Tucker Carlson Thread!

A thread for /ourguy/ Tucker carlson. I don't see nearly enough love for this based talking head here. Now he's intervening on the obviously (((forced))) Iran issue. Let's have a thread to appreciate this truly based LAD

Attached: 1560996594217.png (1150x670, 732K)

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Bring back the bow tie.


You should hear him before he was on fox

I've always wondered what he was like in the past. When did he get redpilled? Before or after starting on fox
Does anybody know his actual political affiliation?

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Attached: Leafblower.jpg (600x400, 170K)

Tucker is a looser

>inb4 memeflag

Holy shit did he just call out the ADL?
This is getting too real

Praising the guy who convinced Trump to look like a coward
Tucker is an enemy of the US