Hey Jow Forums, what do you think of Asian masculinity?
Hey Jow Forums, what do you think of Asian masculinity?
Josiah Sanders
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Caleb Jackson
WMAF is as degenerate at BMWF
Logan Sullivan
Its a joke
Carter Sanders
If you have to tell people how manly you are, you probably aren't very manly. Many such cases. Sad!
Liam Morgan
All masculinity from males is good.
Alexander Torres
Jack Roberts
Good goy
Daniel Evans
Part of me feel bad for them and want to encourage them to be better men
Another part of me want to reaffirm it and push them into the dirt while fucking their women.
Not that I would ever racemix, but the "conquest" thing is kinda hot.
Adam Peterson
This is “if you’re afraid of spiders that must mean you wanna fuck spiders” tier garbage.
Colton King
>Asian masculinity
kind of an oxymoron, innit, user?