Faggots are normalizing pedophilia right before our eyes and no one is doing anything about it

Faggots are normalizing pedophilia right before our eyes and no one is doing anything about it.

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People are never doing anything about it until they are.
There is a cost to be the first one to do things but once everyone else is doing it the pressure just flows out in a wave of change.
The kindling has been building and it is only a matter of time.

It's literally being mkultra'd through msm to accept it.

Remember guys the slippery slope is totally a fallacy

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How do we wake the sleeping giant?

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fuck yas this queen is GAWGEOUS

bigots cant HANDLE her

Right wingers stopped letting their children (((consume media))) a long ass time ago. Basically this is just lefty Jews and their golems hurting themselves.

You can instantly judge a person as mentally deficient if they go for this kind of degeneracy.

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The "Love Don't Judge" snap story is predictive programming