Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
Jews on suicide watch
>Jews on suicide watch
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just as i said..
why start a war over something that can bought at best buy?
Trump is an American Hero. He handled this situation perfectly. The fact that he lead on Lying Chuck and Slurring Pelosi and made them look like war mongering fools was 4D chess.
this absolutely
You have such concept as Best Buy in Finland?
Bomb Iran
>bomb Iran
Bomb Iran
>bomb Iran
yeah yeah only fake bankers are good people
really has to reach deep for the bullshit, even pointing at obama .... what is it with blacks and israel ?
If you've got a 230 million dollar pocketbook.
Trump is a coward and won't act when actual Americans die. Pure appeasement.
fuck off kike
kike shill
Damn, he just showed weakness on an international scale. I don't know if I should feel for him or start digging a shelter
ES :D :D
they have their own bank and oil... kikes have nightmares about that, it's like watching hitler and a free germany
fuck off schlomo
Go fill out your sf86 and talk to a recruiter
He is so calm and measured. I love it. Script plays out like a Hollywood movie
There's a video of them dancing outside of the Whitehouse after the meeting. Presumably he told them he was going to strike and they were celebrating the political win it would have been. Then leaked military plans to the nyt.
150 people will die sir
Dear god one might be a jew lets hold off on this.
they knew they didn win the optic battle so they called it off to not completely trigger the US population
the fucking twitte END with there will be war with Iran
it's just goyim manipulation he gonna say he doesn want war until the war start
something big must be brewing
Kek dumbfuckistan is weak and won't do shit. All the can do is talk loud to veer away from how weak they really are. This just means that anyone can bitch slap them with impunity.
Appeasement, appeasement and more appeasement is how we got WW2, and it's how we'll get WW3 instead of a contained regional war.
>Potentially starting another Middle East war over an unarmed drone
Not only would that be political suicide from Trump in the run up to his re-election, but it also paints the US in a bad light by killing hundreds over a drone, just wait for Iran to fuck up by going over the enrichment limit and sink another cargo ship and then Trump has most of the world backing him rather than just being a warmonger
I hope your second home built on stolen Palestinian land gets hit by a guided missile from Hezbollah.
Fuck you fucking cunt have sex right now
>oy vey muh shekels
lol the MIC doesn't care about a couple hundred million, nor does the Federal government. Besides you're retarded if you think they're going to spend anywhere near that much to replace it. Those costs are taking R&D into consideration.
Lol where have i heard this before. It was a cuck move friendo
boring shill thread
“True bravery, Frodo, is not knowing just when to take a life, but knowing when to spare one” - Gandalf
Trump made me proud yesterday he resisted MIGA for the first time in awhile, though I fear it’s only a matter of time
Well the US has that pocket book so your argument sucks.
fucking racists
We could have had 3-4 meuller reports for that kind of cash. Damnit!
Heh, don't be such a fucking pussy, Donald. We can waste those fuckers in a single blow, they'd beg for mercy.
Trump talks a YUGE game and does fuck all about
>North Korea
>the list goes on and on..
what a fucking monumental retard
>iran can't ever have Nuclear weapons but Israel can
What a fucking zogbot
Go talk to a recruiter and fight for the world you want.
Wow, what a pansy. Pretty pathetic when a woman president would have made America look stronger.
>Jews on suicide watch
Irael is pushing for this you fucking brainless tard
Israel is a geopolitical enemy of Iran and vice-versa
this is the US worshipping at the feet of Netanyahu
>Mission aborted, we'll get him the next time
You say this, but our military guys are calling for Trump to show some balls, too. This just emboldens Iran. They're laughing their asses off that they shot a US drone down and got away with it scot free.
>So I was near my phone on monday watching an HBO documentary on gorillas then my daughter Ivanka called me and said : "DAD it's horrible, jewish childrens have been slaughtered near the gaza border ". I said "Gaza ? Is that in Iran" and my daughter said yes so I asked my top general how many people will die if I press this red button. He said 150, so I said fuck it and pressed it. I immediately saw the smiles on Bolton and Adelson's faces, I knew it was the good thing to do. You can't let Venezuela have nuclear weapons.
yeah, a jew in Iran
Iran has released GPS coordinates saying the Drone was 2 miles inside their airspace.
>Imagine how Dumb Trump would have looked if he attacked them, when it was our fault in the 1st place.
Incoming false flag imminent, in 3....2.....
