Trump's Wall

What happened to the whole 'wall' thing? Did he build it?

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yeah he did, it's finished.

>Did he build it?
So fuck u

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land mines soon

land mines up your cunt

Declass next week
Barr is draining the swamp
oh, look, Ayyy lmaos

Mexico isn’t just paying for it, their government is now assessing whether to build it for us in exchange for some tariff relief. They are also gunning down illegals trying to cross from Mexico into the US. Still not tired of winning and your desperate shilling makes it all the sweeter

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By the time it's finished you're gonna be the ones jumping over it.

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So he didn't build it.

>Did he build it?

Spared no expese

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>their government is now assessing whether to build it for us in exchange for some tariff relief.

Lol no they very aren't.

Mexicans are hardcore people. I know America has plenty of people who would have shot them too, but the public backlash would have probably been too much. In Mexico nobody gives a fuck about truckload of migrants when everyday life is survival.

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Wall being built, illegals being deported en mass, war being avoided, Clinton being investigated, pedos locked up, economy bull rush, promises made promises kept.
Get fucked commies.

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There's no way that their policy is to gun them down, though. They say that a vehicle came under fire and only one kid died. Someone made a mistake or else there would have been more bodies.

>Wall being built, illegals being deported en mass

>Clinton being investigated
You're kidding right?

>pedos locked up
Why didn't he lock up his friend Jeffrey Epstein?

What timeline are you on

Maybe they just wanted to stop them and the driver agreed after few warning shots.


The situation at Mexicos southern border is much worse than it is at ours, so I wouldn't be surprised if they just had no fucking idea who was approaching them. For all they know it could be some gang or some fucking rebel group lol

He's in our timeline, it's just that the remaining hardcore Trump supporters totally don't give a shit about the truth. They're basically NPCs regurgitating blatant falsehoods and cheerleading.

They'll be "Winning" no matter what happens. Trump could get assassinated or sent to federal prison and they'd still be like "Trust the plan, promises made promises kept!!"

he gave it to israel

Is this what the MIGA-crowd is clinging too these days? A story about one of the daily mass shootings in that shithole Mexico?

It used to be an image of the 20 section of wall they've built in 3 years.

Not really.
Over the years W. Bush and Obama each put up hundreds of miles of shitty barriers.
As Trump came into office, and the talk of Trumps wall, even Congress wasn't against the idea of replacing all the old barriers with Trump's newer, more effective, "wall".
During the shutdown and future spending bill in which Trump caved like a faggot, he got permission to build about 50+ miles of new wall (but only where Dems allow). The deal also allowed for the replacement of the old barriers (which was always on the table).
So Trump go you 50+ miles of "new" wall.
Fucking useless faggot.

According to this site there has been allot of money available now and parts have been build or renovated. Its moving along nicely!

he's been stymied left and right by congress / the judicial branch to the point where he's now negotiating with foreign governments (mexico and guatemala) and getting more done that way.

you actually believed a jew?

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So how many miles have been built?

its being built. probably going to take 10 years though. Governments are slow, government projects are slower.

Mexico’s government fucking despises America. Why do you think they dump their underclass on us? They’ll never listen to a deal.

Mexico already said they won't pay for it many, many times. Guatemala is going to pay for it? Doubt.

What’s going to stop a democrat president from tearing it down?

>Governments are slow, government projects are slower.
Not when it comes to war/bombing countries

they're not paying for the wall, they're aiding in stemming the flow of illegal immigrants. Guatemala is becoming a safe third country so that we can send asylum seekers to guatemala instead of loosing them in our streets, and Mexico is ramping up their enforcement of their southern border in order to stop hondurans and shit from crawling through their country on the way to ours.

Congress passed legislation to build the wall in like 2004, and then never funded it. The "Wall" is law, it's just an unfunded law they passed in an effort to shut up the goyims. They'd need to pass legislation to tear it down...and then fund the demolition, lmao. would talk at least 15 years, given the current pace of jewishness.

It was built (in Israel)

>Guatemala is becoming a safe third country so that we can send asylum seekers to guatemala
How many asylum seekers have we sent to Guatemala?

Passing legislations is easy for democrats. Plus we don’t even have a proper wall anyways. Just a shitty fence that will probably won’t exist in the next decade. Meanwhile Israel gets a full fledged border using our taxpayer money.

>It’s another foreigner shills for their occupier episode

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No one really believes a politician.. it's all banter.. at least from my experience.

Also an interesting read!

