One Punch Man is racist

Who else saw this coming

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he's not even an actual nigger
he's just tanned as hell (this is canon)

>watching anime
You must be at least 18 to post here.

>Where am I?

I am 25 and watch Anime

Everything is racist

The only black characters that these people accept all have white bone structures, like those faggots who like chocolate-colored dark elves, it sounds to me that whites just want a circus of what THEY consider Africa to be, even though Africans don't give a rat's arse about any of this stuff.

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Better than playing video games like a faggot

It's so disgusting to look at I think they made a mistake with this decision

Why are you offended, eikaiwa?

You are a joke to nips, quit pretending to be outraged when they treat you like shit

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on Jow Forums in the 4channel era

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Super Alloy Blackluster is funny as shit and unironicly portrayed as super strong and one of the "top S class heroes" fucking liberals should be happy he is even in the show at all.

You are the one who does not belong here normie.

How else would you draw niggers?

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Why would this even be considered offensive?

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>The only black characters that these people accept all have white bone structures

This. They are begging for Western beauty standards to be applied on animated niggers.

1. Stop complaining and upholding western beauty standards
2. The character isn't a nigger in the first place


somehow that everything is awesome song started playing in my head

who even cares what these mentally handicapped people say anymore.
no one takes them seriously.


Wait for them to discover there is a villain called "black sperm"

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Jow is for you /a/ weebs. You've outstayed your welcome long enough.

Or that Prison Rapist Man is a negro in the comic.

The eyes and the lips mostly.
The nose is off too – a wide nose is fine, a big pear-shaped one, not so much.

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What's the actual complaint? That tweet doesn't specify.

One of my co workers look just like this guy and loves him, fuck right off, my coworker is a good dude and deserves to have cartoon made that look like him too you sjw faggot:

Ya but show me one of those where i can talk about race and sex of the characters (negatively) without the mods draging the thread to here? Maybe gif? Deff b butt fuck b had turned into tranny town along with gif and r9k.

>being on Jow Forums
>thinking anime is childish
Kill yourself faggot

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>that activity
>this board
Based Jow Forums

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>ayo WTF
nothing, and I do mean nothing, matters after that. Just kill it.

>unironically saying that niggers should look less like niggers

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Imagine coming to anime website to complain about anime. You baka-ass motherfucker.

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>still drawing blacks the way they look
Oh the horror

Refrain from portraying black people as inaccurate, exaggerated caricatures is not "white bone structure".
Then again, your perception of black people is clearly defined by these caricatures.

>he thinks moot is still relevant in 2019

>not childish
*powers up*
*punches nothing but air*
*powers up again*
*punches hit*
So, this is the power of lameass technique

Anime is childish as fuck. That's one of the main draws to it. Japs love it because it allows them to rekindle their youth and times where they weren't being crushed by societal pressure. There's a reason why most anime characters are mid-teens.

>moot in 2013
>meanwhile hiro, the owner of Jow Forums said "it might have anime boards, but its not an anime website"

Compare this: to this: Literally nothing I said in was wrong.

>only gay shonen powerlevel garbage exists
ur a faggot user


Based nips

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That was pretty funny, he got so buff he turned black.

This. Fuck anime. Anime is literally for losers and niggers. I don’t know what it is about anime that attracts literal niggers and losers but it does. Never seen a normal person who likes anime.

>are we still drawing black characters like this?
What, is he doing that too?

He's not a nigger tho, sorry for your nigger co worker.

Cute girls doing cute things is equally faggy shit, user. Go back to 4channel. I used to be a beta loser like you, but then I dropped the pretense of anime being mature and got on with my life. You should too.

What else do you have apart from

>muh mecha
>muh 80s OVAs that tell shit stories but have lots of gore

Imagine thinking watching loli and yuri slice of life anime makes you better than people playing Hearts of Iron.

I don't see the problem. Thats what black people look like. Are you wanting their features to look more white?

greetings, reddit.

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How the fuck are you (((supposed))) to draw a nigger?

at least they gave him eyebrows unlike 99% of IRL niggas

>sports anime

Is he mad because it doesn't look like Fat Albert or something?

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anime weebsite

>a big pear-shaped nose is not ok
Niggers have disgusting looking noses and lips.
That is exactly what the character is representing.
If you would draw those features less ugly, the character wouldn't be representative of a black man.

Anime makes you into a tranny.

