americans to understand that it is not about voting for republicans or democrats, it is about voting for one shabbosgoy or another

Trump fucked his own daughter

Neocons are worse than liberals.

I won't vote for Trump if he doesn't attack Iran.

You have to go back, niggers.

so is trump you dummy

Like you would fuck her


theoretically if the CIA stole some tech, and some URANIUM, and diverted the tech and the URANIUM to IRAN and then setup labs with tech using lasers to spin the stuff up faster, would destroying such a place be an attack on IRAN or an attack on the CIA. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

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Even the Zionist boomers on my Facebook wall are saying the whole incident was a false flag

my sides

No that's my line in the sand.

>I won't vote for Trump if he doesn't attack Iran.

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I gave him the benefit of the doubt... but he can go fuck himself if he attacks Iran.

Why the FUCK didn't you elect Ron Paul ameriturds?

This is what I voted for, of course I will vote again! Death to Iran.

Remember the digits have foretold that IRAN will destroy ISRAEL. Hastening the demise of Iran will surely lead to the destruction of Zion and fulfill the prophecy.

>Neocon delusions

Does it even matter?
All American parties are jewish

I'll vote for Trump as long as he actually gets rid of millions of spics before election day, including DACA recipients and anchor babies who can't prove their birth.

So basically I won't be voting for Trump again.

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>i hate white Israelis and love mudslimes
Liberal snowflake found :)

Awww....... how Cute! A coordinated raid of a bunch of homosexual faggots who think they can change ANYTHING here.
A bunch of faggots who do the EXACFT same pattern daily for months on end.
How's your shilling been going for you sperm-slurpers? As long as you are getting paid, you have zero care that you've been the OPPOSITE of effective? People now come here specifically to watch you shills get fucked with and called all sorts of 'faggot' that you truly are
So now comes the part where you will be asked to drop 'Red-Pills' that would get a shill fired.
Then comes the part where some of you faggots feign a distraction by calling me a 'kike'
Then when I press you for Red-Pills you homos will post nonsensical garbage that doesn't even remotely bear semblance to a Red-Pill.
Press you on the issue some more, and some of you faggots will leave, switch proxies, or have a colleague come in to try and distract me from pressing you dick-lickers for Red-Pills.
I find this game amusing.
You do nothing but embolden anons' resolve here, because the very fact that your masters are so willing to spend millions of dollars on shilling these places, and your Masters Fake Stream Media Propaganda machine gives 98% negative coverage 24/7-----is a MORE than clear sign that the big bad meanie-cheeto is doing a LOT to piss off your Globalist Masters. Thus you only strengthen his support.
You faggots wanna play AGAIN for the thousandth time? If not me, some other user will play with you sperm-slurpers.

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Vote for Yang

>Voting does anything

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i won't
in fact i will shill for that gay dude, if Trump will start a war

It made an ocean of salt flow, it made Lefties reveal to the normies how utterly mentally insane Lefties actually are, and it made the Fake Stream Media Elites sperg the fuck out 24/7/365.
I'm VERY satisfied
And THAT only scratches the surface

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>Muh Ebin librul crying maymays.

eCXsFx server for/for not voting for trump

You all will and then proceed to do a bunch of mental gymnastics to support a war

It's almost as if Americans are international terrorists.

he could nuke everything besides japan, australia and europe and i wouldn't care.

Literal Israeli cum guzzler.

voting is a waste of time. just buy more ammo

Obviously not

>Sub before jewgle takes me down

I'd vote for trump nonetheless, no way would i vote for a socialist or creepy uncle joe

Thanks for following the EXACT pattern as I said.
Get some new game.
You sperm-slurpers are as predictable as insects.

How did this even come about? Heard it several times, never any sauce for the claim.

No. Pulling America out of foreign conflicts was part of what drew me to him in the first place aside from his anti-immigrant stance. If he attacks Iran then he can officially kiss my vote goodbye. It's bad enough that the wall still hasn't been built, which has already pissed me off.

>i hate white Israelis and love mudslimes
'White' Israelis are mudslimes dumbass.

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