Post effects of the TYR-01 biological superweapon

post effects of the TYR-01 biological superweapon

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TYR-01? Care to elaborate?

It stands for nigger community


Oh like Tyrone? Lol

The Obama presidency in a photo.

This user gets it
Spot on!


how do whole houses just disappear?

>they took their entire houses with them

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wood & drywall + bic lighter & ghoul crackheads = magic

subhumanus africanus carries it away in the night to construct its subterranean nests

>just disappear?
they burn down brainlet.
you know why they call it a "burnt out ghetto" right?

Attached: eaststlouis.jpg (1024x683, 247K)

How did you let this happen to your formerly prestigious industrial heartlands, Americans? What the fuck? You always go on about how you have guns but then this happens?
wtf i thought you told us you werent cucked????

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its the triple whammy of crack houses + negligence + being so crime ridden and dangerous the fire dept. doesn't come even if you call them and slash or, there is no fire department.

They're made of glued together wood chips. A single leak and mold will start destroying everything, soon the roof collapses, vegetation starts to grow, homeless/niglets start a fire, the state clears the garbage away and nature returns. It's kinda beautiful really, that the mess man has created can be wiped away so easily.

Attached: detroit.jpg (1400x854, 334K)

and yet you attempt to illustrate your point by showing me a "burnt down" house with its shell intact. Brainlet indeed.

also these neighborhoods typically don't have trash collection so there's no shortage of garbage lying around to act as tinder if nothing else

>Brainlet indeed.
you said it

Attached: heheh.jpg (413x395, 20K)

how did you?

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maybe because the houses in OPs pic are composed mainly of wood materials while the nip's pic is made of bricks?
imagine being a brainlet and calling others brainlets. oh wait, thats literally every brainlet because dunning kruger effect is a real thing

>what are bricks

you low effort niggers ought to show the people lurking what damage this virus does.
Instead of bumping slide shill threads, keep spamming what ghouls do; webms, images, stats.

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>The city of Detroit has to cope with a large number of fires. The number of vacant buildings throughout the city, combined with a dire economic situation, resulted in numerous fires on a daily basis. About 85% of the fires that occur daily in Detroit occur in vacant homes and buildings. In 2011 alone, the DFD responded to over 9,000 working structural fires.

more on the mechanics behind the ghoul.
They are overgrown children, and not your equal.

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wheres that croatian aerated terracotta brick salesman when you need him

Americans had an eugenics program for centuries with the goal to create a nigger to surpass all niggers, and they suceeded. Now they lost control of their superweapon.

Whats your excuse for letting london and other cities become part of the caliphate?

Have a (You).

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obama was only half black tho
the other half is still white and racist which explains why black people were forced to burn their houses down

>tfw you realize that Escape from New York was filmed on location in East St. Louis.
that's not a joke btw, it really was filmed in East St. Louis.

Attached: escapefromeaststlous.png (1496x838, 1.67M)

it's because AmeriKKKa treats their utmost civil engineers so poorly

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Made some more

Attached: Detroit 2009 to 2018 rip in peace.jpg (2809x1379, 1.49M)

the nigger parts of the south are so fucking shitty and violent. people act like detroit and NYC are the worst though. fucking angels compared to louisiana niggers

>their houses
those houses are uninhabited over 90% of the time though.
maybe some squatter crackhead set on fire by accident but it wasn't their house.

You know all those immigrants you bongs hauled in? Yeah, you all TYR-01’d yourselves. You just don’t know it yet.

yeah I'm still pretty traumatized by the time I even drove past east st. louis.
looked like a goddamn war zone and the only building that wasn't scared with scorch marks and broken glass was the police station.
liberals just explain that shit away immediately an an effect of policy though. Like its just because there's no public transit to St. Louis proper that its THAT bad.


as if a few bus routes could fix that level of post apocalypse.


Everyones fucked and they dont even know

it is a kike-2.0 tactical nuclear bomb, hiting a white cukhead country driving to bankrupt

Another good name:
The BR2050
because you will become brazil by 2050

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They steal parts

Blacks moved up from the south in the 40s and 50s for industrial jobs. Then whites fled to outer suburbs to avoid living near blacks. It was a gradual process. A black family moved into the neighborhood and white families started slowly putting their houses up for sale and leaving.

you could tell me it was south korea or brazil and I'd just smile and nod

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its time again for everyone's favorite game show


yes its best game on Jow Forums
you look at a picture of a slum painted over in bright colors and have to say:
is it korea? or is it brazil!!!

Attached: koreaorbrazil.jpg (1140x828, 224K)

>Doesnt understand how gentrification works
Now some numales can buy a whole city block on the cheap, and build their liberal utopia thats diverse and multicultural (if you have enough money that is)


based anti-gook nip

Korea, because of blue rooves and what look like structurally sound walls with straight edges.

oh shit forgot pic related.... let's try that again

Attached: korea?.jpg (728x425, 87K)


Attached: brazil?.jpg (1932x1449, 573K)

you can see its korea in this one because of the shitty letters on the stores

No one cares mate.

