How stupid do they think we are?

>no really goy, attacking Iran will de-escalate things

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Goyim please, just a few missles!
Attack Iran for peace!
Don't be a cuck, die for US I mean USA

God I really hope they don’t get their will

Quit being literal Jews and just pay us to annihilate Iran

anyone suggesting retaliation or war should be issued a weapon, uniform, and transportation to the middle east

Why do Jews have such a seething hatred for Iran? Do they really think their nukes aren't protection enough? Even if the Mullahs get nuclear weapons, then we would have MAD. A proven concept, that has kept the peace for almost a century.

Its OVER for Trump. He cucked again hahaha

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Jews have a seething hatred for everyone.

Blumpf didn’t fall for our goy Obama and the Chinese plan to get into a drawn out war for profit. It’s over for blumpf. No to endless war

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At this point the people putting out this propaganda must be in disbelief. Can you imagine it?

>Okay goyim slave, I mean, Jones, go out there and write me a piece claiming that in order to avoid war we must start a war
>Umm, boss, that's never going to work...
>Yes it will Jones, just do it.
>"To avoid a wider war, Iran must be deterred with limited war actions"
>Jones: how in the shitting fuck

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If Trump attacks for these cunts i will be taking some action of my own

I'll gonna cheer for Iran in hypothetical conflict, but i understand this feel.
We had same shit in 2014-2015. Lot's of fags screeching "invade urkr*ine nau". Obviously, 99% of them are not planed to enlist or join Donbass militia. They just wanted to see some conscripts from both sides killing each other.

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Yeah fuck you too , subhuman faggot.

Proportional response is important for showing that every bit of aggression has a cost, but all stick and no carrot is poor diplomacy.

If you invade someone's home then they shoot you you don't get to claim any response as proportional.

Why don't you guys help Iran? U gonna let USA be the bully and push everyone around? U keep doing that and you lose. Or are you already a loser?

Like what? You going to tut in his general direction you ineffectual queer?

If my country gets manipulated into war by these kikes, again, then I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. It isn't even guys like Bill Kristol making backroom deals like in 2003, it's blatant and right out in the open.

he's going to drink his tea in a mug

Shut the fuck up, retard.
You’re either not going to do anything (and be a liar) or you’ve fucked your chances at getting away with doing anything real.
In either case, shut up.

I hate that I want to bomb the fuck out of Iran for acting like uppity niggers knowing that it's exactly what Israel wants. Fucking kikes

They can act as uppity as they want. It’s their fucking country, not ours.

This is the final chess move before they clamp down on the spread of information and go full despot. We are witnessing history lads, take care of your own and be prepared for some hard times ahead..

this could be a good poleball cartoon.
chad usa whispering just the tip into trap sissy iran's ears.

>C-c-come on g-goyim...only a little bit of bombings, o-okay?

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Shut the fuck up cuck.
Professional soldiers literally exist to die and kill on command. It is LITERALLY what our tax dollars are paying them for.

I don't want war with Iran, but that peacenik conscript army bullshit "the warmongers should go fight" thinking is for fucking fags. You don't get to sign up to be a warmonger then sit around base all day bitching that you don't want to go to war. Professional soldiers that are willing to volunteer for a pay-check, but not to fight are the biggest subversive scum. Worse than journalists, college professors, and antifa combined.

It's our fucking strait though, not theirs.

Iran is more than capable of crushing the mutts and their "western coalition" of subhuman vassals. The fact that Trump didn't strike isn't because of mercy, it's because he fully understands that Iran has the upper hand in any conflict there. The fact that they just blew up a "super invincible drone" that wasn't supposed to be shot down to show their fangs proves this.

>in order to not escalate things anymore we must escalate things

Only a bot could be so stupid as tonot see that Iran was trolled by Trump, when he talked to them he said the planes were in the air. Iran instantly turned on all their AD assets, giving away any advantage to a future attack. That when Trump said "Never Mind" and hung-up

Can smell the gefilte fish on you from here, yid.

>The fact that they just blew up a "super invincible drone" that wasn't supposed to be shot down
Jesus Christ, can not with the fucking propaganda for two fucking minutes?