The official also claimed that all wall construction projects are currently on pace when compared to the timelines of other government construction projects. Acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kevin McAleenan said during a Fox News interview in April that the administration is actually moving “aggressively” on wall construction.
“So normally for a federal project of this scope, from the time you get funded to starting, it’s over two years,” McAleenan said. “We’ve already built the [fiscal year] 2017 funding in less than two years. That shows how aggressively we’re moving out on this.”

So how many miles have been built since Trump took office in January 2017?

Ever seen a thread where shills are arguing with shills? Welcome to nupol

This is a section of "the wall" that was privately funded and is being built on private property copying the designs the government put forward.

How much of the wall has trump done got built? None. They did repair some existing fencing though and then lie all over fox for months about their progress.

Only 55 miles

He ordered an Emergency to build it, the Obama judge from Hawaii struck it down so we have to wait till the Supreme court approves it ( I think the ruling is in September)

>There are currently over 120 miles of new or replacement wall being constructed,

Thats a bloody lot! Shills will discredit this amount by saying that a 10 meter high steele barier isnt a wall. Also "replacement isnt a new piece of wall". The old ones were useless and ineffective.

Hundreds of miles being built already.
It's yuge


The new one is also useless and ineffective, illegal immigration is still at its highest. America needs something like what Israel has. Maybe then it will actually be successful. Sadly goyim don’t get the luxuries jews have.

>They’ll never listen to a deal.
and yet they're already responding to the mere threat of tariffs

Where at? Source?

>Did he build it?
yes, but it's in Israel.

How many miles of new wall, and where is it exactly? Do you have a source?

Pretty much. That incident was a whole non-thing over here.

Executive Order'd then five bazillion lawsuits happened; progress made but libs keep getting in the way.

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>yet they're already responding to the mere threat of tariffs
No they haven’t, they just said that so the US could shut up. If Trump actually had balls, he’d keep those tariffs until Mexico stops dumping their underclass on us. Spics will never listen to americans because they view them as “oppressors”


Lol, its finished alright.

It's being built right now.

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The dailycaller article I posted.

This, they would never come here if we didn't have welfare. I don't know how this has never crossed anyone's mind. Get rid of the welfare and then there's no reason to come here, its unironically easier to pass with neocons.

How many miles have been built and where exactly?

The wall is irrelevant now because every non-White who applies for asylum is immediately set loose into the country and given a work permit.

That looks like a rusted fence, not a “wall”. What Kris Kobach is currently constructing is actually an effective border wall. This thing will end up falling apart after a while. Gabs that wide are enough to fit a small child through.

It's been built in various bits and pieces across the border

How many miles does it say have been built and where?

How many miles and where exactly? Obviously it will be built across the border.

Yet another foreigner shilling for bullshit that isn’t happening. What’s with the sudden increase of European flags pushing this bullshit?

Your NPC recorder is stuck.Please reboot your system.

Your country has nationalist parties that are far more tough against migrants than Trump currently is. Worry about getting them into power. We don’t need some european cheerleader constantly sucking the dicks of our politicians.

>fence not wall

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Look you can argue all you want, facts are that Trump is building is and your shilling will not stop that.

nonwhite manlet teenager detected. go back to your hoi4 game babby

When was the last time you were even in the united states? Let alone at the border

>Fence is a wall
So you’re telling me that my garden fence that’s falling apart is an effective barrier?

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NPC? Ok, I'm just trying to get a straight answer. You're not even American. Why do you care?

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He first wants to rebuild other wall.

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>Jordan Peterstein

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I'm not arguing I'm asking for some proof of wall built other than some guy in Netherland's word.

dont worry, its just a miga shill with "meme" reactions here to slide you


it hasn't gone into effect yet. Just an example of how trump has had to go around our obstructionist judicial and legislative systems in order to actually protect the border.

>miga shill

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Hi shareblue

>It hasn’t gone into effect yet
In order words, he’s bullshitting

oldest shill trick in the book. kys nigger

The wall actually turned out to be the Mexican police that have murdered people trying to get into the USA

My country has migration camps were we store the fuckers. Camps that would trigger your lefty politicians.

>That looks like a rusted fence, not a “wall”.

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They’re doing a really shitty job because over 208k migrants were just released in Six Months. We are also expecting another million by the end of the year.

>Yet another foregin shill

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for you retarded city dwelling germ fuckheads, a "fence" can be snipped with cutters in 30 seconds, a wall cant.

>it hasn't gone into effect yet
Like the promise of the wall?
