It's fucking hillarious, these are the results from few weeks on sitting on Badoo (each nation/race example size is 60 girls each)

White European girls: 10% laugh/watch, 60% show hostility towards the black person, 30% disconnect, 0% slut themselves

White American girls: 60% salivate and slut themselves, 40% disconnect

Asian American girls: 90% disconnect, 10% laugh/watch, 0% slutting

Asian Oriental Girls: 100% disconnect, 0% slutting

Attached: lmao.jpg (895x749, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Cope wh*te subhuman

Attached: focus_large.jpg (700x500, 46K)

It's high time Jow Forums starts cracking down on the blacked myth.

Attached: 1559315470856.jpg (916x721, 270K)

Nice source you faggot

You're the subhuman, NIGGER!

Attached: photo.jpg (300x300, 24K)

>black girls are missing
what are you not telling us op

It could also be that they don't want to or do want to see dicks, regardless of race. It doesn't necessarily mean they like or dislike blacks generally.

You shouldld have delivered some proofs of that

Lol at OP coping hard. BBC omegle superstar here.

It's funny that Asian Oriental Girls were literally salivating and taking their clothes off for some meh white guy with an average cock, but IF THE GUY WAS BLACK THEY DC'ED INSTANTLY LMAO XDDDDD

I didn't do stats for black girls sorry, most of Africa prob is too dumb to use Omegle

Attached: sample pic.jpg (320x240, 12K)

No, because I studied the White Dick reaction and it has extreme high success rate comparing to Black Dick

Oh really?



>No, because I studied the White Dick reaction and it has extreme high success rate comparing to Black Dick

Attached: biedron mfw.jpg (820x650, 111K)

Go on omegle and you'll find.

there is something seriously the fuck wrong with you people
the white race is dying and good riddance

You had the whole internet to cherry pick whatever example you wanted. There are thousands of people who get paid and make a career to prove your point, but the best you could come up with is a webcam screenshot of a 2 second interaction between a European girl and an African man where she is obviously revolted and telling him to 'fuck off'. God damn your IQ is low. Here, have a bump. I feel sorry for you.

based thread. You’re doing good work

Kys negroid.

Attached: 1559856657443.jpg (962x1427, 359K)

You should do a gay version. Gays are extremely preferential to whites.

Human is OUR word. You are not allowed to use it, nigger.

Lol no.

This przemek has been doing this for weeks, he easily has 240 samples as he claims and their reactions in a spreadsheet.

Post a screenshot of the spreadsheet przemek

Attached: biedron BBCgasm.png (1116x714, 1.24M)

>No, because I studied the White Dick reaction and it has extreme high success rate comparing to Black Dick
this is enough autism for me, today.
also based kurwa keep giving out these bleachedpills

Attached: 1556735664720.webm (1080x608, 1.45M)

Okay macaco

Post some reactions

Attached: PrzemekLegia.jpg (1024x676, 130K)

What are you talking about?
Jow Forums only lets you post an image with the OP. He selected a relevant image from his experiment.

breed your own, moron
dumb nigger

White-Black babies suffer higher risks of prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal death, and stillbirth.

Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.

Interracial couples demonstrated a higher level of mutual Intimate Partner Violence than monoracial white couples but a level similar to monoracial black couples.

The average rate of success for mixed race couples is around half that of same race couples, 0.127 compared to 0.213

Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation, and poor family dynamics. Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

Youth of mixed race/ethnicity are more likely to be at risk for poor mental health outcomes even with a similar number of external developmental assets as their single race/ethnic counterparts.

Don't forget, women are emotional and very socially aware beings. Redpills like in pic related tell them that only fat ugly girls who are dumb and low social status race-mix. This gives them a subtle psychological redpill

Attached: 1559313883194.png (711x594, 99K)

Attached: White macaque..jpg (593x550, 46K)

I believe you

Attached: Untitled.png (587x651, 73K)

In any cam site blacks are in the last pages.

They had to change the algorithm to make some demand through forced repetitive exposition.

It's barely brainwashing.

Attached: nigger_macale.jpg (300x220, 10K)

He's been spamming it for weeks

First time anyone saw it.


yeah... it is totally a myth....
pic related

Attached: JustBeBBCbro.png (690x310, 19K)

Your a fucking weirdo

>Imagine being this deeply addicted to fetish porn
Get well, user. Your life can be so much more than this.

>White European girls: 10% laugh/watch, 60% show hostility towards the black person

But they kept watching lmao

Le Usanian cocksucker.