Coal burners

Whats the best (legal) way to get back at people who choose to sell out their own race? What should i do if i see these people? How do i offend them as much as possible without getting arrested?

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By being happy and avoiding them. They have miserable lives. Seeing you smile infuriates them.

Sit back and do nothing when their pet nigger beats and/or kills them

Poop in their cereal

Deportation alongside their niggers and niglets or incel state breeding program, something along those lines I imagine

Acknowledge you are aware of them, then shut them out. Pretend they don't exist and they'll eventually melt into old age and poverty.
Their half brute kids might try to mug you one day, but we can pass laws to get rid of their government cheese before trayvon gets to be so big and strong.

do nothing. What does it change if you insult them. Never reveal your power level.
As soon as we gas those kikes, you can pull the trigger. That's also why i learned how to drive trains. I'd like to help with deportation.

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do what the trannies do: cite study after study (except your studies won't be bullshit) and blackmail science and medical journals to post them on how mixed race children have trouble identifying, then propose miscegenation is child abuse. If they say 'diversity is our strength', ask them why they're afro-phobic, because all they're doing is intentionally diluting african genes at the pleasure and sensibilities of a more privileged class of people.

>get back at these people
Faggot, they've done nothing to you to "get back" for. There's nothing to do but hope he's a based black guy and they will raise decent children.

Focus on yourself. What is missing in your life that you feel this is worth doing?