Its the same story closer to where I grew up. Hartford, New Haven, and Bridgeport, Connecticut used to all be Centers of American industry in the late 19th century and early 20th century. That same graph could apply to all three cities.

That’s definitely in the urban Detroit area

Attached: C5231E05-5481-4935-B373-88CF21A80D18.jpg (599x804, 185K)

it better be fucking brazil otherwise the yellow jews are degenerates

Post higher res?

Korea because these favelas actually look freshly painted and structurally sound.


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Attached: brazil2?.jpg (1920x1440, 601K)

use desktop site and open in new tab

they look like toy houses than real houses

>inb4 all of the above posted pics are all korea because based japanon hates them

shitty photographer can't into depth of field

Old Greenwich riverside will never have these problems


Aka negro's in the population.

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THIS is the enemy bioweapon?

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nah its 1/2 and 1/2

Gentrification doesn't usually involve hipsters moving into completely demolished neighbourhoods and building some cucksheds. Usually art graduates will rent out some incredibly cheap and dilapidated housing, then through the power of cleaning up a little and not committing any crime, the rents will rise in the area, pricing out long term diverse renters who had been depressing the area with their very presence. A feed back loop is created. Prices rise, the criminal element can't afford rent and leave, more white artists arrive, developers take note, buy housing and begin renovation/demolition, the middle class arrive, and finally the art students move on to some other ethnically diverse 'real' neighbourhood.
The major problem of gentrification is that all these criminals have to go somewhere, and often they're shipped on mass in some shady deal to a sleepy little 98% white town who now have to deal with gang problems with a police force of 15.


fires and collapse. plus the city will demolish them once they reach a certain state of decay. the houses vanished because they're empty, detroit has less than half the population it did in 1970

>leave Cheeto cuz overpriced
>move to 98% white town
>cuz same price as ghetto they just left
Started drinking already?

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more like the whites left when the factories started closing up

No and if you look at the suburbs outside of Hartford they are beautiful, mostly white and wealthy too. It’s just Hartford itself that is a shithole. The whites didn’t flee too far.

Korea, it's too well made for brazil

How do you get rid of the dandelion weeds growing in your yard?

Paint one black and the rest move away

What about drugs? If you remove the drug dealers and reinforce security will the community recover?

>champagne socialism

idiots like you have tried to clean up detroit for over 30 years they all just give up and move back to California because Detroit is heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad (figuratively)

the idea that "art students" are driving up hood rent prices is pure fantasy. Detroit is far too blacked. At some point the fear creeps in and people flee, which is exactly why they left in the first place.

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you have to remove 90% of niggers to remove all of the drug dealers
Even the most docile of niggers will resort to drug dealing if it is a niche that can be exploited in the neighborhood that they occupy.

How do those houses just... disappear? What the fuck

It's hilarious.

I know NYC is fucked up, but I've heard that it was way worse 40 years ago, how did they made it (somewhat) better?

>Even the sunny blue skies got dark and cloudy

No, in those cases cities like Chicago demolish public housing and encourage the tenants to move to small towns. They then get developers to gentrify the neighbourhoods and reap the new tax base. This isn't happening naturally.

>those government enforced rules over plant matter are good for everyone but niggers

Same question,

wanna get rid of niggers non-violently?
sprinkle some kudzu in a ghetto and wait a few months.
as a joke of course haha, eco-terrorism is a shameful act

Attached: kudzu.jpg (1000x750, 1.6M)

is that a real pic? looks like a shitty kids model

They cracked down on crime and implemented policies such as stop and frisk
Collecting data on crime statistics also helped them more efficiently employ their police forces in areas that they were needed.

Some people also believe that society banning leaded gasoline and lead paint helped reduce crime over time, but that might just be an urban legend.

Look no further than the crime bill under Clinton
Anyone with a drug arrest couldn’t live in section 8 govt subsidized housing after this passed. Also the rest of the family had to move out once Tyrone got the eviction notice as well. Laws and all
Your link is interesting I’ll have to read up on it later. Willing to bet “ Iowanswith better food” aren’t too keen on tyr-one

With government housing vouchers the TYRON3 virus is taking over the outskirts of Detroit. My shop is in westland Michigan which was once a beautiful suburbs 25 years ago.

Westland used to have 4th July parade with fireworks and all . But the nigs taken over everything there's gang violence at public events now. Detroit is gentrified and poor middle class white people are being pushed farther north

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Ain’t gotta tell me I grew up in rural as fuck tallapoosa county Alabama so we used to imagine cloud shapes and kudzu monsters as children

I'm sure it had nothing to do with it being 60% white and and 40% other in the 1980s as opposed to being 80% black and 20% other like the Detroit metro area is

Mishitgan is pure Canada, cuck.