When was the moment when america was started to be ruled by jews?
When was the moment when america was started to be ruled by jews?
Post-WW2, once Jews got their own state it was all over
what happened in 1910?
memeflag trips of truth?
somewhere after the civil war when bills were passed that allowed central banks to create money out of thin air and lend it out with interest. the money makers from 1996 is a well made documentary if you want get into specific historical events with dates and discover the history of jewish monetary control
Trips of truth
(((Federal Reserve)))
Once they left the Empire the world was truly doomed.
i dont know jack about american history but i would presume 1776 as well since it gave them a land where they could legally do their jewry.
France followed suit right after
During FDR's second term.
Charles Coughlin was a German sympathetic that basically invented modern political talk radio. Read his article, see the things FDR did to this man to silence him, and see how many parallels there are to modern day.
>implying the empire and the crown was not under (((their))) control already
>Empire the settled the most white nations on Earth.
>Btfo of all non-whites.
They were Jewed later on my friend, somewhere between 1850-1914 is when the Jew took hold in the Empire.
They don’t
The creation of the Federal reserve
When Spanish jews got kicked out of Spain after the Spanish defeated their muslim invaders.
They had nowhere to go and they went to the America's. They killed the natives and they imported slaves. By stealing land and owning slaves the Spanish jews got extremely rich and they have been using that money ever since to buy power and influence. America was always ruled by jews, though it became more obvious when Hitler came to power and jews fled to America, those were a slightly different breed of jews which create degeneracy wherever they go.
6000 BC
this. Rosacrucianism, parlamental monarchy, they were doomed already
The election of Jared Kushner.
The momment Charles I was laying dead, it was already ogre.
>Empire the settled the most white nations on Earth
Hate to break it to you but neither EIC nor VOC were acting for the benefit of the british or the dutch respectively.
From inception
trips, but seems like it happened long before
I'm not discussing the impacts of the trade nations. They were run as businesses and nothing more. I am talking about the settlement and colonisation of places such as America, Canada and Australia. These were previously inhabited by lesser races, and were systemically replaced with European stock. The colonisation and major settlement of these areas all occurred before the 1850's. And so I suspect that after this period, is when the Empire succumbed to the Jew, though I cannot give an exact date.
The country was established under false pretenses by Free Masons. Free Masons have always been close friends and advocates with Jews so essentially from the very beginning. The Jewish/Mason slave trade is why black people are here.
If you really want to know what the USA pay close attention to its flag. Notice how its a revised version of the East India Trading Company flag? Thats because its basically East India: The Country.
East India was under heavy influence by figures like the Rothchilds and loved things like wars for opium and so does the USA. Its not just a coincidence.
Christmas eve 1913 or whenever the federal reserve act was signed...
Let me recap the revolution for people who dont really know.
>Britain gets drawn into the French and Indian war
>Considerable evidence the war started by an over zealous young man named George Washington (Free Mason) getting into a scuffle with a French fort.
>Brits decide its not fair they pay for all of the debt for a war that benefitted the colonists.
>try taxing the colonists
>colonists whine and say its not fair.
>Brits invite Benjamin Franklin(free mason) to testify in front of Parliament about what is fair and acceptable to the colonists.
>Franklin tells them its acceptable if they tax commerce.
>Tea tax comes in at 3cents per pound of tea
>REEE Boston tea party (masons dressed as Indians)
>Shots fired at in a colonial town, Americans told it was British aggression and no Americans fired.
>reality is Americans fired first.
>Thomas Payne(Brit and Free Mason) comes to the Colonies and drafts a list of grievances, all of them bogus.
>Paul Revere and his magic ride were all members of the same Masonic lodge
>every American hero is a Free Mason
>Washington (((elected))) President, views the title of Free Mason as more important.
And thats the USA in a nutshell.
Began in earnest with (((Gallatin))) around the war of 1812 and was pretty well solidified by the end of the civil war.
The fed was a consolidation of existing financial control.
When we switched from gold backed money to pure fiat.
>Sub before jewgle takes me down
And then I am reminded by these bits of history like this, that its always been happening
The election of 1928.
But that only happened because FDR's cabinet was completely kiked.
In the 1800's compound interest hit the point of no return and the wealthiest (((houses))) were already choosing to disappear rather than use private armies like the house of Hesse, House of Sa'ud and House of Rothechilde and you start getting covert actions from the likes of John Wilkes Booth when Lincoln tried to fuck with them with the greenbacks.
Lol. This is to tin foil hat revisionist even for this site.
Sad but true
The game was rigged from the start
The day it toppled the Crown.
I mean, how old is the City of London?
1970 something. the jews wanted nukes and infiltrated the american government to leak sensitive data to israel. they quickly abandoned the task and just exploited america
they have been funneling money from tax payers through fake wars to israel . money allegedly spent on bullets was determined to have been stolen. money just vanished under obama. and under clinton hammers and toilet seats costing hundreds of dollars allegedly bought by the military. its all jews
this fuels the hollywood and main stream media monopoly jews have. right now the american government dumps money into disney movie tickets. they got caught in america and now buy tickets abroad. in newyork there were empty movie theaters that were sold out. night after night and nobody would ever show up and all the tickets bought by single sources. same for chicago and many other cities in america. if china stops screening disney movies i think the whole faggy thing falls apart because the movie theaters in china are empty when showing disney flicks half the time
If your answer isnt futher back than 1910, you're an idiot.
>Having a financial sector is equal to giving the financial sector the keys of government.
The monarch was the check against the aristocracy. Republics just make the aristocracy the ruling class, and claim its "progress". Whether it's Rome, Florence, Genoa, Venice, America or any of the other modern day republics, it always end the same way; with the financial and wealthy classes in control of government and using it as a tool, for their own financial and political gain.
1869 when the 14th amendment turned us into SUBJECTS of the United States of America corporation.
Washington literally was a freemason
If you all get the chance give this a watch.
"To the Victor Goes the Myths and Monuments"
I'd say it is more a matter of wealth allowing anonymity and covert action. It has historically been limited to aristocracy, but now any clown can start an LLC, shell corp, 501c. It's what is termed as (((globalism))) these days. It's a pittance for the plebs to turn against their own actual interest via supposed self-interest in a systemic manner.
I would agree with that, I tend to use the term "aristocracy" as a catch all term. Plutocracy would be a more accurate description of what it has turned into however.