I feel like I'm posting this macro every day now. Fuck nu-Jow Forums

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Truly an angel, lmao

You're actually retarded.
I bet you think music also only consists of 2 genres.
Don't @ me ever again you massive sandnigger dick sucking faggot.

you're free to leave nigger

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>not even on the graf

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>manzai comedy
Slapstick humour for kids

Twilight tier horror

>sports anime
Literally shounen

Until it ends up being isekai and the author's self insert.


>no comeback
>needs to throw out insults
Like I said, childish media for childish people. Weebs always have temper tantrums when they face the truth.

Get out immigrant

Imagine being this newfag

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>Outstayed your welcome
J-list used to be the only thing advertised on Jow Forums. You have outstayed your welcome newfag.

It’s OK looser. I’ve been lurking for over a decade. This is literally probably my 10th post and I’m using it to call you a fucking dumb nigger.

Looks like a typical black to me

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Hiro is a fucking faggot, literally nobody on this site likes him. Sure moot is a bit of a cuck, but he'll always be my literally who.

That guy is supposed to be an ethnic japanese man who tans a lot.

Kek this is the most diverse anime I ever watched, they have a nigger and fag

>some faggot on twitter said something gay and stupid
I donno dude.

Someone explain what this monkey sound is

>used to be
Yeah, exactly. And nobody cares about life-like texture ;_; any more. It's not relevant

Back to 4channel with you, weeb.

>some gook who bought Jow Forums now dictates imageboard culture now

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>caring about what jewgook says
Hiro is the biggest faggot to have ever graced this site. Moot was a faggot too, but he was our faggot. Meanwhile Hiro would gladly turn this place into reddit 2.0 just to get bigger profits. And don't forget about all that shady shit about selling user data from 2ch.

>hey you
>aye you
>aye yo

If you've really been here for a decade you'd know its an anime website

Its userbase does, and a good portion of the website grew out of anime over half a decade ago. That fermented and resulted in the separation between Jow Forums and 4channel. Weebs belong on 4channel.

>jaw too chiseled
>face too refined
>head looks round instead of elongated
>nose not flat enough
Doesn't look much like a nigger to me.

>Jow Forums regularly posts tranny pics and anons circle jerk and demand sauce
>/V/ post straight porn in 99% of threads, Belittles the 1% of fag porn posters, and dabs on tranny jannies all day

Hans, I'm starting to think WE'RE the faggots here...

That's literally how niggers look like.

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>Its userbase does, and a good portion of the website grew out of anime over half a decade ago
Anime is actually more popular than it was over a decade ago. It along with Kpop make up over 90% of all asian exports to the west.

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stay mad animefaggots
not an anime board
fuck off your anime shit

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rofl, 'member that gay crab-dude trying to fuck children in the very first episode?! XD

Do you have a lolcenise to insult the nips?

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That does not make you any less of a nigger. I post about once a year and it’s usually trying to get you anime faggots rehabbed so your not so much of a raging nigger faggot you can progress in society. You see, it’s out of love. Nigger.

Not that chiseled!

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>post Boltrump meme
>is probably a Shillary or Bernie plant

nice try faggot

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Jow Forums hasn't been an anime website since /sp/ became the biggest and fastest board in 2012. Things have changed massively since then and that's not even mentioning the massive increase in traffic in 2016 that made this board by far the fastest and most popular board.

But not here, it isn't. Anime is the domain of normalfags and liberal cucks on Twitter now. Boards like /a/ have stagnated since then. In fact, it's gone backwards. In 2011, /a/ used to be a board of about 30 posts per minute at any given point in the day. These days it errs towards 20-25.

>culture changes, get used to it. if you don't like it you can find somewhere else
You realise you're using the same logic used to justify islamisation of the west, right?

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Lol /v/ gets like 1 reply an hour, the worst board by far, /v/ mods are absolute faggots.

>I'm going to call him a nigger to compensate for my brown shithole

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More like bunch of fags with a different mindset were forced out of certain other place because over there they felt their believes were being suppressed, came over here because the rules were more lax and after becoming a majority in certain corners started dictating that the place that took them in start catering to their world view.

Japanese show themselfs as whites in animes.
Black people seem to demand the same.

So how do you figure out if a person in an anime is black, japanese or european?

Japanese - White Person+Hero
European - White Person+Nazi symbols
African - White Person+colored brown

That's much closer to reality.

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