Am I the only one here that wants USA to go to war with Iran? Could be fun.
I would love to carpet bomb all mudslime nations.
Am I the only one here that wants USA to go to war with Iran? Could be fun.
I would love to carpet bomb all mudslime nations.
Good goy
Shills want nigger dick in their ass. Fuck off glowtrash.
Retaliation against these sand niggers has nothing to do with nukes or Invasion. This shit has happen before and none of the dub shit spewed by Fox or MSDNC has ever happened before and wont happen now
You are most definitely not the only one, I would be more than happy if it happened and resulted in millions of deaths
You're just gonna die. I'm active and no one wants this shit. It's suicide.
If I preemptively join the national guard will that save me from getting drafted and killed by sandfarmers?
I want a war simply because there's nothing better on TV.
Join the military then. Have fun dying for Israel in another of a series of wars to protect the Jews so they can continue to subvert us.
>>Am I the only one here that wants USA to go to war with Iran? Could be fun.
so fucking up the world economy, make soil skyrocket, killing people (americans will die too) is fun?