A World without Vertebrates

A Virus wipes out all Vertebrates in the Ordovician, leaving a world with only the Arthropods and the Mollusks as the main competitors. By the Holocene there is two sapient species of Neonautiloids and Neoeurypterids. What would they be like politically?

Attached: Hibbertopterus.jpg (2640x2040, 1.06M)

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>Neonautiloids and Neoeurypterids
this too much to science for pol
id assume nautiloid will be lefties and eurypterid fascist righties


I would assume the opposite since Arthropods are predisposed towards Eusociality for survival and Cephalopods would be predisposed towards Critical Thinking for survival.

Perhaps without Simian principles they could modify themselves to be Zerglike monstrosities.

Big brain Jow Forums doesnt exist lad. Only sub 100 IQ mouth breathers here. Don't bother wasting your time like this.

This chan has been pozzed by retards for ages. Redditors drown the most obvious bait with unironic (You)s

So, what is your take on this? Another question is would they make the switch to Hemoglobin from Hemocyanin to better live on the Earthian landscape.

Humans are the only species retarded enough to come up with our current nonsensical political philosophy.

Like Chimps, we are Chaotic. Often we don't know what we want and when we do, we often demand others they have it that way too.

>Lobsters vs. Squids
Squids would win because the Lobsters would be all fucked up like Juden Peterstein all hunched up and depressed and shit taking SSRIs while the Squids would be 10/10 Alphas fucking shit up hailing Hitler and Holocausting the Lobster kikes

Lobsters and Squids came into being when the Vertebrates pushed the Eurypterids and most Nautiloids into extinction. The world would be incredibly different.

My take is why do you care? Unless you have a invertebrate fetish or you're writing a hard sci-fi novel...

If you want my honest opinion, they'd behave exactly like any other invertebrate but smarter. Politics are merely a human way of keeping physical conflict between individuals in a group to a bare minimum. Neither squid nor sea scorpions are social creatures so they would not have this issue to begin with.

Your creation myth sky man fairy tale even has its own children's propaganda now. Isnt it great to live life based on a a 19th century children's story?

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He's clearly not a christian if he's bringing up the
goddamn Ordovician period.

The most successful non vertebrates have all been ones who work through almost pure communism so something tells me the same would happen again

Of course, politics is really just a chimp-out modulator. Has politics gone too far though? Humans are literally cutting their tubes because they fear about having a white babby.

>Why even bother with thought experiments

They would be the same and this thread is gay because evolution is a lie, space is fake and earth is flat.
Also, not politics

This, maybe not Cephalopods since they actually are neurologically quite similar to Vertebrates but Arthropods definitely.

How's Langley?

Well, I like to believe there is some very ancient creator or at least originator.

A better question is what would their religions look like

They'd both try to outjew each other and cause the holocoast

Unironically and literally who

Sure, feel free to believe in whichever god you like. I just get miffed whenever people automatically default back to that Judeo-supremacist one. Like, of all the gods to believe in, why believe in the one that makes you subordinate to the fucking jews?

He's calling you FBI.

Cephalopods are too sensitive to the environment to be able to succeed globally

I would presume the Neonautiloids would worship multiple goddesses likely related to spawning and creation. Neoeurypterids would likely have one god, they are very single minded like that.

CIA. They do the disinfo.

Ah yes, the glowniggers. Always get the two mixed up.

That's true at least for the ones we know about. I would imagine the Cephalopods have the intellectual advantage while the Arthropods have the numerical advantage.

you are a disgrace for our country
you didn't mention Malvinas even once

>the virgin Lobster kike
>the Chad pagan Nat Soc squid

I strongly suspect them being behind the flat earth cult.

You overestimate Americans.

The flat earth movement is simply their instinctual distrust of authority and their inherent anti-intellectualism taken to its logical conclusion.

Hymn of the day. youtube.com/watch?v=tV5wmDhzgY8

Arthropods hive intelligence outweighs cephalopods isolated intelligence. If there was a cephalopod that was as adaptable as humans then we would see it in great numbers around the globe.

They do have ringleaders though. I doubt the movement would be so powerful without misguidance.

