Does this mean I'm smart?

I don't feel so smart tbqh. If I were smart I would do something with my life.
I do eel however that the higher the iq, the more leftwing one is.Sadly. Could it be because very smart people might have troubl e simplifying their thoughts and thus end up constructing and confirming bullshit ideals like communism? Thanks god I got red pilled, or else I wouldn't shitost on Jow Forums and probably be a commie too

The test is available online for free btw

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Other urls found in this thread:

>his IQ is so low he thinks online tests are legit

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125 is just smart enough to make you smarter than most people in the room, but not smart enough to genuinely deliver novel ideas, demonstrate predictive ability, depth of understanding of small changes in complex systems (2nd-3rd order effects.) If you had to sit through an MIT math lecture, you'd shrivel up and die of shame. Stay humble and don't be afraid to say "I don't know." It'll save you a lot of trouble later down the line.

it means you test well for on of the 7 types of intelligence...

No, you’re retarded

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uh oh lads, looks like we have a FUCKING GENIUS ON OUR HANDS HERE to tell us how stupid we are

it means you have autism son

If you have to ask then no

This just use your SAT score instead. It would be much more accurate.

The mensa tests are legit user. I got 180 on facebook ones.
Take it yourself.

This. 125 is good enough for middle management in the corporate world. You'll do fine, but you're not a genius. Mine was tested in college, is 142, but I don't feel smart most of the time either. I wish I could turn my brain off though, I do it with booze.

>7 types of intelligence
Aren't some of those a bit retarded tho? like kenetic for example - it kind of implies a tiger has high "intelligence" because of its ability to swiftly activate multiple muscle groups and jump up in the air to catch a piece of meat thrown at it.

It's okay, I'm humble and don't know some things, or actually a lot of things. My mother is a mathematician however so you might be wrong on that

Vroom vroom


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im too scared to take an IQ test

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That's what I literally did too ALL THE TIME so that I could start conversations without overthinking. Now that I quit cold turkey I gotta find another way, and although I can start conversations now I have trouble moving them from smol talk to deep stuff (the stuff I'm more interested to talk about anyway)

Hands up, I'm not that smart. Probably 110 at best. But I'm an oldfag and I've watched a fair number of people crash and burn because they overestimated their ability.

I thought Germans were suppose to be smart?

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kinetic isn't a type of intelligence.

According to neuroscientists the 7 types of inteligence are.

Logical (IQ test)

you might put body into kinetic but it's not the same.

An athlete has high body intelligence, but can still be fucking stupid.

Listen to classical music while you take it. Additionally I had fun doing it. Gl broskie. I'm looking forward to your result and thoughts on the matter and questions in the OP test

The most low IQ thing you can do is to take an IQ test.

Atleast I don't have autism lul
Anyway even in Germany the average IQ is like 108, so I'm good. Many german are also more optimizers than abstract wonder kids. We love to do practical work, so I think that even german engineers score at like 115 range

Take the test anyway. You might be surpised at the result. And your point is very valid. Noted

No, THIS means you are smart.

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btw the test is essentially bs, the lowest score score you can get on it, with all incorrect answers is 90. In reality functional people have IQ as low as 65, so maybe adjust your score by subtracting 35. This would put you at 90 and me at 108.

As far as I know, the last generation to be made aware of their IQ wih any accuracy was the American GenX folks who went through the SAT tests when they were a genuine proxy for IQ. 'No Child Left Behind' nuked that program, so we're all basically guessing these days.

Also referred to as bodily-kinesthetic which was what I meant.

I think I found what appears to be (((attempts))) to distort the whole race and IQ conundrum by including these retarded "intelligences".

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There is a flaw to the idea of IQ though, it's essentially pointless. All that really matters is merit and accomplishments. Look at the reports of "child scores 220 IQ", "Man has higher IQ than Einstein", etc.. but those individuals accomplish nothing in their life.

No the lowest score is 50 and the test is very accurate. You can take an offline test and you'll get a similair result

The only test you can substract that much points from are iq test people post on their facebook to be astounded att heir 160 iq. From like question 30 the questions get very tough on the test and the average person (85-115) cannot answer them

>IQ is pointless because it does not inherently equal success

Jow Forums is pinnacle of the dunning krueger effect so you're probably right, even if you're at average intelligence this board will rot your brain

The test is a joke
I randomly clicked through all of the questions and got the average russian iq

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My IQ was tested at 167 and I feel like a fucking moron continuing to live in this shithole reality. I should just kill myself, but I am even too lazy to do that.

No. 125 is midwit.

Oh, sorry my bad.. sloppy reading, the guy discarded the crazy notion of launching "sexual intelligence" as one area - I still maintain my position that "bodily-kinesthetic" is retarded and should not be considered an intelligence. That is literally brainlet and nignog coping and the elite is playing along.

