The solution

Get the fuck off the internet
Get the fuck off Jow Forums
Get the fuck off social media
Stop living on the internet
Go and get a job
Go and improve yourself
Go and get yourself a woman
Go and get married
Go and have kids
Go and raise a family
Take charge of your own life
Stop wasting your life on the distraction and theater of this world made to look real
Stop being an observer

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Other urls found in this thread:

No one cares, toothpaste.

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take your own advice
stop projecting
everyone on Jow Forums is actually more sane and well adjusted than you
this is satire
have sex

Pic kinda implies we have any of that, I don't even have tea and cookies.

I have none of them things

It could take 10 years of dedicated labor to accomplish all these things. They have to be done in order. If something bad happens and you lose one, then you have to go back to the beginning and start over. I'm definitely not on my first attempt for this level.

I don't have any of those things.

you get it when you follow the advice in OP

If 10 stop breathing it's better than raising 5 of your own, best is to do both. stfu aquafresh. I'm fine shitposting off neetbux. do something yourself.

you first

Making vegetarian Bangers n Mash

turned into a stew as I have no masher

good luck

oh poached pears in ginger honey and chocolate for after

Just for I can be a wagie ?

>Someone who loves you
Haha yeah glad I totally have that haha

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Lmao I wonder how many depressed people killed themselves after they saw this because they realized that they have none of this. I’m working a dead end job I fucking hate and at the moment I don’t want any company. I’m ok with being alone in my apartment and spending those nights off playing tf2 and browsing Jow Forums.

My life changed for the better when i took the /sig/pill. Do the same anons.

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>someone who loves you
Why don't they put this label to the pet instead of that whore wearing skimpy clothes

>Good friends
>Someone who loves you

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Would you like it if I were to list off all the shit thats currently happening and effecting every single white person in the US even if you try to ignore it?

that guy seems miserable even though he has them, what's the point?

You're right OP. I was addicted to jewtube and vidya, but after I quit those things, my life has improved immensely.

Pol lets me vent my not so politically correct feelings, so Im never gonna leave

>Get the fuck off the internet
I know..
>Get the fuck off Jow Forums
I have been trying since 2009
>Get the fuck off social media
That I did do, life exponentially better
>Stop living on the internet
>Go and get a job
>Go and improve yourself
Need to do more
>Go and get yourself a woman
Done. She white too!
>Go and get married
>Go and have kids
One and done, I would only bring more mutts into the world if I do.
>Go and raise a family
This is in progress
>Take charge of your own life
Currently in progress
>Stop wasting your life on the distraction and theater of this world made to look real
No. I will always observe my surroundings, and plan for the worse. Hope for the best also.
>Stop being an observer
See previous answer

>girl that loves me

Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhaa. Hahahahahahahahah

Boomer tier post faggot.
>go do something you entitled prick
Surely this will convience anyone to start chasing down a rabbit, fucking idiot...

>white person in the US

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See you tomorrow, Joris.

I have most of these except having a girlfriend. I have a bachelor's in computer and server hardware engineering have an amazing job make a lots of money while only working part-time I have a dog that I care for very much but I'm deeply depressed. like shit man I'm 28 years old and I already have gray hairs. I don't know what's wrong with me

Go on

LMAO....hysterical comment.

I'm already doing or done all that, but I can't stop browsing Jow Forums, it's my only vice.

I don’t know your name and I’ll likely never see your face, but I love you all the same brother.

Wholesome toothpaste.

But look at those digits!

Literally no one is depressed if they have all of those things unless they're currently dying from cancer or something.

>Tea and cookies

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>someone who loves you
That's presumptuous.

