Name a better leader

Name a better leader.

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He killed over 40 million of his own people, the only worse leader is fucking Mao who somehow killed more.

Angela Merkel

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Fight me.

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nazis not allowed

It's not the destination, It's the journey and the degenerates and jews killed along the way.

Him but 70 years later.

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Me. I lead my turds to victory into the toilet this morning.

He killed millions of based farmers and others for no reason, who cares if you get some jews if it means killing 5-6x as many normal people

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He didn't kill them for no reason you tard. They killed 70% of the livestock of the ukraine and burned a shit ton of grain, causing a famine. Just because they had to deal with lower profit margins. There is literally nothing wrong with murdering capitalists, or in this case letting them starve to death.

to be honest, those weren't strictly speaking his own people

Hey I'm not saying he did nothing wrong but you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.

>Name a better leader.

>nazis not allowed
Jews aren't allowed

>He didn't kill them for no reason you tard.
He killed them because Communism is evil, Jewish and anti-White

Stalin killed him. I don't think you can claim to be better than someone who btfo'd you every step of the way. Next.

Sergei Kirov, possibly, but we'll never know because he was assassinated by the NKVD in the most ham-handed assassination plot ever.

>Stalin killed him
Stalin didn't kill Hitler.

>I don't think you can claim to be better than someone who btfo'd you every step of the way. Next.
Jews and their enablers cannot BTFO of anything.


Trotskyites BTFO

Lenin was a Jew.

Trotsky was a Jew.

Michael Collins, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Lenin. Need I go on user? Stalin was a fucking maniac that was so good at leading he got to lie in a pile of piss and shit for 2 days being dead because his PEOPLE were afraid of him. If you think a good leader strikes fear into the heart of his own comrades you're a fucking mistake and you're mother should have swallowed you.

Stalin was a Jew.

>Stalin was a Jew.
Jury is still out on that (and if he actually fathered a Jewish daughter). What is true though is that he fucked a Jew, was surrounded by Jews and made antisemitism a crime punishable by death. And of course he was a Communist, which is a Jewish ideology.

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>Lenin was a Jew.
don't care

>Trotsky was a Jew.
literally working with fascists to bring down the soviet union. I don't think you can say he was operating on a higher plane of existence.

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>don't care
Of course you don't care about Jewish subversion of White nations. You're anti-White.

>literally working with fascists to bring down the soviet union. I don't think you can say he was operating on a higher plane of existence.
And yet Trotsky was still a Jew, therefore anti-White.

Just like Communism.

>impose communism so everyone starves
>finally lose weight

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What a fucking lie! If you do include famine deaths it's still around only 10 million but if you don't include famine deaths it's fucking no one but worthless criminals who died in the gulags.
Read No it isn't you dumb Capitalist cunt. The Jews are the ones hoarding the wealth, not the white people. Communism is anti-Jewish in nature.
They were still anti-Jewish in nature.
Fuck you. Trotsky was good.
You should read actual Marxist theory which you clearly haven't. Marxism is BASED.

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my grandfather, he led in 2014 my father and my uncles to make best grill ever

>No it isn't
Of course it is. Communism is Jewish in its creation, implementation and beliefs.

I'm not a capitalist.

>The Jews are the ones hoarding the wealth,
Capitalism is just as Jewish and anti-White as communism. You want to replace one group of Jews with another group of Jews.

>Communism is anti-Jewish in nature.
Communism's nature is Jewish because Communism was created by Jews.

>They were still anti-Jewish in nature.
They can't be anti-Jewish because they're Jews.

>You should read actual Marxist theory which you clearly haven't. Marxism is BASED.
Marx is a Jew. Therefore he's inherently anti-White.

>Trotsky was good.
Trotsky was a Jew and for that reason alone did not belong in any White nation.

>Fuck you. Trotsky was good.
He really fucking wasn't. Dude the guy was honestly a nutjob. He felt like the soviet union belonged to him and would stop at nothing to bring it to heel, even if it meant destroying any revolutionary potential. I can provide some sources if you want me to, but he didn't care about anything ideological. He felt Stalin had taken his rightful place and anything was justified at that point.

