If whites are the superior race, why are you killing yourselves in record numbers...

If whites are the superior race, why are you killing yourselves in record numbers? This seems like natural selection to me. Evolution has always favored the ability to survive, and it seems whites just don't have it anymore.

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Becasue high IQ correlates directly with depression. Wouldnt expect a mudshit like yourself to understand.

If you are so smart why haven't you figured out how to stop being so sad and pathetic? It's not hard to not kill yourself, I mean self preservation is the most common evolutionary trait. How could you not be able to do it properly?

if non whites are the superior races, why are they content with a perpetual subhuman existence

People who are content with less tend to be happier. Whites keep chasing the american dream of being rich and kill themselves when they cant reach their lofty standards. I would much rather be happy and poor than sad and rich. You could be happy, but you are never satisfied.

were ackshewally ascending to the 4th dimension.

The kikes are actively driving white people to suicide. It's no surprise that the rates have been skyrocketing.

Antidepressants? Whites disporportionally are on them.
Opioids? Whites disporportionally abuse them.
Benzodiazepines? Whites disporportionally abuse them.
Alcohol? You get the picture.
Pornography? Yup.

The lesser races need to internalize at some point that once the whites are out - the world will fall into eternal darkness.
Wars, no gibsmedats, no advances in science, medicine, pharmacology, no altruism.
The entire world will devolve into a perpetual war - just how africa and the middle-east have been for millennia.

if non whites are the superior races, why are they content with a perpetual subhuman existence.


gas for chinks soon

The mental Illness of leftism has ruined Western civilization and made life horrific in a unique way rarely seen before in history.

>actively choosing to kill yourself
>that's somehow natural selection

Because we can be happy with less. Happiness is generally the motivating force behind every action taken by humans. The fact that we are better at being happy, the ultimate goal of humankind, proves that we are superior. You only perceive what we enjoy as subhuman due to your overly high standards. The bottom line is whites aren't happy. Other races are. You are angry, sad and scared. We aren't.

If you are superior to jews, why are they dominating you? That is like saying you are a lion but are being defeated by a mouse. You are not a lion. You are the mouse.

if non whites are the superior races, why are they content with a perpetual subhuman existence

>Because we
shitskin confirmed lmao

If you actively choose to kill yourself, your gene line ends (assuming you haven't reproduced). This in turn, naturally selects those who won't kill themselves to reproduce and increase in number, while the whites die off.

Think of it this way, if there are a variety of rodents, and one in particular has a trait that leads to premature death, it will eventually be weeded out, while the other rodents thrive.

I hope this clears things up for you.

>haven't you figured out how to stop being so sad and pathetic
we have, but its too late, cant change the system now and the only solution is to kill all you shitskins after we eradicate the jew

Take an actual biology course desu. You're talking about evolution (which was not meant to have a positive conotation, but rather a neutral one).
Natural selection should be defined by being suited to the environment.

If you can be happy with less then why are you mudshits migrating to 1st world nations?

Gun ownership.

>why are they dominating you?
Christianity, primarily. They've had 2 millennia to slowly subvert us.

I want to say that things can change, that we can wake up and exterminate them, but I fear it might be too late. Alas. I take solace in the fact that I will either be dead or victorious when all this is over, I will never be cattle, I will never miscegenate with the lesser races, I will never capitulate, I will never produce anything that is of any advantage to the jews or the lesser races.
I will disappear from this world on my terms.

If your environment makes you want to kill yourself, you are not suited for it.

>you dont have to feel everything


btw OP, those who are reading this thread are still alive, just to let you know.