Hey Jow Forums, what do you think of Asian masculinity?
Hey Jow Forums, what do you think of Asian masculinity?
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WMAF is as degenerate at BMWF
Its a joke
If you have to tell people how manly you are, you probably aren't very manly. Many such cases. Sad!
All masculinity from males is good.
Good goy
Part of me feel bad for them and want to encourage them to be better men
Another part of me want to reaffirm it and push them into the dirt while fucking their women.
Not that I would ever racemix, but the "conquest" thing is kinda hot.
This is “if you’re afraid of spiders that must mean you wanna fuck spiders” tier garbage.
>Asian masculinity
kind of an oxymoron, innit, user?
Good on them, maybe if there learn some masculinity and self discipline they'll stop voting left like a bunch of little yellow faggots
Nope. I'd compare it to the lower middle class trying too hard to be upper class. This is talking about how manly you are in a nutshell:
Made this post to check my b& status so heres my real answer.
>any ties to birth culture was lost to ((influences))
>notice a resurrection of asian pride
>”im proud because im asian”
>idol worship
>collectivist bugmen tendencies
Theres plenty more to say but i would like insights from other anons
I don't understand how they're so unaware of their insecurity and inferiority complex.
They try to be alpha and espouse "alpha" mentalities and behaviors, but they're anything but.
They fact that they want to be with White women so desperately ironically shows how they see themselves as inferior to Whites- that they want White genes for their children because they recognize that White features are superior, while their neotonic beta faces are inferior.
Also they romanticize Asian culture, which is inherently repressive, unemotional, and devoid of freedom of expression or ethics.
They're good, after all good asian girls should have masculine asian guys.
just like good white girls should have masculine white guys
nevertheless, r/asianmasculinity makes the most aweful braindead larping slide threads. So I'm not letting them off the hook that easily
>be janny at a local gym
>see angry 5'4" asian "man" walks up to the heavy bag spreading his arms to appear tough
>makes a point to look everyone in the eye and smirk at them
>proceeds to punch the bag nonstop while screaming like an enraged monkey
>looks and sounds just like a kung fu movie
>keeps punching the bag for what seems like forever, clearly he is working out some personal issues
>his hands start to bleed. I am concerned for the sanitation of the equipment, but feel like the guy needs this
>He yells louder than before and starts really hitting the bag to the point where it begins to swing a few inches from its natural resting position.
>he suddenly stops, breathing heavily
>walks out the front door with his head held high, entire gym is staring at this guy
>he sees it as adoration and looks a bit happier as he leaves, dripping blood all over the floor on his way out
>people whisper to each other and I hear a few chuckles as I go to get a towel and sanitation bottle
Fucking asians man.
We need to raid the faggotry of that reddit.
Don't, the fucking Spaniards did that with spics, now look at what we have to deal with, they think they are one of us.
All masculinity is good.
We are a tolerant and diverse board of peace.
Look, as long as they have that national pride and GO HOME to celebrate, I'm all for it. Go out think is, out build us, give us a challenge, but back at home.
It really is a pity how Asians have been disconnected from their native culture, but have not had the time to refine a unique Asian-American culture like Euro-Americans and Afro-Americans have.
like oil and water
>Mongol Empire
>Not masculine
Its the only thing I know about asians in america. Are the asians you meet irl similar to the portrayal these insecure cucks give off?
Stop LARPING you seething incel, you def never left your mom's basement in years.
all you gooks are good at is making sliding threads about your pathetic insecurities and wasting any good will you had left.
You'll never be manly if you're under 6' tall and under 8" in cock
>girls checking me out
Sure jackie chan.
Asian men should take pride in themselves and be the best men they can be, the dude in OP is trying a little hard, but hes probably just overcompensating at first. Overall, Asian masculinity is a good thing.
So is White masculinity, and every other color there is. All men should be encouraged to be the best they can be as a member of their respective group, and to take pride in that. Just like George Lincoln Rockwell got along great with the Nation of Islam and black separatists, that is a goal to aim for. Strong, self sufficient men treating with each other without apology.