@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump bilat w/Leaf PM Cuckdeau 6/20/19
>Pres Trump welcomes Leaf PM Cuckdeau 6/20/19
>SoS Pompeo unveils 2019 TIP Report 6/20/19
>USBPChief Provost/Others @House on Mil @US-MEX Border 6/20/19
>CPSCCommrs @Senate on Oversight 6/20/19
>EPAAdm Wheeler on FBN 6/20/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on Dobbs 6/20/19
>StateDept Press Brief (TIP Amb Richmond) 6/20/19
>Pentagon Press Brief (AFCENT Comdr LtGen Guastella) 6/20/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Welcomes Leaf PM Cuckdeau 6/20/19
>Pres Trump on Hannity 6/19/19
>Pres Trump presents Presidential MoF to Arthur Laffer 6/19/19
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 6/19/19
>EPAAdm Wheeler finalizes ACE Rule 6/19/19
>FEDChair Powell News Conf on Econ Policy 6/19/19
>USTR Lighthizer @House on 2019 Trade Policy Agenda 6/19/19
>SpecRep4Iran Hook @House on Policy 6/19/19
>TransDept Officials @Senate on Safety 6/19/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>if you dont let faggots poz you you are a bigot nazi

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you dumb motherfuckers are really going to push this

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Why is sexual deviancy being pushed so hard? Im a decent human bean, this is only making me gather my templar friends and start sharpening our swords

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This is illegal on quite a few grounds.

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I remember the liberal media screeching anti-Bush rhetoric about wars in the middle-east over 9/11. Now they're screeching anti-Trump rhetoric because he won't declare war on Iran over a drone.

Is it possible to get corporations diagnosed as mentally ill?

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Anyone else having problems with capatcha?

>Global LGBT crusade
>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Sessions did nothing
>Pedogate has vanished
>Assange has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars

Attached: 1 (2).jpg (1280x720, 89K)

>baby's first big think

Why ist there no good national radio for higher level listeners?

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Because of this (((faggot nigger))).

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You are going to die in the coming civil war.

I look forward to the Mexicans teaching us their ways.

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Eliminate the gayliphate

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>Trump didn't pass the travel ban
What a total nigger that copypasta is.

buy my book iranians

t. ways to keep from getting your monkey ass whooped

>What is going on?
Bitch, really? Literally ZERO self awareness. Can't wait until 24 hr. news finally dies

Nadler losing it?

Attached: MsL.png (1982x424, 109K)

>Is it possible to get corporations diagnosed as mentally ill?
Or Jewish, which amounts to a bundle of neuroses by default.

because if you're still listening to radio, you aren't high level

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>the shills are back spamming text walls

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Heck off, Fedora.
He's certainly not losing any weight again.

trump has 80+ % approval among republicans

You’d think they’d look at more conservative fox guys numbers and realize what people want to watch. But I guess they’d rather push an agenda then listen to the people.

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Front cover of next month's New York Magazine

E. Jean Carroll says she was sexually assaulted by Donald Trump

In Carroll’s account, Trump shoves her against a wall inside a dressing room, pulls down her tights, and, “forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me.”

Attached: 1319Cov_Lay.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg (710x946, 127K)

If that's based on the transcripts, it didn't really sound like that much of an apology.

Some traditional Persian culture minus Islam is kind of nice.

Attached: 1556111934037.jpg (1024x800, 275K)

his diabeetus is coming for him
>Argentina shitshow of a coup
>Russia asking countries to ally against the US
>we back down
>russia rolls in a ship based nuclear power plant into a new traderoute that goes north into near the arctic circle for iran
>Fake mines near iran
>Flying missiles into tankers
>False flags every day, all sloppy, all shit jobs
>Drone goes down
>Don goes into a meeting with democrats
>Says "ok"
>They celebrate
>He stops the attach
whenever you see a shill saying MIGA remind them of this event

Patricians have moved to satellite, shortwave, and IP streaming.

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My 7th great grandfather was at the Boston Tea Party and raided the harbor.

My 4th great grandfather was apart of the Iron Brigade and fought in every major battle during our 1st civil war.

My great grandfather was a lead welder for the US pacific fleet during World War 2 and passed much wisdom onto me.

I will fight in the 2nd American Civil War - and I will live, for the Christian God watches over me.

