Going, going, gone: White people fading away without a whimper

Total US White population down for second year in a row. In ABSOLUTE numbers, not relative to other races.

It took Rome several centuries to collapse. It will take less than 100 years for the US. Amazing.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Have sex


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Exactly what Brenton Tarrant is trying to explain to you faggots.


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not to mention "white" here includes arabs, north africans, jews

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Most people on Jow Forums knew about it before Tarrant left highschool.

Social engineering is an amazing thing

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Turn this shit around pol. Let’s push big white family memes

It would take a million BTs to make a difference. Going after pathetic mudslimes as they pray. Pathetic.

The US has been around for over 250 years tho?

So which European country should euro-Americans emigrate to?

No most people on Jow Forums are zoomers who have no idea what the end of last century was like.

Exactly. And 250 years with the benefit of bountiful land and room to grow. This is how it ends.

wow he's such a genius

Well, white men can't even get laid unless they have Hollywood-perfect looks, let alone married with children. So it looks like we have to all die.

True. Whites are being displaced at record numbers by jews and niggers. Without action its over for white.

Attached: efd[1].jpg (403x392, 40K)

>Immigration by the Numbers -- Off the Charts
>Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - NumbersUSA.com
>Immigration, Numbers, NumbersUSA: For Lower Immigration Levels

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I'm hispanic but the next big enemy are the muslims desu, my based dad tells me to have at-least 3 kids so our people dont get replaced.

Whites voted for this, have for decades. Whites in the US do not hold democracy accountable, and this is the result.

White replacement wasn't an accident, it's been public, cultural and social policy. That's incredible. Our tax money has financed our own destruction. Pretty neat.

Kek. You're doing the replacing--who's going to replace your spic ass? Muslims? In the US? The only beheadings your children will fear will be those of Mexican cartels.

No I keep trying to red pill my father on facism and the state of society but hes a boomer, he still would rather be dead than red though.

>Whites voted for this, have for decades
No one I've talked to who was old enough to vote for Congressmen during the passage of Hart-Cellar have any idea what it is.

Really impressed with the African population. They managed to stay consistent despite all the odds.

>master race
>dying out passively
womp womp

>Displaced by black people
>When the black population only rises or falls slightly

Good goy.

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Not sure if I trust the news on this or not.Could easily just be a demoralization tactic.

Very fair to taunt Whites as the fade away, but know this, non-Whites have nothing to do with our destruction. This wasn't a victory by non-Whites over Whites on the battlefield or any other competition. Whites did this to themselves. Sure Whites were directed and pressured by Jews, but the fact that a mere 2% of the population could have destroyed a very capable and formidable people like Whites says a lot more about our weaknesses than about their strengths.

Trump was our last hope.
I remember how excited I was when he won.
That excitement ended after he caved on the shutdown and it's been non-existent ever since.
I don't want to bring a child into this world.

Find God

>Whites did this to themselves.
Thats a lot worse if true.

my new favorite site

And that's a good thing!

Of course, whites are to blame for their own destruction. A significant percentage of Whites would rather crucify themselves than to appear mean to non-Whites. Which other race welcomes its replacement? About 45% of White people do.

Defeatist faggot.

Whites need to rebuild our communities and families. Not claim that it's all over already. There are still at least 150 million whites in America, and in one generation, with each family having 5 children, it'll turn around.

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Empires go through cycles of 500 years.

Kind of good, that just means the subhumans will bare the brunt of the ''apocalypses'' to come.
They will be the ones dying from hunger and painful deaths unlike whites who currently just aren't having kids.

I'm African American but keep it up.

I guess there's something positive about being the first to drown on a sinking ship.


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It wasn't just LBJ that is responsible for this travesty. There were countless retarded sheep along the way on both parties that never stopped it. At some point through straight up propaganda they had to realize that it would be impossible that reverse what they had started with the 1965 immigration act. If you propose restricting immigration at all it will be called racist, because almost every single person we let into this country is non white. Maybe once spics get the majority they will do something to slow down immigration since they don't have any white guilt, but I wouldn't bet any money on that.

literally this.

>lumping all white people together
which white people? seems like its the white liberal city cucks who arent having kids. rural and suburban whites are reproducing just fine

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Going to have 4+ when I am financially secure and surrogacy doesn't cost over 100 thousand USD.

That is interesting as fuck. holy shit. You wouldn't happen to have any source on that would you? I totally believe it though.

and already Life sucks overpopulation and niggers and spicks War is the answer

you are stupid a million tarrants is 55 million dead moslems that would clean the USA times 5

It's sourced in red

The citation on the right edge of the image reads:

Sex only matters if it results in children.

Protip: it's not white genocide, it's white suicide.

White women refuse to have children, instead becoming corporate wage slaves and fucking around, and this is the result.

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>It took Rome several centuries to collapse. It will take less than 100 years for the US. Amazing.

Germany will need 10-20 years tops. This is the last german generation.

Name three things from the last century that whites made, maintained, and is worth saving.

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Correct. Look at what percentage of whites vote Democrat and it's almost the exact same.

Conservative whites will survive. Liberal whites are a genetic dead end, on their way to extinction.

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>when I am financially secure
so youre never having kids then?

Thats bullshit, hispanics are almost 45%. They lump them in as "white" so people dont get alarmed.

