Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - DOOOOOOMED EDITION

>upcoming elections
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>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta [unchanged]

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative, counter subversion.
Get Jow Forums.
Get a job.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>English language analysis

>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht

>Get active


Attached: 1433414.png (302x399, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He looks and acts like a VS-shill.


Attached: Screenshot_20190621-131254_upday.jpg (720x1280, 375K)

>boomer black + hipster green
not G2R.

Attached: ban-einwegtuete.png (1059x1499, 334K)

watch out, boys.
we are being radicalized.

Attached: seghdshtjftjf.png (296x424, 108K)

He doesn't

Wieso denn ausgerechnet Sachsen? WTF?

>muh combat 18
>muh AfD hat mitgeschossen

since when are witches "too catholic"?

Guten tag deucthe brudi, du bist gut ja?

For Germanistan

point taken.

Attached: dfnfgmfjk.png (296x398, 70K)

>That is the only thing you want? More Europeans?
Not the only thing but one of the more important ones, the well being of European peoples is also essential, this well being also is of homogenity of a nation.
>The thing is that you didn't claimed anything specific only that you like 'good politic' which has no inherent meaning and can be interpreted by everybody on their own way.
Dosen't matter, this is the case for everyone yes.

Stop linking (((Welt))), pls. Founded by the CIA, run by a 68er and Jews, a mouthpiece for NATO and (((USA))) propaganda.

Attached: 1471098467347.jpg (640x720, 41K)

Das, die USA ist propagandamaschine

>i link welt
nigga, i crop pics of them because i don't want to give them clicks. i haven't linked to shit but back then when i was but a fresh newfag, retard.
just look at the absurd message they are driving and laugh.

Wann auch immer ich Zeitungen sehe oder Nachrichten hör' kann ich gar nicht mit dem essen nachkommen wie ich kotzen will.

Maybe stop being a useless piece of shit. Just a thought.

oh excuse me i haven't been useful enough in a malaysian interpol shitposting forum.

i forgot that Jow Forums is serious business.

>i forgot that Jow Forums is serious business
and you're telling me this only NAO?!

I am just trying to help you, no need to be so hostile. If it wasn't serious business, you wouldn't use a password.

dedicated shitposting is serious business too!
don't mistake my passive-aggressivity for actual aggressivity, i am just making fun of you.

>ruins it all as soon as he explains it

Attached: facepalm.gif (512x384, 1.68M)

That's a weird way to make fun of someone. What exactly are you making fun of? That I gave you a helpful suggestion?

Heil Loide

Attached: 90er NPD Rainer.jpg (492x493, 55K)

Why do you Germans like to be cucked?

Attached: WAT?.jpg (489x492, 40K)

Why do austrians think they are not german?

We aren't, we are maybe 10% South Bavarian in the North.

Austrians are a mix of mostly Hungarians, Czechs, Yugos and Italians (In the South).

Attached: Kellerausbau mit Josef.jpg (300x419, 17K)

quintessential le 56%ers

Nah, we are Europeans.

Where are you from, (((memeflag)))?

Attached: Josef stimmung.jpg (625x466, 52K)

we wuz habsburger an sheeeit
racemixed before it was cool fo dat sick-ass diplomatic street cred.

son... please

Attached: my flag.jpg (1000x600, 39K)

so brogressive, so forward

Attached: eternal Lithuanian totally subversive.png (784x1011, 725K)

>Rapes a kid in the basement

Attached: Based Josef.jpg (247x204, 8K)

>it was annexed by the Russian Empire
So you are a Russian rape baby, get it.

Why are you even here, you are even less German than me and that means a lot!

Attached: Thinking Pepe 2.jpg (400x400, 23K)

>Destroy a flag --> 3 years in prison

>Mahmod rapes a child --> probation


>austrians be, like, sheeeit an' such
oh lord! we fell for it

Germanistan stikes again

Attached: Der neuer Deutsche.png (394x476, 74K)

>you are even less German than me and that means a lot!
akshully, I might be more German than you, lol

rilly meks u honk, don't it?

Don't think so, you guys are known for being heavily mixed with Russians.

They owned you for a loooong time

Attached: Pepe Rainer.png (1279x716, 740K)

>mixed with Russians
far better than being mixed with Ital Ital :DDD

That's the ones who live in South Tyrol.

The most common mix is Croatian-Hungarian.

A huge part of Austria used to be Hungary, and the Hungarians brought a lot of Croatian slaves with them to farm.
A reason why Burgenland is over 90% Croatian to this day.

Attached: Rainer AFD loide.jpg (705x426, 30K)


It is a sure tell for a shill or a boomer, the latter effectively equivalent to the first

I might have a problem
>I went clubbing last night
>Met a Japanese girl
>Early 20s, freaky but good looking
>She was clearly on something but I was already pretty wasted and didn't care desu
>Everything went well and a couple hours later we went to her place because she didn't want to go to my hotel
>We had sex
>So far everything was alright
>I was relaxing on her bed when she left the room
>A minute or two later she returned and sat down next to me
>I couldn't immediately recognize what she had brought with her
>Then I realized what was going on
>It was "Fixerbesteck"
>I must have given her a really weird look because she asked if everything is okay
>Afterwards she calmly continued to prepare the injection and even offered me something too
>I declined and said that I have to leave now
>While I was still collecting my stuff she already shot herself up with heroin
Now I have to wait a few weeks before I can get a STD test. Just lovely