You need to get your high IQ brain out of the cultural sewer you have been taught about women since you were born. They have only one purpose - breeding for you. Find a breeder. Submissive obedient etc. DO NOT look for fantasy GF BS. It is all just unicorn BS. Women are here to serve your interest. As long as they do, you will get fulfillment out of it.

high unemployment (real numbers)
native jobloss is at an all time high
pay is never increasing
shitty health care

Depression isn't just something that can go away you fucking retard, if it was purely mind over body then why would we need pills to stave it off, plus it has genetic factors as well adding onto it stemming from both physiological and psychological elements.

What is up with unemployment ? Trump boasts about it being at a record low all the time

I just want my fucking money, I just want my fucking alcohol, and I just want my fucking bed. I don’t give a fuck about anything anymore.

Going on Jow Forums makes me happy. I see people who think the same as me and even with all the shill threads, it just shows how much my ideas are winning

same, I'm homeless even

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Yes and no. US economy ALWAYS generates abundance of jobs BUT "cozy" jobs are harder to find (government, big corporate job that pay relatively TON for little effort of job assignment for factors I am not going to elaborate here for).

Christ loves you user.

>Get the fuck off the internet
no its my day off and I'm getting drunk and posting here for now.
>Get the fuck off Jow Forums
See above
>Get the fuck off social media
I don't use it, it makes me mad and want to hurt people
>Stop living on the internet
I don't my work is installing backbone internet
>Go and get a job
Have one
>Go and improve yourself
I'm 6"5', fit, have a wife and 3 children
>Go and get yourself a woman
see above
>Go and get married
see above above
>Go and have kids
see above above above
>Go and raise a family
see above above above above
>Take charge of your own life
My life is great
>Stop wasting your life on the distraction and theater of this world made to look real
We live in a world of lie because jews control the media and MSN and they are the Tribe of liars and hate God.
>Stop being an observer
I'm not a simple observer, I am sitting here and will drop all redpills on jews and niggers with every spare moment I have.
Now your turn.
Find one bit of degeneracy or corruption in western nations that doesn't have a jew behind it.
>you can't
>no one can.
meanwhile jews are less that 2% of western nations population.
niggers would not be a problem without jews, they would not even be in the Americas or Europe if not for jews.
Ironically I'm probably not racist as I believe niggers can be saved if we get rid of the jews.

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excuses excuses

Because pills make money. What better product to sell that happy pills?

Plus some people use depression as an excuse to be an ass. And or get people to sympathize with them and manipulate others.

Depression meds dont make you happy, they make you callous to everything. They literally make you not feel your emotions

>that art style
Must be the same cuck who made this piece of shit.

Attached: whywecanthavenicethings.jpg (700x2098, 234K)

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American women don't do chores your imbecile.

OP's pic is literally my fucking life.

Every day we decend to new levels of hell I didn't think possible

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I suggest checking this out.

also the real unemployment is fucking massive. Trump is using obamas same bullshit to make it look like its bette rthen it is.

Based 日本人

Do you know where you are?

>Go and get a job
Yes, strive to be a tax serf.

>Go and improve yourself
To be more productive for the megamachine

>Go and get married
Because you can't get rid of that self-destruction impulse

>Go and have kids
Because someone has to fill the tax chicken farm.

>Go and raise a family
See above

>Take charge of your own life
When you have to ask permission even to take a piss take charge of what?

>Stop wasting your life on the distraction and theater of this world made to look real

Without distractions we would be already at theviolencehasescalated.jpg

I say it's 50/50. There are a lot of jobs available, but many are sub 15 dollars an hour in pay. While I have done pretty well during his administration earning about eight to ten percent more than I was back in 2016. Trump is Trump. I elected him to shake things up

>Go and get yourself a woman
can I just get it from a tree or a bush or something? getting women isn't so simple as just going out and getting one, you fucking demented nigger

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native job loss is massive m8 look at the data.

I’d go outside but it’s filled with spics and their anchor babies.

Let me know when they’re all deported or the shooting starts. It’s easy to say “lol go live life” when you reside in a white majority European country.



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>you cant be depressed if you have tea and cookies on your table
what ?