Jews promoting WMAF in Japan

The poster roughly translates and implies:
"If you wear kimono you can easily get a foreign husband and have happa children".

Racemixing regardless is bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sign me up rabbi.

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This is disgusting, I don’t want Japan to get ”cucked”. Another really bad thing with this is that lots of young japanese men are going to start hating us as much as many people here hate blacks. It’s stereotypical sure, but we dindu nuffin!

It’s not racemixing, it’s ricemixing.

I fucking hate jews

More context please.
Who created this? What is it for? Where can you find it?

This is pathological. You care about what others think too much.

Still racemixing, still bad. Japan has the very real possibility of becoming the next Sweden, with tons of immigration, ”pride parades” and degeneracy.

So you want your country to become like Sweden, where 25% of the population are non-Swedes, and all of our media is pro-gay, pro-abortion, and for more mass migration?

Implying criminal niggers don't attack us with knifes and guns and knockout games in our own countries. Fuck off cunt. Liberal women are stupid.

Guess (((Who)))

I got a pillow waifu though.

Maybe a qt 3.14 japanese waifu would be better than a white man hating western feminist, I guess.

Attached: waifu.jpg (1024x687, 221K)

White women are the biggest nigger enablers.

I don't know, atleast we don't commit so many crimes.

Yeah, this too. The only way for a nation to have future is ethno-nationalism imo. I don't see how anyone could recommend anything else if they have the citizens best interest in mind.

It's not Jews, it's the Japanese themselves. Mixed kids are proudly shown off there.

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So we gotta save em by US mixing w them instead


Hafus are considered second class citizens in jap. Much like niggers in the us, but more subtle and cruel

Whites are already second class citizens in their own countries.

You're confusing the novelty of an odd looking child with an adult which can conform to society. These kids are not even allowed in normal schools, they go to separate schools for mixed children. Same as white kids. You think you'll go to Japan and have a family and they'll be accepted? If they don't look Japanese they'll never be accepted.

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>they'll never be accepted.
Chad never is. he makes his own way

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soon they will perish thanks to youre influence

wtf i love jews now

i agree
let's face it, we're niggers in japan

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>Jews, idiot shills, and feds everywhere
Think I'll stick to just doing who and what the fuck I like. Sure is great to be American.


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r/Hapas blames women far more

you do realize he's a westerner living in Japan right?
his post is massive cope

t. 0%

ハーフ isn't exclusively used for half whites, it's for any half Japanese mongrel. Look at your picture, hair and skintone, that's clearly a half nigger.

Try 75%

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>This is disgusting, I don’t want Japan to get ”cucked”.
It's already happening. It's already in motion.

Unless they're abnormally attractive, in which case the Japs will claim them as their own. But if they're not the JAp equivalent to Chad and Stacey, they're in the bin. Japan only has space for Chaddu and Sutaeshi.

wh odis?

Aisen women would be fun for perverted sex acts but not reproducing. The poor kid would be all weird half white and yellow looking. Not fair to the offspring.

found the wigger

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ive got two happa kids but my wife and i met in a foreign country and doubt she would have ever reproduced otherwise. we moved back here to be closer to her family after both being expats for over a decade. japan has some serious fucking problems with reproducing, raising kids, and the influence of fathers in their kids lives. there is a ton of based cultural norns here but their obsession with wage slavery and cucking their lives on behalf of a company is insane. i even tried to bring it up to my wife and she couldnt even understand the concept and said i dont get it because im not a nip. i said doing countless hours of unpaid overtime for nothing but pride is fucking retarded and the (((company owners))) damn well know they are exploiting the shit out of their employees and while these salary men are working themselves to death, their children are 100% being raised by women and women cannot raise men. so you get a generational effemination of men, reduced birthrates, and (worse of all) more neets.

This isn’t true. Why do retards post about subjects or countries they have no clue about?

asian girls are made for the BWC

White people already deal with all of the things listed in that quote.

