The Gaywonk BTFOs Jow Forumstards once again


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>they used to laugh about it, they used to think it could be ignored. Now they understand the gravity of the situation.

>i'm a high school summerfag and my hero is a high school summerfag: the post

The fuck is a queer inner child? I'm in a gay relationship and I want to dangle these fags from lampposts

I can't think of a personality profile that wouldn't hold this person in complete contempt

He is just a puppet for the Zio-cons wiping out resistance for the next war for his real people, the Jews.

Imagine punching this guy in the head. You could probably shatter his twink jaw with one blow. Imagine him on the floor writhing in agony tears streaming out of his eyes, broken teeth on the ground, making pathetic whimpering noises. Imagine raising your boot above his head and he screams ‘WAIT! WAIT!!!’ and then you bring it down and CRUNCH. No more Carlos Maza.

>Use your mental illness to drown out the inner voice of reason telling you the right is right

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This guy isn't gay. This guy is a faggot.
There is a difference.

>gay inner child yelling at him
Literally Satan telling him what to do.

The queer inner child is the version of himself he wants to molest, but because he can't he has to find some other young boy

They're always trying to rape their queer inner child

>inner child
more proof that leftyfags are children

I came.

He is basically saying that his way of debating is putting his hands and his ears and screaming, but it is ok, because he is screaming in a gay way.

Wouldn't expect less from a sodomite.

>furious gay person
I can't even think of something funny to say

It's weird how liberals, particularly feminists and fags, come across as commercial products with no personality, culture or individuality. They just spout empty slogans and buzzwords, and their language is dominated by a kind of feminized, pop cultural version of ebonics mixed with valley girl speech that they seem to have picked up from the mainstream media.

For fucks sake, I hate that disgusting stinking faggot. He is nothing more than a caricature of Stoddard's Underman. He has nothing to take pride in other than his dysgenic outlook on reality.

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>acting childish
>a positive personality trait
Those freaks are beyond redemption.

Watch the documentary Century of the Self. It details who created the modern liberal, how they did it, and why they did it.

The slope brought us here.

No fags and no gays.

I am sorry but we have to choke the spting of the stream of degeneracy.

And AIDS will BTFO him. Wala!

>it's almost as if this creature were designed for the sole purpose of generating hatred and loathing.

AIDs needs to get up off it's fat ass and fix this shit.


Drag this faggot out and shoot him.

He's a crypto-Jew pretending to be socialist while helping to consolidate corporate power, he's btfoing /leftypol/ more than anyone lol.

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I love how being convinced with reason and facts translates into "gaslighting" or "propaganda"

>inner child
What did the faggot mean by this?

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reminder that anyone using the term queer is a retarded trender and can be ignored

he would like to be in the innards of a child probably

Everyone that posts on social media should have to sign a contract stating that they'll read everything they posted 10 years to the day later. This guy would die of a cringe induced heart attack.

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