Be Iran

>be Iran
>have 160k killed in Iran-Iraq war by (US backed) Iraq
>have 290 civilians killed by a missile fired from an American ship (Iran Air 655).
>Attempted false flag on oil tankers by (((American))) forces
>Finally get pissed with Americans taunting you with their piece of shit done
>Shoot it down when it enters Iranian air space


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I hope it becomes a new Afghanistan, with lots of money and US soldiers spent on absolutely nothing. Fuck gringos.

US doesn't even hide the fact they are kissing kike ass. Every cuckservative thinking they are fighting for a cause, are delusional

>start WWIII just because jews want some more of that desert shithole
thanks, mutts.

Imagine being Iran and blocking your people from the internet

Iranians will fight to the death
Americans fight on order to a bunch of politicians who have sold them and their futures to Big Business/Corporations/Foreign entity's

Are they blocking them or is it that they haven't developed the technology yet?

Imagine flying a drone with a camera over my neighbor's backyard to see what he's up to and he shoots it down with a shotgun. Does it mean I get to go to war with him? No. America did the same thing yet claims everyone's wrong except the US.

Imagine if I owned a country. It has Uranium, timber, metals, stone, and resources. I have my own borders, laws, traditions, etc. I decide to use that uranium to make a missile just in case shit hits the fan, and hopefully never have to use it, but other countries seem to have many of them already. Said countries say I'm not allowed to have any. What gives them the right to dictate such?

>oh no they cannot access reddit!