Kavanaugh sides with murderous negro over white victims

Where are all the faggots on Jow Forums who said that this cuck was "based"?

>Supreme Court throws out murder conviction of black inmate as Kavanaugh, Gorsuch split again

>The Supreme Court on Friday tossed out the murder conviction of a black death row inmate who underwent six criminal trials before being convicted, in a 7-2 opinion that saw Trump-appointed Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch split once again.

>The court voted to throw out the conviction due to a prosecutor’s efforts to keep African-Americans off the jury in the cases against Curtis Flowers, who was tried for the 1996 execution-style murders of four people in a furniture store in Mississippi. He has been in jail for more than 22 years.

>Flowers' lawyers claimed a white prosecutor had a history of improperly excluding African-Americans from the jury. The court found that the removal of black prospective jurors violated Flowers’ rights.

>Kavanaugh, who authored the opinion, wrote that “the State’s relentless, determined effort to rid the jury of black individuals strongly suggests that the State wanted to try Flowers before a jury with as few black jurors as possible, and ideally before an all-white jury.”

>"The numbers speak loudly," Kavanaugh said in a summary of his opinion that he read in the courtroom, noting that Evans had removed 41 of the 42 prospective black jurors over the six trials. "We cannot ignore that history."


This is insane. Cuckvanaugh is basically saying that the guy probably did it, but there weren't enough negroes on the jury that convicted him, therefore, he can't be punished. The absolute state of modern American "conservatives"...

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Kavanaugh was a ringer. That liberal faggot Kennedy only resigned after meeting Trump to make sure Kanavaugh would get his seat.

>Evans had removed 41 of the 42 prospective black jurors
So? Niggers vote 90% for black candidates. It's a well-known fact niggers use nullification to keep their own out of jail.

What a terrible fucking ruling, the absolute precedent this sets. Jesus fucking Christ, get ready for this to come up in the future when the post hoc this onto every shitskin in prison. God fucking damn it.

MIGA boomers will defend this


This is really a good move and ill tell you why. When american whites become the minority they can use this play when the black lawyers keeps whites off the jury. Kav just got us a way out when we start murdering minorities. :)

Are you 'tarded? Those are the paragraph breaks from the news article itself.


>they can use this play when

That's not how the system works, user. If it gets to that point, the black judge who looks at the complaint will laugh and toss it out and possibly have court security beat you up for good measure.

> white people will surely rally around each other when they are a minority.

Whites are already a global minority. It’s not going to happen. Look at London if you want to know how it will really go down.

A jury of your peers, which won't work at all with blacks.

Kavanaugh confirmed for an accelerationist

I think he's just a civnat Boomer cuck. And there's no excuse for that, since he's actually a Gen-X'er, and should know better.

Enoch Powell was right. The black man does hold the whip to the white. I wonder if he thought he was just referring to England, or if he knew the entire west would end up this way.

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>It's a well-known fact niggers use nullification to keep their own out of jail.
fucking this. i was on a jury and a black drug dealer was on trial and the evidence against him was overwhelming. we had one black guy on our jury and he fucking refused to convict. he had absolutely no reason not to convict, all he said was he thought the guy was innocent. it was fucking disgusting.

>the leaf thinks the subhumans will be restrained by the constitution and precedent when they're in charge

>The court voted to throw out the conviction
>due to a prosecutor’s efforts to keep African-Americans off the jury
>Curtis Flowers, who was tried for the 1996 execution-style murders of four people in a furniture store in Mississippi.

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The US Constitution sucks at governing a nation filled with niggers. System is ridiculous.

We're as cucked as you sweds

Only whites obey the law and the constitutions. So if they become the minority, they will not be able to use this to their advantage.

>The US Constitution sucks at governing a nation filled with niggers.
yup. i can only imagine the number of blacks that have gotten set free because they had one black juror that hung the jury. i also heard that this type of thing is a sort of political movement, that when blacks get on a jury they are never to convict another black. there was an npr radio program about it where a black prosecutor was talking about how it pissed him off how black jurors would always fuck with him getting convictions but now HE'S in agreement with this behavior.

That's horrifying. What a terrible selection for the Supreme Court, was there really no one more appropriate?

>When american whites become the minority they can use this play
You are one stupid fucking leaf if you think shitskins are going to have any mercy on white cucks who were dumb enough to give their own countries away. Prepare to be haiti'd

Nobody ever claimed Kavanaugh was based. Jow Forums wanted Comey-Barrett. But Kavanaugh was not a fucking rapist and feminism is a front we can unite in despising.

>this is an old bot from the hearings, lol.

everyone in the legal community knew Kavanaugh was a moderate. He's the new Kennedy. I was convinced that with all the hearing hullabaloo Trump would withdraw him and put in that incredibly textualist female judge who made Scalia look like Ginsberg. Shame it didn't happen

Trump should have w/drawn Kavanaugh - a stupid drunk that cried and yelled and showed the committee a calendar he saved from High School that actually proved he was at the party - man's obviously an idiot. Bragged about all the minorities and women he helps. His mother a judge. Was a Bushy. Terrible.

Shame on a nigga that tries to run game on a nigga

so? convict the fucker without jury rigging and fry his ass then

>Republicans can literally nominate anyone
>nominate a moderate to "not be unfair"
How many times do the Democrats have to run laps around them before these retarded boomers understand? When the dems have the ability to nominate anyone they want, do they think they'll worry about rigging the SCOTUS in their favour?

The thing is, a "moderate" in the past would have realized that blacks are extremely tribal in things like jury decisions, and that forcing juries to include blacks just because a defendant is black is stupid and injurious to public safety. Today's "moderates" are absolutely retarded on racial questions, and would have been considered far-left extremists in the past.

>what could go wrong?

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MIGA boomers were the only faggots calling Kavanaugh 'based'. Trump only associates with swamp creatures.