Because it's true. The Japanese don't even accept 100% ethnically Japanese Brazilians returning to Japan. I don't care about your English teacher anecdotal evidence, you're likely a foreigner there yourself and treated with kid gloves because they know you'll be leaving soon. The Japanese don't have any of the hangups we do in the West about letting people know when they're not true citizens of the nation. If you're trying to argue that Japan is inclusive, tolerant and accepting of anyone trying to call themselves Japanese no matter how unjapanese they are, you're fucking retarded.

Based and redpilled

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Did you read this on some forum or a sensationalist English language Japanese news site?

nah they worship the white cock here. maybe half niggers get treated badly but ny kids are adored

This is the best strategy. While white women are getting blacked, we should clearly be making a master race of happas

Long run they will end up with neoslavs squatting all over Tokyo.
This the future you want Japan?

So you want more Slavs? Slavs are Master race now?

no they don't give a fuck
they don't even fuck their own women
Herbivore Males

Because they’re not. People here get fixed on ethnicity when cultural values and norms are what make you fit in. A Brit born abroad is not the same as someone born here. Their formative years and experiences growing up are completely different. Just like Irish Americans aren’t Irish, Jap Brazilians aren’t Japanese.

any japanese girl wanna have a half arab baby with me?

They don't like muzzies either, khaled.

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everyone likes masculine brown men. chinky

Here are some facts, feel free to google yourself:
-white westerners who stay long term (more than 5 year) are incredibly small. Like .01 percent of the total 2 percent that makes up all foreigners in Japan.(so like .0001 percent of total population or something incredibly tiny it almost doesn’t count)
-the vast majority of that 2 percent (like 95%) are other asians
-whites pose zero existential threat to Japans demographics
-they are however highly sought after and portrayed in the media as being more beautiful

you've fallen for the propaganda, given your low i.q.

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Honorary Aryans

Japs hate muzzles so much that the best one living japan could do was that basket case canadajin.

highest response rate after white males. kek

Make Japan Great Again


It says: "For those who want to give birth to a half"(half being the term for a mixed race child, usually white-asian).

You roasties are hyper sensitive though. 2% of Japan's population is non-Japanese and the vast majority of that group is Chinese and Korean.

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Lacks defining
Who was the sample
What asians
Were they I their respective countries or all westerners

Bad graph
Arguing in bad faith

apparently you didn't understand the rows and columns. Middle eastern men aren't as desirable as you thought according the responders to this study. White men however...

Good thing, really, better than dying alone

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>These kids are not even allowed in normal schools, they go to separate schools for mixed children.
What the fuck are you talking about? Families pick what schools kids go to for middle school and high school (assuming the kid passes the tests), you retard. If the family picks an international school, they go there. If they pick a regular public or private school they go there.

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Japanese girls [Late 20s to late 40s] LOVE Muzzles from North Africa [Morocco / Algeria / Tunisia] since they speak both French and English, but dont have that Fake-Alpha European Attitude.

White males are only popular in Big cities like Tokyo / Osaka / Nagoya. While the North African remain popular almost everywhere in Japan.

Female JAP zoomers dislike white males.
Male JAP zoomers like REAL whites from East europe.

of course white men are more desired, and the arabs who are desired have european features except the ugly feminine skin

She’s never met a white person with mental health issues. Funny enough she happens to be one so she’ll find out soon enough.

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Whos dying alone user?

>The Japanese don't even accept 100% ethnically Japanese Brazilians returning to Japan
Because Japanese consider blood and culture to be what makes you Japanese. Japanese in Brazil are from a different culture, so they don't fit the requirements. But regular Japanese people don't hate them for it, they are just seen as different (which is how Japanese people see the rest of the world).

doesnt matter, asian bitches love caucasoid cock. especially dark masculine caucasoids

Fair enough, I have never even seen a muzzy in this country outside of Turkish kebab carts and veiled women in major tourist areas of Tokyo.

