Is Free Palestine something that you would support? From what I've heard, they aim for jews and israel in general...

Is Free Palestine something that you would support? From what I've heard, they aim for jews and israel in general, which seems pretty sweet. However I'm not exactly sure of all the things people who support it are actually supporting it for.

Attached: free-palestine-end-israeli-occupation-d0012406063.png (1000x1000, 175K)

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Of course I support it. Fuck Israel.

I would unironically love to see Palestinian men impregnate helpless Jewish women once they make them into sex slaves.

Palestine doesn't exist

No, Palestinians are just Egyptians, Jordanians or Lebanese Arabs that want to be terrorists.

They are worse than Jews, they just don’t have as many connections in the US.

It has more of a right to exist than Israel

Yeah but until they do something about it who cares.


Attached: 1505432735135.gif (162x286, 1000K)

Anybody who kills Jews is a friend in my book. Even if they’re Muslim

Everyone deserves their own state, land or country that recognizes them as people and serves to protect their freedoms and rights. Why the Arabs aren’t helping their own people in Palestine is beyond me but that doesn’t make slaughter of innocents okay especially when they don’t know or care about those in power of other nations who would wish them harm.