Attached: B41760F3-F01E-448E-91CC-0418CF14691E.gif (500x580, 644K)

Hoffentlich kriegen die Grünen ihre THC verklebten Finger nicht an unsere Wirtschaft.
Jedes Mal wenn man das Wort Grüne und Regierungspartei in einem Satz fällt, verliert der DAX Punkte. Kaum auszumalen was passiert wenn sie tatsächlich Immigration erleichtern und das Asylgesetz entschärfen würden.
Wie kann es überhaupt sein, dass eine Fotze die vor dem Mauerfall für den Erhalt der DDR demonstriert hat jetzt Bundestagspräsidentin ist?
Vielleicht kann man der Kugel noch ausweichen und kriegt irgendwie eine Schwarz Rot Gelbe Koalition hin.
>dfw Bahamas Koalition nie

You dun goofed then. When are you returning to Germany?

Racemixer BTFO, hope you have AIDS!

Attached: Anime Cute Laughing At You.gif (500x280, 521K)

My flight goes in a few hours, I'm already at the airport

You’re just jealous


Attached: Canada.jpg (1278x638, 40K)

In 6 weeks I can make a test to be sure

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Noice! Gods do have a sense of irony! Praise be to Perkūnas and to Odin as well :DDDDD

Hope the (((Iranians))) shoot it down!

Attached: Hihihihi.gif (277x400, 116K)

Lel, you were the one that racemixed desu.


Nur falls irgendjemand dachte, dass die besser wären.

>Kenner der Szene
kek. A friend of mine always used that as a meme phrase...

>teile der Neonaziszene radikalisieren
To become ubersuperdupernazis or what?


Attached: AIDS.gif (300x225, 271K)

This could have happened with a white girl too

Burn the rice, pay the price!

Attached: Asian Women.jpg (1280x2652, 740K)

Unlikely. Still, fucking foreigners is risky business. One simply does lack the cues to understand how much of a quality person is in front of you. Then again what for a person fucks a foreigner anyway. Especially so fast. Nah, thanks. I am happy with my wife.

>this happens with degenerates.

Hyper Nazis sounds cooler

Attached: Heil Rainer.jpg (1024x682, 127K)

Attached: freee.png (1064x190, 27K)

Attached: kkii.png (1062x90, 9K)

Attached: gfh.jpg (1120x121, 20K)


Fuck you guys

say not so... it has no equipment for that... best it can be described is
>dry humping
>carpet munching

Attached: Tay on a carpet, preparing to munch.jpg (1920x2131, 708K)

Did we actually get a public response from our great chancellor after a NATO member was attacked by Iran?

I don't get it.
Isn't flooding one's own nation with a permanent underclass that will always demand gibs a bad economic decision?

Attached: c4546.png (1914x298, 81K)

what? sphincter cramping from fear? :DDD good
however you, as all degenerates will never connect your depravity with any misfortunes, even directly connected with said activity, thus not drawing any corresponding conclusions.
Darwin award nominee, I salute you. imagine, immortality just days away and you fucked yourself in the arse with AIDS and die minutes away from your (((salvation)))

Attached: eternal Lithuanian glowing.png (784x1011, 726K)

I presume even a below average Westerner is well enough equipped to beat the breaks of an Asian. Not that nature intended that. Darn anime

Hatten die USA nicht den iranischen Luftraum verletzt?
Guck mal, was passiert, wenn du mit deiner Hobby-Drohne auf einen Flugplatz fliegst.

Possibly 38°C in Bielefeld next. Welp! It's been nice knowing you, faggots.

Wasn't that late next week?

Did you or did you not engage in a sexual act with non Europeans Yes or No?!

>already phoneposting outside

Far ahead nigga.

>even a below average Westerner is well enough equipped
you do know that we're conversing with Tay here... unless you are referring to it being a possible trap with ding dong still intact

Attached: eternal Lithuanian WUT.png (784x1011, 638K)

If this is true, and I doubt it, then this could be exactly one of the things she should have said, don't you think? Why didn't she?

This isn't funny you baltic hillbilly.
Anyway boarding will start soon. Bye

Fuck off incel and learn to read the thread

Attached: CC9294B4-18AC-4B58-8666-85DC4CC87BC4.jpg (600x912, 63K)

Technically, no. We view them as pets, for example. Americans spend like $60 billion per year on pets, so Mexicans and etc are just pet monkey that cost a lot.

Attached: dabbedon5435435.png (1052x286, 56K)

>Tfw you should warn the TSA negress cause are more likely to have Aids then her

I did!but i wanted to hear it from you whore.You are such a disappointment......

Attached: sdfgsd.png (768x602, 584K)

>be lesbian
>get aids
This is funny if you ask me.

OK. Understood. Why so many lesbians on drugs?

this is more than funny! it is sweet as honey feeling of divine justice descending upon our mortal coils to manifest it against your dick swaggering.
seeing you shitting bricks is more than repays for enduring your fake supremacy posting.
I'm a-going to sacrifice a white dove to Venus Libitina :DDDD

Attached: Disdain for degenerates.png (578x838, 598K)

because you have to use sum stronk sheeeit to take your mind off the thoughts that you are raping your nature :D

I am mad disappointed, angry, confused, sad, but at the same time.........evil'y happy.
Looks like god is real after all!

Attached: bce.jpg (608x402, 27K)

return to the Rhine and drown yourselves.

Hope you die

Attached: Pepe thumbs up.jpg (820x627, 142K)

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