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lmao god what i would give to reduce India's population to Iraq tier numbers.

Do that and China will truly be the sole superpower. Whether you like it or not Indians are Aryans and are allys to the white race.

Indians are primarily Dravidian now, not Aryan. Though their religion is mostly Aryan still.

China is not a superpower. To be a superpower you must exhibit mastery in 7 dimensions: national identity (China has), resources (China has), economy (China has), geography (China has), population (China has), military (China does NOT have, but is working on it), diplomacy (China does NOT have). They are a global power, not a superpower.

So is India going to "accidentally" start the war then?

Doubt it. They're sending 2 ships to protect their commercial ships from exploding in the Gulf of Oman.

Canada is a superpower by those limits then.
National identity (We are NOT americans), resources (We have lots of trees and oil), economy (top 3 on the entire continent), geography (we big), population (we have hundreds of millions on the way here as we speak), military (best trained military in the world, and a bunch of free canon fodder to the south of us to shore us the lines), diplomacy (everyone loves canada).

>Canada has the military to be active in two regions simultaneously!
You fuckers don't even have the balls to enforce a UN resolution.. much less be active in a single region without it being backup for the US.

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The southern cannon fodder is backup for our superior forces.
You don't just toss your best men at a bunch of desert rats, you toss the disposable ones to wear them down first.