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No, he knew what he was doing. “Polite Senate speak” calling her a whore who had an affair with the campaign manager without outright saying it.

how the fuck this piece of shit general is still alive.

fuck your goddamn kike puppet and fuck you all too

Grand Jerry is running out of subpenises.

only when i dont use jewgle chrome it would keep giving impossible and say its wrong even though it was right you could buy a pass but that means giving hiro shekels and he doesnt deserve them

Most of the comments are:
>Trump is a liar!
>Trump is dangerous!
>Putin told him to stand down.
>Why should we believe him?
>Trump knows nothing.
>He's going to get us all killed!
>Putin; Putin, Putin, Putin
>Fuck you Chuck Todd


Attached: NBC- Chuck Todd, Trump 'Special Report'.jpg (1083x733, 536K)

Desuwa I'm forced to listen to No Penor Radio more often than I like because there's no international news source of equal or better quality.

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That's alright, that sandnigger doesn't know his own last name, don't expect him to know anyone else's.

Why didn't she come forward during 2016?

listen to music then

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>NO we can't let him have access to the nuclear codes

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Yeah, the ones where they're mad at Chuck Todd are funny

If the neocohns want war so badly let's give them a war. Let's invade Canada and Greenland. That ought to shut them up for a while.

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Because it's bullshit


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Do patricians not drive? Also very nice RMS, fellow patrician of impeccable taste.

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How does this shit happen? Look at the time stamps.

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>a resolution

Literally nothing.

I have a theory that it's the elites' lowkey way of reducing the population level by discouraging actual breeding. Can't confirm though.

some of the music, poetry and food is nice. i've known parsees who were very cultured.

fuck islam and the pedophile mohammed.

So was a lot of 2016, but that didn't stop people.

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Too many bitches already trying that back then
Not going to get on the magazine covers being 1 of 40

One of the greatest crimes is the theft of the rainbow by gay hands.

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do shortwave, satellite and IP streaming not come standard in your vehicle?

They really wanted trump to attack Iran so they can do the whole
>trump is Bush
Shill line.
>mfw demosharts, neocons, deep state get blue balled

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I saw this on Twitter and I realized that this is kinda against the First Amendment, isn't it?

It's literally the government trying to restrict religion.

>Hello my fellow white Nazis
>Please do not support Trump, he is actually one of those "kikes" you don't like

Then you should know that wars are won through logistics, geography, and personnel management.
The Right has it. The Left has none.
And none of that "wisdom" from a lead welder will count for shit towards a victory when bullets start flying in a land war.
You are going to die, likely of starvation, or you will be surprised when a bullet enters you liver and you die screaming.

I wanna listen to da news sometimes though, you guys are forcing me to listen to Bloomberg sometimes.

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He typed in the post number before the post existed

My favorite user.

It is. Any lawyer worth their salt can argue this.

Sometimes, but it would be nice to have a big civil service feeding me newz

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>no jojo ban
>Von Stroheim Intensifies

Ah trying to project Slick Willy & the blue dress incident. Not very creative are they?

Which one's this?

Sexual/Cultural Bolshevism is a key doctrine to disintegrating population, especially minds of the youth, so to further mold their values into something more susceptible for cultural and political manipulation.

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Pastors who comply are not christians pastors.

picky, picky. music is better than news. it's not like they're going to tell you anything you don't already know

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Oh no no no Trump is finished. this rape allegations is the end of him. he is finally going down.

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My money is on this whole Iran schtick is a ruse to get Trump in a unwinnable situation to assure his loss in 2020 by China/(((NWO))) via Iran and Democrat proxies. If Trump wants to reverse this hard, he should petition (democrat) Congress to declare war on Iran. Drop this steaming shit on their laps.

Most new cars above a certain price point contain satellite radio, and bluetooth/3.5mm for connecting to other sources. I listened to Roman history podcasts while driving across the country a few years back.

They often do though, like breaking news about laws passed or dead foreign people by various causes that I can't read about while driving.

dons ancap flag
> wants services

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Their engineering is the best in the world.


Attached: AllSides.png (1272x1666, 412K)

>when even jewgle is saying that you're posting too much

>mfw theyre cycling through old as fuck narratives

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This is accurate.

Congress is taking up a vote on use of force against Iran next week.

It's basically pointer arithmetic for Jow Forums posts. No wonder imageboard users favor C.

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I'm so glad we got that beautiful 10 foot fence protecting our borders!

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>can't read while driving
i've shitposted while driving before, you just aren't trying hard enough

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It's Fedoranigger.

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how can people do this kind of mental jewing day in and day out?


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zero iq post. Please go back to plebbit

Will trump actually deport these migrants THIS TIME?

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Is it true that migrants are going over our borders in record numbers?

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>thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me.
#BeleiveAllWomen BIGOTS.

I like old, unsophisticated cars. I can connect things by various means, my point is that an omnipresent national news service catering to putting out news like the BBC world service but American and not left would be nice. In the absence of such a thing then audio books and podcasts are nice but current news is often important.