Octopuses are pretty adaptable creatures. Their ancestors lost their shell from the acidification of the ocean.

Fact is, without those two crucial elements, even with the government's black budget it wouldnt have taken off like it did.

Face it you just want the oil. Build a power plant ffs.

The Lobsters would evolve into Zerg and the Squids would evolve into Protoss. Obviously the Protoss Squid would win after they develop some Lobster-specific Zyklon and Shoah the scheming Lobster kikes

Though I admit (((Modern Science))) has been corrupted by politics and in some ways I understand why people search for fallacies.

In the grand scale of things turtles are more adaptable than cephalopods but they don't have the intelligence to utilise it... Octopi have very specialised adaptive abilities but they aren't very good generally

They would be a faggot like OP

How does a squid stop ants eating it alive?

Or a horror scenario. They hybridise with the use of genetic engineering to create a true monstrosity.

Attached: Hybrid.jpg (240x240, 15K)

By building a Wall to keep the ants out of their kingdom

Attached: Mimic Octopus.jpg (500x333, 74K)

Hasn't worked for America to keep the roaches out

Who would've thought a Jawless Fish would become an Anteater?

Specialised adaption... apart from hiding and hunting how does changing appearance help it group into a global power?

That's because America is ruled by Lobster kikes who have subverted. The Squids wouldn't allow the Lobster Kikes to subvert as a powerful Squid Hitler would arise pretty quickly. Squids are Nat Soc af

By deception.

>He doesn't realise squids are commies

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Interdasting, but this motherfucked called Suminia had opposable thumbs before Dinosaurs existed. Could this have evolved into a sapient humanoid?

Attached: Suminia.jpg (800x566, 142K)

Possibly if it's claws became ungulae and it's tail shortened or fused.

You're talking about the squid losing almost all features of its species to be able to combat an adversary. By that logic it wouldn't matter what creature did off in this extinction because it could just evolve millions of years to fill the role

Whose it deceiving? Humans gained traction in the beginning by trust of social groups not by isolating deception.

That's the whole point! This is in the Ordovician with Nautiloids, they could've evolved into a myriad of forms we could barely imagine in 400 million years time.

Sorry that's my bad on that one. I was only considering land vertebrates.

Well, we all have our ways, if Arthropods made it to civilisation it's possible Cephalopods could've hopped on their achievements.

Don't worry about it. It's just amazing to think what could've been had things been different. People say this about Hitler all the time.

>So, what is your take on this? Another question is would they make the switch to Hemoglobin from Hemocyanin to better live on the Earthian landscape.
Not necessarily. Consider horseshoe crabs.


Now I think about plants could play a bigger role in this world... Fruit probably wouldn't develop in the same way.

They only land to breed which is very strenuous for them.

Sounds fantastical, but Herbivorous Cephalopods?

Good point.

Since you have peak autism I'm gonna take this opportunity to ask you what you think about Abiogenesis. Is it a CIA nigger hoax or is it legit?

Sweet bum

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Some experiments were done with some bubbles and I would say it's likely. mnn.com/green-tech/research-innovations/stories/scientist-creates-lifelike-cells-out-of-metal

I suppose it believes time is racist.

>Mother Nature Network (mnn.com) is a website with news and information related to sustainability, health, lifestyle, technology, money, food, home, and family. Founded in 2009 by former marketing executive Joel Babbit and Rolling Stones keyboardist Chuck Leavell, it is the flagship property of Narrative Content Group, whose equity partners include CNN and Discovery Inc.

Why you reading kikes bro? I am disappoint.

Sorry, first thing that came up. Here it is on researchgate. researchgate.net/publication/51627681_Modular_redox-active_inorganic_chemical_cells_ICHELLs

>full text not freely available
>abstract in German

Sorry. Will this cheer you up?

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>tfw Lobster Kikes are trying to make life out of inorganic compounds

you might find this interesting as we're speaking about mostly see dwelling animals

They're at it again!

Very unlikely but it's something, the question is why would a Oyster need to make Iron?

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wouldn't be too different. those spineless jews would still be alive

It would be pretty based desu

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