
Why did Hitler kill such a loyal comrade devoted wholeheartedly to National Socialism?
Was this the beginning of the decline?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-15282A,_Ernst_Röhm.jpg (567x800, 128K)

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You can't have a stable society with faggots

Because he was a j*w

he already had the opposition of the general army, his only force being the sa. he needed the sa to be fully loyal and a counter-balance but the sa could have switched sides to his side. so he killed him and took the sa into under his own wing, achieving political balance.

Yes. Night of the Long Knives was the beginning of the end.

he did what the retards operating in consciousness told him to do

traduced from yeddish that mean he killed him because he was not OK with turning nationial socialism into a personality cult hell bent into destroying germany

Because his "We should be loud and proud" philosophy clashed with the "We should be low profile" philosophy of Hitler and his faction not to mention the Christian-Conservatives that dominated the German Army, Airforce and Navy.

One day this Christian-Conservatives came to Hitler and said: "We work with you but Rohm and the SA have to go"...and go they did.

Rohm was too honest about his faggotry and German society was simply not prepared for it not to mention the rest of Europe. Mussolini circle was disgusted at the homosexuality of the Nazi party and this was the main reason why the German-Italian alliance was so dysfunctional...Francisco Franco just told them flat out NO because his inner circle was even more anti-faggot than Mussolini inner circle.

With fags who are OPEN about it because Hitler and his circle were just as faggot as Rohm and his circle were...it's just that they were discret about it.

The Soviet Union was going to uberstomp Hitler and Europe from the get go.
Hitler admitted that himself.
Whereas Germany was still a growing nation, Stalin and Molotov spent everything they had in weapons, tanks and making sure they had numeric advantage