When did you realise Trump conned you?

When did you realise that you were a victim of Trump's con-artist skills? Have you realized that he scammed you yet?

- promised a wall, a giant wall, the best wall ever
>no wall

-promised isolationism and peace by putting America first
>bombed Syria and about to start a war with Iran for Jewish intrests

-promised you a free market, so free and tremendous
>tarrifs (tax on consumers) motherfuckers!

-republican-style family values, amiright?!
>fucked a prostitute, tried to pay her silence with money, waved an LGBT flag on stage

You voted for an illiterate professional con-artist without any political experience who can't form a functional sentance (even spelled "Wales" as "Whales" lmfao). He's a manipulative liar and overall a horrible person.

When did you realise that you were a low-IQ victim of his scam, just like people who enrolled in his "university"? Or are you still living in your bubble of delusions, you miserable Zionist-controlled puppet?

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What the fuck? the choice was a fucking Zionist, or a Satanic mass murdering baby eating bitch from hell hand picked by the Rothschilds, and you, in your epic tomfuckery, think she would have been better?
He's a place holder for "not satan spawn", you idiot.

he blew up an empty airport in Syria and called off operation prison shank idk what OP is bitching about

God emperor trump does what he has to do. So get fucked subhuman russian. (Not directed to russians) fucking ottoman baby

You can't even spell interest or sentence, why the fuck would anyone listen to your dumbass? You instantly lost all credibility by being a moron.

Syrian missile strike was the last straw

Trump is a good man. Anybody else would have started WW3 by now

>Trump is a good man
Good men wouldn't do nothing on the immigration crisis. More nonwhites have come here during the span of his presidency than Obama's.

Why don't you shills ever give up?
I will never stop supporting Trump.

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That’s bullshit. With obama it wasn’t counted as much. And trump got the democrats being annoying as fuck