European White genocide

People always talk on this board of the evil brown muslims who are destroying the poor white Europeans and causing white genocide... But to me, it seems that certains Muslims are definitely much whiter than certain "whites".
I work with a lot of Arabs and all of them have light colored eyes (lighter than mine even), and they all have brown hair, with very pale skin. If anything, I'd say they're much whiter than your average White person.
What about countries like Spain and Portugal? Isn't Muslim immigration into these countries making them WHITER?

Attached: syrian.jpg (842x750, 189K)

Low quality
I am deducting 0.2 shekels

My dad is 6’4 Lebanese who has his shit together. Mom is 5’2 ex heroin addict. White pride tho right?

lmao what's your point though


Attached: Sage copy.jpg (1126x979, 271K)

That muslims are traditional and white (in general) and "whites" are whorish and mixed

sounds like you have a problem with race mixing too then

Your anonymously posted anecdote has enlightened me

you're boring

Sounds like you're just as retarded as your sandnigger dad.