Stalin was not Jewish but Ossetian and Georgian, but he was ethnocentric just like a kike nonetheless. He placed an Ossetian in charge of deporting Chechens, and never laid a finger on his own ethnic groups, or jews for obvious reasons.

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>Dude the guy was honestly a nutjob.
Just like all Jews.

>He felt like the soviet union belonged to him
Because Jews believe everything in the world belongs to them.

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>but he didn't care about anything ideological
You're right, he cared for his own ethnic group first and foremost.

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>Name a better leader.

Omar Bradley
Harry Truman
Ronald Reagan
John Kennedy
Margaret Thatcher
John Major
Angela Merkel
Pierre Trudeau
George H. W. Bush
Barack Obama
... And anyone else not named Stalin, Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler

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90 million people died due to Stalin. He's a horrible leader that lead the death of his union.

look at the liberal faggot and laugh. lol

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The Virgin Stalin, hiding his deformed arm. Fitting really, stalin was deformed, so are most of his admirers

>a better leader

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>gets poisoned
>dies like a bitch
>received financial support for the US and the Bongs
>saved by the WEATHER
oh yeah, no, great leader m8
Hitler killed himself in panic before Red Army could dig that rat from his bunker.

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>commie think images like these will get people to accept their Jewish and anti-White ideology.

>Posts a picture of another anti-White, Jewish communist.

Saved by the weather all thanks to the Allied invasion of Italy which delayed the Germany offensive by months.

>Hitler killed himself in panic before Red Army could dig that rat from his bunker
More Jewish lies.

Next you'll be saying that Jews belong in White nations.

he's not even the best Georgian one

Literally anyone.

Why do commies always get btfo'd so quickly? It's honestly pretty entertaining to watch them grasp at straws.

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this big dick

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Reasonable people can disagree about President Obama, but he was clearly a much better leader than Stalin. Plus I added his name because it always triggers the conservative retards like you.

Adolf Hitler.

Correct answer

>Why do commies always get btfo'd so quickly?
Because they don't understand Jow Forums.

They think their Communist lies can gain traction here while they ignore the Jewish question and racial reality (two issues that are at the core of Jow Forums's beliefs).

So when we point out all the Jews in Communism they either try to claim that the Jews don't matter (which makes them anti-White) or that Communism is even more antisemitic than National Socialism (it's not).

And then when we point out racial reality, they either try to claim that race doesn't matter (making them anti-White) or that Communism is more racialist than National Socialism (it's not).

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>Reasonable people can disagree about President Obama, but he was clearly a much better leader than Stalin.
In the sense that he didn't slaughter tens of millions of people.

>Plus I added his name because it always triggers the conservative retards like you.
I'm not a conservative, faggot.
How is it Jews' fault Hitler couldn't lead his nation to victory?

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There’s nothing wrong with killing commies, shooting up communist gatherings is the work of heros, everybody you claim to represent hates you, you destroy the white race and the western world, you benefit nothing by sitting on your ass all day and LARPing for your bullshit acting like you’re very special when your a useless slug on the bottom of the rock of society

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>How is it Jews' fault Hitler couldn't lead his nation to victory?
It's the Jew's fault that Communism was created and of course the internationalist Jews hated Hitler because he denied them control and money in Germany.

It took the entire world controlled by Jewry to defeat Hitler.

Communism collapses all on its own.

Because Communism is unnatural and tyrannical.

Proof you’re a middle class bitchy emcel whore, such arrogance from scum

>can't even create a nuclear reactor that doesn't explode.
>thinks commies will create lightsabers.

and of course the lightsaber colored red aka the bad guy color.

Why do you retards get so triggered by communism? We only wanna kill the people who have not what they deserve and refuse to engage in a fair society. That's all the bolsheviks did. That's all Stalin and Lenin did. They only killed far right extremists and obscene capitalists. Holy shit.