Murdering 150 people who probably didn’t do shit is fucking satanic. It takes more balls to do what Trump did.
neocons btfo, shills seething
what a fucking embarrassment
>Israel doesn't want war with Iran
Imagine being this deluded. Greater Israel was always the plan and drumpf isn't following the script.
Yeah you would be riddled with bullets then thrown in a hole in some shithole in the middle east.
Thank your president for not ruining your life for the sake his masters you dumb boomer
>so I send our troops to attack
>and then they told me 150 people will die so I called it off
Looks like bully cope to me.
Trump just saved 150 people. He actually deserves a peace prize ffs.
yeeees! war good!
Can someone explain for a brainlet brit who hasn't been following the iran/palestine shit whatever what this is all about. I know a drone got shot down, but what's this really all about?
Reminder that we dont know if any of it is true.
Reminder that many things we havent thought of are possible, including that maybe someone not Trump put the drone in Iranian airspace. Or maybe Trump himself did and someone else effectively stopped the strike.
I'll be damned that actually sounds like a respectable decision.
Hey! Jew here. We'll get the war with Iran and we'll move 50 million Iranian refugees into the U.S. Midwest to replace the white goy. As Jews we're continuing our blacklisting of all retired military personnel. After the goy fights for Israel they can sit around their homeless camps in San Francisco. America will serve Jewish interests better with Muslims controlling the election process than with the white goy.
heeb boomer detected
the last time American's actually died he dropped a MOAB on the motherfuckers. You're full of shit if people's lives are worth a fucking drone.
Cope dilate yikes
No Jews are on suicide watch, but some Juden are now plotting to kill off some Americans, and blame it on Iran so Israel will have the war they want.
When Iran invades France and England and 6 gorillion start bathing in zyklon then we can talk
>Cocked and loaded
>Cucked and loaded
You think people are worth more than 215 million? Ahahah
Nope, he just showed you who is in control and you don't like it.
There's one guy who isn't happy at all!!!
Fuck you kike. Bomb them yourself, they're not our fucking problem.
pretty based
thought big orange boomer was totally consumed by the goblins at this point, his instincts are strong
Neocons mad
no my point is that they do want greater israel
Trump is following the script to the letter
the aim is to make Iran look like how they made Husseins Iraq look
to justify an invasion
Jews want war against Iran. Iran shot down unmanned drone. Trump orders military strike against Iran. Pelosi and Schumer celebrate on camera. Trump cancels strike last minute and says no war. Jews seething.
He dropped a MOAB on AQ, not a country that could actually fight back that terrifies him.
Iran probably have nuclear weapons already from their allies, Russia.
This. Just when goblins think they gonna win, orangeman bends then over
Why do you want to appease the kikes?
Well, you can't buy one at Best Buy, but the purpose of a drone is to keep your pilots' lives out of harm's way. So, basically the thing worked as intended. Another drone can be made on the assembly line, and no lives were lost. It is meant to provoke just a little bit. Some electronics are replaceable. Lives are not.
And, it make me sick to see the Yahoodis beating the war-drums again. The Hasidic shits won't pick up a gun for themselves, but they will gleefully manipulate our political process to serve their own ugly and cowardly selves.
"The Jew will fight until the last American" is not a meme. It's today's world.
Anyone who believes the "muh 150 poor muzzies" line is a gullible retard or paid shill. It's more likely that both us and the Iranians have proof it was on their airspace (further evidence being Iran getting its hands on the wreckage to show off) so the drone had it coming.
This is exactly the response i was hoping for
The only thing that wouldve made it better was if he gave them a choice to directly pay the bill for the destroyed bill.
Your actually mad were not slaughtering Iranians? Calm down thunder queef, there are a million ways to respond that don't involve spreading terror
Trump likes economic wars, not hot wars
>Jews on suicide watch
Why ? They want to implant a (((national bank))) in Iran , weakening Iran just helps them .
>when Americans die...
Thnanks for playing schlomo
That's a start, but I still know literally nothing, why do jewish people want war on Iran, it's for the land-grab or something right? like I don't know the history about this, even just the basics would be a help, then I can do my own research to learn further.
Classic Stalin move.
Preach of peace while working for war. If war happens, you can always get off scotch free as you "clearly had good intentions" in the eyes of the pleblic, but "the other side wanted war"
That is some fake news if there ever was any. Does a kike write these tweets for him? If so he should fire him / her / all of them.
Link by any chance?
>Fight more wars for Israel, goy...guys!
Fuck off, you literal traitor.
You mean Bush's Iraq, nigger. That requires a 9/11 event. Which ain't happening.