How come the Chinese builds while Trump destroys?

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Because they're an authoritarian state and we are a cucked ((((democracy))))

Because they realise the free market dogma is bullshit, and you can shape economies however way you want.

Their nuclear projects are very small-scale and rely heavily on dated designs in public domain. There is nothing innovative. Trump's DOE, on the other hand, just put up millions in start-up funding for Gen IV, Molten Salt, Alternative Fuels, Burner/Breeder and other advanced nuclear power projects.
So, the real question is - why is OP always, always, always, a know-nothing faggot?

Attached: talechap.jpg (590x775, 248K)

Actually China really aint building shit right now.. meanwhile in America...private sector is on rampage

>China could build thirty shitty reactors with a lifetime energy output equal to one modern us reactor


china just built a pebble bed reactor though

Yea because daddy government had to hold your hands and do it for you.

>Soviet reactors
Isn't it cheaper to use their existing nuclear weapons to destroy the country?

Attached: Penuu.jpg (540x448, 74K)

3.6 röentgen. Not good not terrible.