Female Supremacy

Women are just better than men in every way. You know its true. Women smell nice, move nice and are smarter and more resilient than their male counterparts. This is because women had to be able to control men and manipulate their week minds so they could be cared for while doing the business of having children. And anthropologically, women wanted males that were the most docile and easily controlled. Soon women did not have to do anything. They just relax enjoyed life and left the toiling to men. This is the natural way. And you know it.

It's the ultimate redpill you have to swallow. I swallowed it and now accept that I'm inferior to females and all the women on this planet are my masters.

Educate yourselves, males

Attached: MatriarchyNow!.jpg (1280x1058, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Ohhh herrow! Ching chong bing bong!

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You don't have to resist anymore
just Accept it

Attached: TheFutureIsFemale!.jpg (1280x788, 140K)

No I think you misunderstand, women seem that way because you want to fuck them.
Meanwhile, they have the worst taste in makeup, fashion, and even argument.
They'll destroy themeselves and everything they like and then leave you to clean up their mess.
they can be cute... baka.

Women love differently from Men.

Women's education cause the fall of birthrates, not the economy:

The world is build by men

How politics really works:

The perfect system:

Capitalism IS patriarchy, matriarchy IS communism:

Shill, I'll miss you when shit hits the fan. In the end you are also an integral part of pol

have sex

Attached: RespectYourSuperiors.jpg (500x691, 53K)

>Still need men's permission for authority


My only superior is the BBC desu.

If they really are better then so be it, which means they don't need my help, and I don't need their help, never have. So yeah you go girl!


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The truth is within the synthesis of these two claims.

OP claims all women are superior, which is false. You claim BBC is superior, which is closer because it's less broad, but also imperfect.

The terrible truth is this: 8.5/10 and better women and their BBC masters are the true elite. It is our place to serve them: sexually, politically, and financially.

British Broadcasting Company is kinda shitty these days but you do you I guess.

>It's the ultimate redpill you have to swallow
feminist btfo

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I had no idea the UK was so popular with Americans.

Meh not provoking enough. Even african supremacy feels more acceptable than this.

>Women are just better than men in every way.
They can't urinate standing up properly but they also have to bleed out of their hole for a week every month so I guess they have that going for them...

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>I'm inferior to females
I mean if you’re inferior to an object it makes sense that your countries birth rate is so low

TFM is one of the only truly based MGTOWs

You're fired.

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She's so goddam hot

yeah yeah bitches love to talk. then what do they do?

no u

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Fuck off sub-human

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