Sloppy job, Putin dick.

Well last part is not true at all. In my experience at least.

t. turk-roach
Go back to your kebab truck, faggot.

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DEFINE Arabs ?
I dont consider North African Arabs.
Middle easterners ARE the ONLY 100% Arabs in the planet, and they are NOT popular in Japan or Asia [Prolly in SEA countries, but only for their money].

North African > Egyptians > Lebanese > Middle Easterners [aka Sandniggers] > Pakis

Someone should make a compilation with all those things being done to white people.

This clearly.

I lived in rural japan for the better part of a decade. They love white people.

There is a LOT of Iranians in Shizuoka and Kansai married to Japanese [tho Iranians are more white that Middle East sandniggers]

Whites are only popular for dating, VERY RARELY marriage. [Dating a white male is like a Trophy you can use to brag about for a while]

Not a Kebab. Hate them.
the real problem in japan arent the Kebab themselves, but the fake Kebab, Kurdish.

Meanwhile if you tell a girl you are from [insert brown Arab or African country here] you will immediately never be contacted by them again and ghosted. Maybe some curious whore will fuck you, but literally no chance of relationship. They are scared and unfamiliar with you.

Lol now I know you are full of shit.

By zoomers i mean 12-18 YO.
Even in big cities, JAP girls really dont like white westerners [Australians and Kiwis are fine tho] !

Oh man, you must really be jealous sitting behind that kebab cart all day, waiting for your evening combine shift.


Dated a bunch of JAPs and i always tell them i am from North Africa.
A LOT of them travel there actually.
If you tell them you are from a Middle Eastern country, they nope the fuck out, even if you have cash.

Go pickup thots in Shibuya white boi.
I bet you never left Kanto.


all mena people except turks and iranians. who have features like pic. a little darker would be better. i kinda look like pic and i get laid in turkey with all kinds of people. asians and north european women love my look the most

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Not in Japan.
Beard and Mainly fatures + white-ish skin, like North Africans, Yes.
IF you tell them you are from a Middle Eastern country most of them wont date you or even go to RABUHO with you.

Go to ANY Shisha place around Tokyo23 and check the Middle Eastern there, girls will NEVER go back with them.

Nafri spotted

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however the social consensus is that if you have mixed babies, its because you're a loser whop coulnd't find a Japanese partner...

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so they basically like feminine basedboys. lol they probably havent met a lot of people like me. i would give them a taste of real manly love

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I spend my time on my farm with my wife and family, mostly shitposting through the day now.

The fact of the matter is, you have zero evidence of shitskins being popular here or in any meaningful way, especially over whites, outside of your questionable anecdotal experience.

Meanwhile my anecdotal experience has said the opposite, backed up by that chart you posted, backed up by stereotypes around the country.

>pick up thots in Shibuya

Oh now I get it. You are one of those creepy paneer looking guys with gold watches that hit on women and think them being polite to your catcalls is success. Then you go to a soap land and pay double and think you are a big shot right?

Goddam I hate the cities.

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I'm very lonely
Women here are trash

Just shut up already, you absolute faggot.

its easy as fuck to date and fuck jap thots as a white dude in every prefecture, a (civilized) country with easier women simply does not exist, even Russian thots demand a shitton of shit from you, the looks, the money, the attention, being extremely funny and cheerful, and A LOT of alcohol, and you have to deal with their degenerate behavior which isn't cute at all. Jap thots don't demand shit from you and just want to get dicked.
If you are going for sex tourism and you like chinks, then Japan is the country.
Jap women don't have much standards and are promiscuous as fuck, stop spreading desinformation.

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>white people deal with niggers
>expect them to act like niggers towards other people's women
They still don't get we don't do shit like that.

There's people like that among Whites too desu.

>Fake-Alpha European Attitude.
Hehehe. There is nobody more fake manly posturing than a bunch of confused Arab refugees. Why do you think they are always roaming in packs giving angry stares at everybody?