Its funny because there is a legit university online IQ test, but people never seem to bother with them.

Probably give up half way after realizing how long it is.

not really. True geniuses always score high in most / all (Einstien/ Oppenheimer/ DaVinci)

If you only score high in one area you are "gifted" or a savant (if you truly suck in all others)

A musician can make great music and still suck at math and languages.

A comedian can use language to make me almost piss myself, but that doesn't make them smart.

A person with great sense of space and direction has good spacial inteligence, but can still be dumb as a rock.

I scored a 145 on my IQ back in the 90's I do not do shit with my IQ . 1425 SAT score didn't help either. Tried to teach cant stand kids....Now I cook go high IQ

I intentionally got every question wrong, the floor is 85

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I'm 1% """genius""" but a NEET with no skills

do you really think even with the best facilities and training ann all the time in the world you could ever run a marathon in under 4 hours?

Childhood IQ scores are irrelevent. A machine in the process of being assembled cannot be tested accurately. Everyone recognizes intelligence, and companies certainly select for it. The struggle for a good proxy that can be administered in a short time by untrained personnel is something that will keep scientists occupied for some time yet. NN Taleb has a few good critiques of IQ, based on the premise that the equation used to sort statistical signal from noise is a horribly flawed creation.

Well that’s because you’re a Russian rape baby. Now cope harder.

>click random
>get average score
who would've thought?

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High IQ with low every other cognitive trait is hell. May god have mercy on your soul.

if it's online it's bullshit. stupid kraut.

I thought u people were smart. went to germany and was surprised to find otherwise.

1. A critical part of any IQ test is the human administering the IQ test. Online tests are retarded for retards.

2. Lol you're dumber than me

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But it is, IQ is just a standardized comparison between people in relative intelligence. A high intelligence person is worthless if they accomplish nothing their entire lives, they're equal to a 65 iq aboriginal that sniffed petrol his entire life.

No, Taleb is a moron and most likely not more intelligent than you.
Watch alt hypes videos on his, he is the ultimate autist anyway
Ignore his parts about economics and politics. WHile he does know a bunch about biology and sociology, he's an absolute retard when it comes to economics.

Tы жe хoхoл тyпoй, oткyдa ты знaeшь чтo пpaвильнo?

i got a 6 hour long iq test by a psychologist and i got 125 lmao
130+ verbal comprehension and problem solving,
but i got a literal 89 iq for short term memory


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kek that's what i thought too, almost like they don't know what a standard deviation bell curve is.

Define “intellect” first. IQ tests is the way to detect your basic abilities to find patterns.

>If you had to sit through an MIT math lecture, you'd shrivel up and die of shame

Absolute bullshit. A 125 is probably avg for the class. Maybe above avg

My position is that there are in fact several different types of intelligences - but I would draw the line after (or maybe before) musical in your list.

You have to see my point of view - that you have to draw the line at some point otherwise it becomes ridiculous, should having green fingers be considered having a high herbal intelligence?

I would stick with Logical, Spacial and Linguistical (verbal) when I refer to intelligence and call everything else an ability.

fucking low IQ larper
these tests are developed for certain ranges most of the time
they don't test for the whole spectrum

because i took the IQ test and got a near perfect score (145 is perfect), i also have a good memory so i memorized each correct answer. My real results can be seen here


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Right, what actually matters is the IQ and applies intelligence. A theoretical mental capacity will not necessarily guarantee success in any field.
But it still is the highest predictor of life outcome which is why it's shouldn't be swept under the rug

Okay fair enough. The test is still accurate though and likely they stopped at 85 to not make people feel too uncomfortable with their result. Now you could say that they'd so the same with the high results, however let's keep in mind that the average IQ is 85 to 115 and an average person cannot answer the ast 15 questions, so only such a person who can, can get 130 +

Дaвaй cпaть иди пoкa y тeбя ecть eщё cвoя cтpaнa, caлo.

i got 113 on this test, i also took a test for the military one time and they told me i was above average and tested high enough for the highest percentile jobs like military intellegence

That's retarded and misses the entire premise of an IQ test. I suppose there's worth in it that it is a relative result but without an absolute number it's worthless for anything outside this specific test. It's equivalent to Facebook test that go up to 220, they'll still tell you a number but it's wildly off.

Additionally the reason why i bring this up is because OP was comparing his results to IQ results from other sources. That's why i said to subtract a substantial amount so it's a better comparison to outside sources. You must be too low IQ to understand.


That's like saying

>Oh lul I won the lottery. The chances cannot be 1 to 50 million then lul


>A high intelligence person is worthless if they accomplish nothing their entire lives
Well no shit. Any trait is worthless if you don't put into use. Your claim was that IQ is essentially pointless. Yet in reality, the persons who achieve significant feats, inventions and progress in their respective fields are almost always high IQ. Thus we must conclude that IQ matters a lot when it comes to success.

