My mother seems to think that the US is broken because she "works so hard" and gets paid 25k a year. I told her that if she wants to be wealthy then the country literally offers the freedom for every man and woman to achieve this through plain hard work that changes or helps benefit our society.
She simply laughs pretentiously and calls me a typical "dumb american", saying things like "well if every other country can give out free money and free college free this and that, why can't we?"
I told her that the only way to satisfy her demands was to leave the country and she told me that I was just as dumb as everyone else spewing the same line.
I proceed to tell her that the only way for this to happen is to tax the rich heavily including the working class. She then proceeds to say it is fine, but I counter with, "what if you won the lottery tomorrow? how generous would you be?".
She says something along the lines of donating about 25%. I laughed tremendously. I told her if she still supported socialism as a millionaire her wealth would be exhausted by 75%. She then said no that's not how it works and that the government should pay.
"Son, you are very naive every other country does this and its citizens are happy." Then go and fucking live in that shithole country you're worse then a nigger mom.
My girlfriend is the same way, but I could never get into this with her because she would obviously leave me.
Women literally have a dysfunctional brain. They would embrace anyone with open arms and rather sacrifice their own children to feel as if they have a high moral status. It's in there genes to unconditionally nurture everyone, but it's only because evolution had decided to allow them to be like this. Men are naturally more anti-social and weary and aggressive towards others because we are required to be. You're not going to allow some nigger into your tribe just because he seems nice, but until you fall asleep he rapes and robs your family.
The only men who support left ideas are the Jews and beta males who lack attention from women so they do anything to gain it, they would rather delude themselves into believing everyone is equal and deserves the same rights then think for themselves and their own goddamn families.
What are the proper steps to achieve prosperity for the future? Our future is desperately at stake here because of women and their fundamentally flawed biology.
Is fascism the only way? W-w-was Hitler right?
Benjamin Allen
Yes. Women are functionally insane.
Oliver Clark
>Then you stomped back to your room and slammed the door.
Jordan Gray
Well yeah, but back to my apartment.
Jordan Hill
Didn't the wealthy pay more taxes in the past?
Colton Jenkins
Your mother is right and you’re just some dumbass Ben Shapiro bot. Keep licking that corporate boot, serf. The wealth will trickle down eventually.