MUH JEWS. Blame yourselves white boi, face the fact, it’s your own empathy that led you down this path. If it was us chinese who wielded the power you had in the 19th-20th century, the world would be sinofied and yellow. You had your chance but your bleeding hearts blew it. Good news is the rest of the world is taking notice of your insanity, this liberal disease will not rise again, every other major race is just biding our time, when you’re at your lowest and your military is too pussiefied or weak to fight, it’s gonna be a bloodbath as chinese,poo-in-loos Muslims and hues battle it out. I suggest you polcucks with families pool money and build yourselves a vault to hide in.

This is a common trap that the wealthy and middle class Americans fall into. Poorer and lower-middle class people often have children despite the lack of money to afford more than one or two vehicles, a boat, an RV, the latest video game consoles, iPhones or other cell phones, and super computers.

Yep. White women are all going to college, becoming wage slaves, wasting all their time on male pursuits, instead of having children.

Meanwhile white female happiness keeps dropping as they take on male roles that they're not suited to. Then they go on social media and complain that it's men's fault that they're unhappy, when they've chosen to be a roastie instead of a mother.

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Yeah I saw that,it's from a blog. I read some blogs, but they usually give some source to something a little more deep than just them saying it.


True whites in the US must be around 40%

Pakis, Indians, Arabs, Jews, Iranians, North Africans, all of them are considered white by US census.

Better version

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Another one from the blog

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goddamn spics and their third world catholicism niggery

>ukraine getting more white

I for one cant wait to see the global Haiti tier society that rises from the ashes

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Does "US population" include illegals? Anyone know?

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That will be the end of society. The remaining governments will just control the mutts like slaves

Yes. Democrats are trying to stop Trump from adding citizenship to the census

you're actually describing millennial men
Zoomers and Xers need to cull all millennial males

isnt it just boomers dying out, or veteran faggots killing themselves

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Synarchism will save us all.

If that's legitimate, then there it is. The decline has started. Not just ratios or percentages, but actual numbers. Less people, which is unprecedented.

>Whites voted for this
Wrong. They just voted for Trump because he said he would fight to stop it. It was never once voted for.

you can't deport all those shitloads of shitskins, and the racemixing can't be undone, nothing can be undone, what's the point of being redpilled

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>Have sex
And impregnate

A large percentage of whites do vote for this and continue to vote for this. They're called Democrats.

They absolutely did. Electing Reagan, Bush, etc

Only because they are taught to by Jews influencing society. Women naturally want kids. Practically all of them. That's the default.

I don't really disagree with that, but the thing that for me personally made me think this is accurate is this recent case of timothy jones jr. I've been kind of obsessed with the case for the past couple weeks, and it sort of mirrors this reasoning, although this is just one case I'm sure it does apply to more than one sample.

This guy was smart. Got a bachelors in computer engineering and went to work at IBM. Made a fairly decent wage, and married his either HS dropout, or just HS wife young. So he was smart and made good money, she was retarded and made no money. This guy had some serious mental issues though, either caused by head trauma or religious indoctrination, or some sort of mix of the two.

For years he made his wife home school his kids. Keep in mind this woman has at most a HS education and maybe not even that. He basically treated his wife how you would imagine your average muzzie would treat their wife. Always shitting on her, calling her a slut and whatnot.

After a few years they get a divorce. Since she's so retarded and he makes good money he demands the kids to get back at the mom. Make her feel guilty etc.

long story short he goes crazy and strangles all 5 of their kids and drives them around in his car for days on end rotting the place up to no end before dumping them in some pit, after he got a weak stomach trying to cut one of the kids up.

Riveting stuff.

If he killed his kids to get back at his wife for divorcing him, I'd say he won. Her whole life is ruined. I think most muzzie women would have just stuck it out, and let their kids live.


good, purge the genepool of these weaklings first before we increase the birthrate, we need eugenics


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Who cares if spics are majority and then immigration is slowed down? You'd be browned by then.

Keep sucking white women's dick, it worked so good this far.

I'm guessing once the spics get the majority they'll want to keep this country a catholic country like the rest of the western hemisphere. Canada will probably be the one non catholic holdout at that point.

Obviously all would be lost at that point, but I was just thinking of possible ways we could reverse 1965, and that seems like the only somewhat reasonable way to me. Catholics probably wouldn't want a bunch of mudslimes, hindus, and atheist chinks to come here.

Good image you have there. Resistance begins with the individual. No one is coming to save you; you must save yourself.

All jews working together to eradicate whiteness


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This pic is so depressing because it's true. I was a virgin when I met my gf almost 4 years ago and she fucked almost a dozen dudes before me. Am I cuck for feeling jealously about it? It slowly eats always at me, but at the same time shes hot as fuck so why wouldn't guys want to bang her at any chance they get?
She stays faithful so I try to forgive about her being a sloot in the past. It feels good to see guys stare that want to fuck her but in the end I'm the one to always bang her now.

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dont worry, when there are not enough whites to feed niggers and mexicans there will be a massive dieoff

As if being catholic/non-catholic matters. Religion being the opiate of the masses and all....

>you can’t deport all the shitskins and mutts
They all got here somehow, didn’t they? That means they can go back.

past doesnt matter as long as you have kids with her

This is just what we need. Nature is providing a mass culling so that evolution can burn the weak from our race. I view this as a positive thing. My children will inherit an improved gene selection pool. The next generation will be much improved and less weak than our current generation. Their survival instincts will sharpen too as other races force them to struggle for scarce resources. Suffering shall give them strength of character.

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>without a whimper
>not with a bang
>not with a shout
>quietly without a fight

Barbara Spectre was always right, the crazy rabbis that claimed this exact thing (the goyim will perish without a fight, they will not even see it coming) were always right. everybody thought they were insane. they were fucking right.
and we all see it now. greater israel soon.

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only asians can save us now