Well, pol?
Well, pol?
We're voting for him. Deal with it.
The left can’t meme
Propose an alternative or fuck off, shill. It goes in all fields
I’ll be voting Trump to stop Biden, an even bigger Zionist.
Trump made a circle on a map, moved a building, and let some Obama era money go through. Biden married a Jew, attended every AIPAC since the 1970s, and voted to send hundreds of billions to Israel.
I mean I didn’t really know MIGA was a thing, until a bunch of anons posted it here but now that I do I realize it’s bad. We have to stop Biden, people, he is going to make Trump’s MIGA seem like small potatoes. Biden by any objective measure is a much bigger Zionist. We have to stop MIGA from getting much worse and ironically the only way to do it is to stop Biden by voting for Trump. What a world lol!
Holy shit that is bad. Why is the left so far behind in memes?
Open rebellion
Pretty much desu
You don't understand, CONGRESS WAS BLOCKING HIM!
>So what's stopping congress from blocking him again?