Spaniards are white.
Spaniards are white
Lincoln Clark
Owen Bailey
John Foster
Luke Murphy
Who said they aren't? They aren't that pure like other europeans but some of them can still be considered white you retard.
Gavin Jenkins
white. not white. i'd still fuck her.
John Hughes
Spaniards are spaniards.
Take you Globalist "White" bullshit and stuff it down your kike throat.
Thomas Long
>tourists from the Nederlands are white
No shit.
Parker Rodriguez
Can confirm. Even in nigger infested Barcelona this place is much whiter than anywhere in America.
Ryan White
We're really not.
Christopher Rogers
It's white from all the european immigrants in Barcelona, it's a genuine shithole of a city. Bruh... go to Tortosa, that city is literally a cancer. 1 out of every 4 people wear a burqa there, not even kidding