People who have taken that test and also a real life proctored test have said it is pretty accurate. +/- 5 pts

Many people actually reported lower scores in real life than what they got on that test. The avg Jow Forums IQ is likely significantly higher than the general population desu

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Navigating the website is part of the test.

Yes. The second one is too annoying to even look at.

Wanna know my favourite type of kitchen equipment?

sure, even the person you alluded to said sexual, cooking and Humor should not be considered forms of intelligence.

I would absolutely say social intelligence is a thing, same with bodily awareness,

i might tie bodily awareness and personal intelligence ( self awareness) as they are intertwined. .

A good way to define intelligence is the absence of physical activity. The more independent a trait is from the body the closer it gets to intelligence. You neither need quick reflexes to learn (most) languages(s), nor does it take a strong back to perform higher arithmetic. Your criteria of music would also fit nicely into this categorization as it requires both physical and mental fitness to perform or write. Most can learn to play the guitar, but very few of those reach the theoretical genius of Beethoven.

Let me rephrase what i meant then, measuring IQ is essentially pointless. All geniuses have high IQ but no all high IQ people are geniuses. A worthy individual will accomplish a lot with or without having their IQ tested so it's pointless to measure it. The only reason to measure it is to draw flawed inspiration from it, something you can always use as an artificial accomplishment such as "the smartest man in the world" who is by all means worthless except for his IQ score.

I'm familiar with Alt Hype. Taleb has published several mathematical papers that destroy the p-value as a useful tool for sorting signal from noise. Nobody has issued a rebuttal. That is what drives his attacks on IQ. I'm not wholly in agreement with him. Intelligence is recognised by everyone, and IQ tests appear to be reliably measuring something. But the p-values that psychologists rely upon to validate their field as science are statistical trash, and Taleb is right to pour scorn upon it.

US nog avg 85
white avg 100
'white' jew avg 115
rough numbers obviously

Is there any tell-tale signs that you are low IQ (or high IQ) without taking tests? At the very least, I like to think of myself as above average in IQ but you can never be sure.

That only tests your academic ability though which is easily exploitable. IQ tests are far more comprehensive

why are you so pissy toothpaste?

Me too user

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nigger, Ich wollte damit die Lächerlichkeit des Testes anhand seiner Auswertung der Antworten zeigen. Wenn ich, indem ich auf zufällige Antworten klicke, trotzdem einen mittelständigen IQ bekomme, dann zeigt es lediglich, dass der Test viel zu locker bewertet.
siehe mods dont ban please


[Spoiler]1st and 2nd dice are either added or subtracted, depending on whether the value of the 2nd dice in the row is larger or smaller than the 1st. If subtracted, the 3rd dice's value is written inside the die, so it has to be 4 (7-3) written inside, which only applies for Nr. 5[/Spoiler]

Posting here is a sure sign of being a member o the High IQ Master Race.
>t. Dunning-Kruger

Among whites? No. Remember, graphs are adjusted for diversity.

the only valid IQ tests are performed by neuropsychologists and are way more concise than any online test

>I don't feel so smart tbqh. If I were smart I would do something with my life.
underachievers are often the smartest.

Answering randomly still gives you a 1/4 chance to get a right answer. And since getting EVERY ANSWER wrong gets you an IQ of 85 in this test, getting 97 with randoms answers isn't really that off

The people who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by having people dummer rule over them

Meh...normie smart...about halfway below average for a poltard though. Get to studying idiom.

130 IQ here, guarantee it won't automatically give you success in life.
It might make it easier to do math or something; in my case I am astonishingly good at history, but really I don't think it gives you much of an advantage.
In fact, while lower IQ guys were having fun fucking bitches and getting laid I was reading piles of books, and that hasn't gotten me anywhere yet (granted I'm still in uni, having switched to comsci bc I decided money and starting a family was better than 'following your passion')

Actually getting 97 for random guess is near perfect.

The test ranges from 85 to 145, a difference of 60. There are 6 questions so guessing you have a 1/6 chance of getting it right on every question. 60*(1/6)=10


So randomly guessing you would get around 95 every time simply based on statistics and entropy.

> In fact, while lower IQ guys were having fun fucking bitches and getting laid I was reading piles of books.

You weren't having fun reading those pile of books?

MIT undergrad classes are not that difficult. Excessive EC's are what make the students overload and anhero

MIT teaches the same Multivariable, Elementary Differential Eq as any other high end uni. Just take away the curves provided to assist the dumb avg students at Uni and you've got your course.

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6 potential answers for a question, in case that wasn't clear.

It means you are university material.

I actually learned fluid dynamics watching MIT recorded course on youtube since my Uni professor was shit at teaching it. Overall it's fairly simple to follow and no different than uni classes anywhere.