Holy shit bros.
The kikes are going ballistic
Other urls found in this thread:
>cucks out
>gives up strategic information
how the fuck can anyone still support the cheeto in chief?
Donald Trump is the last person in the world who should be running any kind of war, let alone one in a region that is as complicated as the Middle East.
He is too uneducated, unprepared, and unbalanced to be commanding any army.
Hillary Clinton warned us about this.
>strategic information
try again meme flag
He pissed off the Yids. He has my vote!
>meme flags
Show flag, kike.
There's literally nothing you can say or do to convince anyone Trump didn't make the right decision.
I'll get an american citizenship just so I can contribute to four more years.
Why won't you goyim kill each other?! Die for Israel now!!
Incredible how fast the shill narrative has gone from ZION DON to HE’S A PUSSY FOR NOT FIGHTING FOR ISRAEL
The orange fucktard is treating this like a reality TV show when lives are at stake. His cavalier attitude towards military action is frightening. This is not a video game. War always kills people, there’s no way that wasn’t apparent to him or the blood thirsty racist loons who advise him on these matters.
Iran would bomb Israel if kikes' bitch ever attacks Iran
He's right. Trump did give them info and did pussy out
The memeflags are out in fucking force today holy shit. At least I can be happy for a few days
This would never have happened with a principled maverick conservative like McCain.
t. long nose
Anything that angers kikes is good in my book.
I used to believe in dual-loyalty, but now I think these people are only loyal to Israel--therefore they are traitors.
tfw when Trump avoids war
You have no argument because you know he's right. You can even pretend you're some badass fucker who puts America first and doesn't take shit from anyone or you can lick Iran's butthole and pussy out when they attack you, but not both. Pick one
>implying the Iranians believe anything they see
even if trump was telling the truth it doesn't matter. they would be stupid not to expect anything and everything.
all the asshurt from bloodthirsty kikes. Iran was right about one thing, they are the descendants of apes and pigs.
How weak would the hair sniffing kid diddling (many such cases, sad) Joe Biden have looked here? He would have caved to the jews in seconds.
This kills the kike shill
>iT wAz HeR tUrN
Oh fuck off. That drunk would have gone to war with North Korea and triggered WW3 before they'd finished cleaning up after her inauguration ceremony.
call the whaaambulance
Well, Billy... he just DE-classified it, on his own authority, because HE'S THE FUCKING PRESIDENT AND HE DOESN'T HAVE TO KILL ANYONE IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO.
Suck it, bitch.
Kill yourselves after murdering your own families. This is what you should do.
Kike spotted!!!!!
This. It's literally pretty creepy to be honest.
President Trump is the only one that can declassify anything unilaterally.
trump is increasing sanctions on Iran we are going to starve them untill they attack us again kikes are acting pissed
Shut up.
really makes you think, huh?
Based Trump.
I was so fucking worried there'd be yet another bullshit war in that shithole region.
Very pleased he held back and really hoping he'll stay that course. If the Jews want to wipe out Iran they can do it them-fucking-selves. I won't stop 'em.
no u brit kike
money trumps race silly goy. the race problem can always be cleaned up later
Lol the Jews are mad
increasing ((sanctions)) on iran
>no war
When the kikes get pissed at what you are doing. You pretty much can guarentee that is exactly what you should be doing. You caught flak when your over the target. Thats how you know your in the right place.
>Glormpf valuing human lives over a drone
Do they see themselves?
>he'll start WW3 with Russia
>he'll start WW3 with N. Korea
>he'll start WW3 with Iran
who's next?
Thank Gosh
150 saved, and y’all know he’ll strike if we need it
Look at all the
Brainwashed liberal nazis
did you faggots find something to be upset about and look stupid attacking Trump?
wow we are all surprised lol
You are fucked
No value
No future
Valuing enemy lives above American drones
America first? More like pussy first
Because of this, I'll probably go out and vote for him in 2020. All kikes can get fucked.
no its not that simple like syria most retards on here think we never went to war with syria but we did and we still haven't left the jews are acting pissed to save face for their kike puppet so they can get him reelected while at the same time getting what they want regime change but most of the work is going to be done by attacking iran economically untill they have a revolution/civil war then they will do the same thing they did with syria backing terrorist organisations untill we get what we want
European Union
jews get screwed, that's what.
Can it be us? Please
Do not forget that when Trump was elected people were crying that he will start a war and now the same people are crying that Trump does not want to start a war.
It's on good move on his part imo
Stopping a strike because many innocents could die
Kikes don’t consider goyim to be human. It’s in the Talmud.
Pic related: two kikes
Based Horsey
He's still Zion don though
>inb4 shill
I see your point. Good point of view. That's one hell of a run on sentence. Punctuation my lad.
so they make plans to do a retaliation strike over the unmanned drone and at the last second Trump asks, "How many people will this kill"?
and the general says "hopefully all of them".
sounds like Trump made the right call telling him no.
150 for 1 unmanned drone is a high price
only a warmonger Israelite shill would disagree
Trump trying to fight a war for isreal this is ridiculous
he is and hes going to increase sanctions so the proxy war is still on
Wow you yids are really getting pissed off today. I've never seen you faggots show yourself so easily. He really struck a nerve eh?
It's a fucking drone. Nobody got captured or killer, unlike during that niggerfaggot Obama's term. Niggerfaggot was good on Iran otherwise to try to resolve things peacefully though.
What is strategic about three unnamed, unmarked potential target sites that only top level personnel in the White House know about? He literally didn't name a single city, town, village or military base in his tweet. He's not giving up strategic information. Then again, a kike shill like you wouldn't know what the concept of OPSEC is.
Show flag
Wars do kill people, which is why they should be avoided if at all possible. It's not a fucking game. If it kicks off, I'll enlist and I'll watch out for the kids that get dragged into it, because once the wheels start to turn, there's nothing anyone can do to stop it but fight and end it as soon as possible.
Until then... Good on Trump. Nobody needs to die.
The best president America never had.
Stay mad faggot
These threads really are proof this board is infested with jew shills and summerfags trying to be edgy
reminder that jewish neocons never die for our country
Diplomacy is still an option. Drones are specifically designed to be lost. Nobody died, the drone performed its function and there's no reason to bomb anything. They can build a new one and have it flying in the exact same spot in no time flat. Shooting it down is just as pointless as bombing them over it.
2-scoops. 3-sites. 4-more years.
>Contesting the president about information I couldn't possibly have or understand.
yeah that response is almost tailored to escalate. Iran would see it as pure aggression because they consider 15nm out from their shores to be their airspace, whereas the international standard is 12nm. So from our perspective and the rest of the world's, we were in intl airspace, but from iran's view we were in their airspace.
Now obviously we can't just let them claim more space freely, that's a bad precedent. But 150 lives for what they would ostensibly see as defending their airspace is far too steep.
thanks and Punctuation is the devil at least on the internet unless its a necessity and can't be read otherwise no one is going to be reading my post out loud so everyone can choose to breath whenever they want
>he will start ww3 with Israel
But revealing he was about to attack Iran and backed down is ok?
just listened to the news in the German radio.
They try really hard to spin this story. Trump not attacking Iran makes them mad.
>da state be smarterer than me me to dumb to make my own decisions
I'd consider voting for Trump again only to piss off asswipes like Bill Kristol.
Hes the fucking president he decides what is classified.
This event is really causing the kikes to show themselves here.
so you get it now. hes "supports the kikes"... without supporting the kikes
good choice, but I find your lack of digits disturbing