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He was a jew

Not really Lenin and Trotsky for that matter where far too idealistic for the Soviet Union. Lenin was smart enough to even regret what the revolution had become in his final days however he refused to reverse course while their was still time. Likewise the disasters that occurred during the interwar period prove how flawed policy was under Lenin and Trotsky with the humiliating war with Poland being the cherry on top. Stalin on the other hand was far more of a realist Stalin was like taking a jack hammer to a brain surgery brutal and simple, but it will get you to the brain if nothing else. Ironically Stalin's biggest fuck up would lead to his ultimate successes.

the purge of the military would leave the soviet armies like a chicken when its head cut off in ww2, but some of those same men where the ones who failed in wwi and the war with Poland and the men who replaced them better understood the war they had with the germans. The shitshow that was the winter war was although pointless and embarrassing shown the Soviets how flawed their military was at that point. from the t-26, 28, and 35 tanks they believed would be war winners, but proved to be shit to copying finish skitroops and snipers. Stalins not one step back policy although costly allowed the Soviets to hold on and win battle they may not other wise had. And of course the bloody modernization of Russia that came at great cost of life, but undoubtedly allowed the soviet to beat the germans.

Stalin dragged Russia kicking and screaming into the modern era and likewise did more good then harm even if unintentionally

>Why do you retards get so triggered by communism?
You're anti-White, pro-Jewish and want to destroy the White race.

>We only wanna kill the people who have not what they deserve
You want to kill off the White race.

> That's all the bolsheviks did.
Bolsheviks were Jewish.

>That's all Stalin and Lenin did.
Stalin was a Jew fucker and Lenin was a Jew.

>They only killed far right extremists and obscene capitalists. Holy shit.
Yes, Judeo Communists want to kill White people.

>He was a jew
No, Hitler was not a Jew.

They murdered the successful and starved the poor, they murder their own men women and children stealing the food from their hands. They murder people who collect wealth through their hard work for being unfair to others when they did no such thing as cheat others. You assume all rich people somehow cheat and lie and steal from other to gain their wealth

Don't waste your time on this fool. Somebody will put a bullet in the back of his head whether it be his own "comrades" or someone else who's fed up with his shit and decides to administer him late term euthanasia. Either way, he'll die. And since we're on the brink of a civil war, his chances of dying have shot up tenfold.

There has never existed a more fair society than Stalin's soviet union in the early 50's. Literally everyone could afford to attend galas and be a learned individual. The people who received the most reward were the creative types. It was the peak of human society. The kulaks were the literal scum of humanity. Their business operation was the quintessential higher phase of capitalism, money making money. They mostly made money because they were the only ones who could afford to buy higher quality tools and then rented them out to farmers. They were rent seeking scum.

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>There has never existed a more fair society than Stalin's soviet union in the early 50's.
Jewish ideologies cannot be fair.

>It was the peak of human society.
Jews aren't human.

>The kulaks were the literal scum of humanity.
>They were rent seeking scum.
You say that about all White people.

Germans themselves had no issues funding revolutionaries in Russia when it suited them in WW1. Their country has no excuse to blame Jews about Communism.

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Couldn't help but notice you didn't disavow being retarded. I think I've proved myself point.

Game, set, match.

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If I was in charge of society people like you would most likely have a healthy mindset.

>Couldn't help but notice you didn't disavow being retarded.
I pay your anti-White hatred no attention.

>I think I've proved myself point.
That Communism is Jewish and anti-White? Yep.

>Germans themselves had no issues funding revolutionaries in Russia when it suited them in WW1.
Germans and Russians are White. Communists and Jews are not.

> Their country has no excuse to blame Jews about Communism.
Considering that without Jews there'd be no Communism and all Jews are anti-White.

*proved my point

>If I was in charge of society
Well you're not and never will be.

>people like you would most likely have a healthy mindset.
I already do. An antisemitic and anti-Communist mindset is healthy.

Hitler and Goebbels funded a shit ton of german nationalists in the ukraine. They were more than fine with sending foreign agents into the soviet union in fact they were shocked at its resilience all the way through. They thought slavs are simple minded dumbshits who can be persuaded like it was nothing.

Communists don't have any points so you can't prove anything.