It's a big dumb remote controlled recon plane. It's not fucking stealth. It's not fast. It's not maneuverable. Literally the only things fancy on it are the cameras and electronics. It just flies around in big slow circles and that's it.

he's right you now

Oh no, how dare I expect soldiers that my tax dollars are paying actually do their fucking jobs. Clearly only a Jew would be disgusted by the idea of peacenik soldier that sits around all day collecting a pay check instead of following orders.


It's Israel's war, let them fight it

American soldiers are for the defense of America. Not for dying in the middle of the desert so Israel can finally form “Greater Zion.”
Fight your own wars, Netanyahu.

It's supposedly out of range of all anti-air missiles. Iran used some of its less sophisticated ones to blow it up. You cucked out because smarter people know that it was a message that "we have more tricks up our sleeves, test us".

They are probably handing the parts to their friends in Russia as we speak, after all, they did recover the pieces in Iranian territory.
Anyway enjoy the death by a thousand cuts, you brought it upon yourself.

first of all it's very important for me to know if trannies and faggots are still getting drafted

Shut the fuck up kike.
American soldiers are for whatever hare-brained scheme the politicians that authorize their budget send them to do. If they have a problem with that, they shouldn't volunteer to be soldiers.

Shills like you will literally connect any action by the US military to your "greater israel" talking point.

>It's supposedly out of range of all anti-air missiles.
No. Not at all.

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>“Shut up, kike!”
He shouts at the guy who’s opposed to pissing away another trillion dollars for fighting a country that is literally only a threat to the Saudis (who helped orchestrate the attacks on the WTC) and the Israelis (who have stabbed the US in the back so many times, the knife now has a timeshare in our left kidney)

i be comin to europ n meria n fikki fikki whyt wo man

>goyim pls just a crumb of flesh

>our straight
damn i didnt know the US owned straights, did we buy it?


c-cannot r-r-resist d-dying for i-israel....

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I already told you I oppose war with Iran.
I'm attacking your shill talking point that American soldiers should only be used in "defense of America". American soldiers are for whatever the fuck we want, fuck your anti-war isolationist cuck faggot bullshit.

Yeah, we paid for it with Iranian blood during Operation Praying Mantis.

Jow Forums shills still ongoing shilling. very impressive

They want to create a greater Israel.

They don’t want deterrence. They want dominance over ALL goyim.

You think Iran will suddenly stop? They want to be attacked idiot. Everything is about public opinion.

They're supplying Iranian organizations and supporting them politically. They obviously can't intervene directly without increasing tensions too much or risking a very consequential accident.

>israel worried

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>the kikes are worried that their brainwashed goyim may not go to war with muh evil Iran

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Send old neocon hawks to the front. They want the war, they can fight it too. I'm sure their Israeli buds will be right behind them when they enter the fray.

I just got this notification on my phone. What absolute kikery. The propoganda pushing is real.

Shit the fuck up you fucking kippa wearing kike motherfucker. You should be the first to go. Into an oven.

>what is Operation Praying Mantis

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"To avoid a war, start attacking another country." Jesus fucking Christ, I cannot believe normies trust the press. Michael G. Vickers is a goddamned traitor to America, and the editors who published this shit. Fuck the press.

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Its not violated sovereignty if we drop a steal rod from space. Accidently...

America voted for the right person.

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Hey Susan!

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>American soldiers are for whatever the fuck we want

Yes it’s in the Talmud we know

Isn't military main purpose to defend its people and its land from invaders?
Not so much to go kill some niggers on the other side of this planet.

Iran has a much bigger population and lots of ressources, with enough time and integration into the world market the country will grow so much that they'll simply dwarf Israel and with that Israel won't be free to bully everyone around them.
>you want to annex more arabs lands?
>here have a price hike on your food and fuel that will crash your economy

At the end of day they there is nothing more terrifying for Israel than having a country like Iran or Syria westernizing.

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Israel sees them as a threat since they support all the small muslim enclaves bordering Israel. Saudi Arabia is another huge factor since they hate one another over a religious schism.
USA and UK hate Iran because they overthrew their puppet.

Nice ramp

They are desperately trying to fulfill prophecy.

>strike them from afar, they can never reach us
>wait it out for years like syria.
>mossad hires a terrorist attack on usa soiel

The waves belong to whoever has the best navy imo.